Motoring Discussion > What next - Green Shield stamps? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 62

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
Filling the CC3 at a Shell station on the A1 today I noticed they are giving away glasses.

When was the last time? About 25 years ago?

I remember collecting six wine and six sherry glasses.

They were OK, but seemed to break easily.

Anyone still using petrol station glasses - or any other giveaway?

Come to that, what other things were given away?

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - VxFan
Still using my trusty air compressor I got with my Esso tiger tokens back in the late eighties. As well as that, I still have some TDK blank cassettes in the drawer somewhere, also bought with the tiger tokens.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Zero
I still have some glasses from the last giveaway in the 70s

I have seen the new ones. They are very flash but you have to pay for them.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
I have a BP mug - a perfectly hideous turd coloured thing - but comforting in many ways. Circa 1984.
Last edited by: Hondadriver on Sat 27 Feb 10 at 21:02
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - spamcan61
I've still got some coffee mugs from Shell (IIRC) around '87. I used to give the girl in the garage a lift home now and again in my nice new shiny Cavalier Commander, in return I got about 1 mug per gallon I bought or thereabouts.

About all I got though :-((

Just off to check if the garage is still there via Google earth...
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
...They are very flash but you have to pay for them...

Ah, apologies for my OP which is a bit, er, misleading, alright, it's wrong.

I only saw the poster which said something like 'new glasses to collect'.

We can still have a thread about filling station giveaways.

One thing I did get as a child was a Texaco Flyer - a polystyrene kite.

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
Specsaver Iffy ?
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Zero
can you read the bottom line sir, the one that says £1.99 in small print.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
...Specsaver Iffy ?...

That reminds me, I'm sure one of the filling stations gave away dark - or driving - glasses.

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - rtj70
My brother when he still lived in the UK (so over 16 years or more) had a fully expensed fuel card and did crazy mileage. Most of it was private. He used to drive to fill up where he was collecting points... so ignored the shell garage at the end of the street.

I commented on the mural on the road on one of the Welsh valleys in the 70's before. It read 'Jesus saves...' and someone had later added 'GreenShield Stamps'.

I get Tesco Clubcard points and get 80 Airmiles per £2.50 voucher.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - -
My daughter is still using the Mitsubishi (bombproof) nicam video recorder i got using BP options vouchers in the early 90's, i got several other expensive items too which considering i was putting about 300 litres a day in soon added up.
Only surprised the taxman didn't spot it as an unearned perk.

The chore of sticking green shield stamps in those little books though.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - bathtub tom
>>Only surprised the taxman didn't spot it as an unearned perk.

SWMBO has been stopped from buying tea,coffee, milk etc for works comsumption at the same time as the weekly shop. She's been told the loyalty card points are an unfair perk. Someone has to go out and get them in works time from petty cash.

You couldn't make it up!
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Zero
If your works tea and coffee is paid for out of petty cash, thats a benefit in kind and your workforce have to pay tax on it.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - -
>> If your works tea and coffee is paid for out of petty cash thats a
>> benefit in kind and your workforce have to pay tax on it.

This and Looseat Len's post above make the blood boil....considering just how much so many of our leaders have lifted from the till over the years.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - jackdaw
Hi there I am trying to locate a texaco flyer kite from the 1970s in any condition does any one know where i can find one??
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
...I am trying to locate a texaco flyer kite from the 1970s...

I recall bugging my mother to fill-up at a Texaco station so I could get one of those.

Very flimsy construction, I doubt you'll find one in airworthy condition, if you can find one at all.

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.

May be worth having a word with these guys
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - MD
TDK. Always the best. Never mind Tiger tokens.......what about the Tiger tail!!

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Arctophile
I still have a whole set of model sports cars: Ferraris, Jags, Porches etc. They came from Shell petrol stations... must be 20 years ago.
Last edited by: Arctophile on Sat 27 Feb 10 at 21:31
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Bellboy
>> TDK. Always the best. Never mind Tiger tokens.......what about the Tiger tail!!
>> MD
>>>>>>>> sorry disagree, best tapes were basf closely followed by fuji depending on the tape machine you had
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
You found us then Martin ??
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
...You found us then Martin ??...

Well, he said he was going to come round on Monday, but didn't turn up.

Then he promised faithfully it would be Wednesday, but the van broke down...:)
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - rtj70
>> Well, he said he was going to come round on Monday, but didn't turn up.
>> Then he promised faithfully it would be Wednesday, but the van broke down...:)

Well he got here in the end. I have some questions for him soon ;-)
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - MD
>> ...You found us then Martin ??...
>> Well he said he was going to come round on Monday but didn't turn up.
>> Then he promised faithfully it would be Wednesday but the van broke down...:)
Hey!...Just picked these messages bunch of 'P' taking whatsits.........................So glad ya haven't lost the edge though! Forward Comrades, forward.......

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - tyro
I collected BP tokens in the early 90s. I got some glasses and a couple of mugs.

We still have most of the glasses. One of the mugs got broken about a year ago, but the other mug I have become curiously attached to, and I use it every day, morning, noon, and night. (We have a few dozen mugs in the house, but I rarely use any of them.) About once a week, my wife manages to prise it off me and it goes into the dishwasher and gets a clean.

Yes, I know I'm daft.

p.s. Hello, Martin! Good to see you.
Last edited by: wildernessman on Sat 27 Feb 10 at 21:39
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
It was "my" mug in work for years - brought it home and despite zillions of clear-outs in the last year has survived c/w tea stained base - funny how something so mundane is so comforting...

Oh yes I have a 1989 Esso pint glass...>!
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
I have a pint glass stolen, not to put too finer point on it, from British Rail.

It has their old double arrow symbol neatly etched on the side.

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
off the rails then ?
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - rtj70
Was in a British Rail train or ship though. I remember seeing some 70s sitcom once and being surprised to see the BR logo on a ferry.... I then used wiki. I was only born in the 70s mind. In my defence m'lord.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - spamcan61
Speaking as a trainspotter of sorts I feel duty bound to point out that the arrows on the logo used on the ships were reversed compared with the choo-choos. A spectacularly uninteresting fact and no mistake.

I'm now wondering if they bothered reversing the logo on the glasses....
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
...I'm now wondering if they bothered reversing the logo on the glasses....

Depends on which side of the glass you look through. :)
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
I'm well impressed and will suitably impress someone else with that fact.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy the rails then ?...

Happily, the Great Pint Glass Blag of 1970-something-or-other did not to lead further offending.

Neither have I seen it mentioned in the same breath as The Great Train Robbery, so I tend to think the impact on the victim was minimal.

Last edited by: ifithelps on Sat 27 Feb 10 at 21:52
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
Doubt whether knacker would come to leafy Yorkshire to feel your collar !
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Zero
My friend has a british rail ham sandwich he stole some years ago. He uses it as a hard surface to stop the side stand on his Triumph marking the paved drive.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - iain.borland
>> I have a pint glass stolen, not to put too finer point on it, from
>> British Rail.
>> It has their old double arrow symbol neatly etched on the side.


If it is Hexagonal or Octagonal with a handle I would love to purchase it if at all possible. My dad broke his BR pint glass on Saturday (it fell out of the dishwasher) that he stole 46 years ago on the one way train journey he made to London when he was 21. He loves his ale and drinks out of it almost daily. He is understandably upset...

Let me know if you might be interested and I would be very pleased to discuss.
Best regards

email me through the moderators if it is. Thanks.

Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 3 May 11 at 01:15
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Bromptonaut
During the 70's the Mrs Bromp to be lived in Stoke but her Dad worked in Stafford. A forty mile daily round trip in a 25mpg Moskvich soon racked up the glasses tokens.

The "won" glasses were stored in a cupboard in the hallway; still have around a dozen in our loft.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Bellboy
bet your glad you still dont have the moskvich though
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Iffy
Some farming friends - two brothers - had a Moskvich van or pick-up each as a yard hack.

They did that job well enough.

If I recall correctly, Moskviches were about £500 to £700 at a time when a Mini van was around twice as much.

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Bellboy
i was reminded only yesterday of the day my mates brand new moskavichy van exploded the windscreen out at about 10 days old
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Dave_
My dad's still got the Shell (or were they Esso?) tumblers and wine glasses from the mid-80s. with the square pattern on them. And in his loft there are some of those multi-coloured foil Christmas tree decorations which were given away at something like one per £6 of fuel.

Tiger tokens were only just still around when I started driving, but these days I don't do enough miles to place brand loyalty ahead of price in my petrol-buying decisions.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Runfer D'Hills
I fill up more or less every 48 hours. Places which give Nectar points get favoured since Shell stopped being as attractive. Only trouble is "She" has worked out that she can spend the points in Sainsburys. I'm thinking of hiding her card.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Ted

Me old Mam smoked Kensitas Ciggies...remember them ? You got tokens.
Cost her about 3 grand for an iron in 1960 ! ( She didn't drive...motoring link )

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Bellboy
my mam smoked no1"s and i remember it took her 10 years to get an irony board
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
She could have built her own table using the matches she'd struck !
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Zero
I smoked no10's and no6's. I dont remember no1's.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Bellboy
embassy no1 Zero :-)
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - PhilW
There is a bowl in my shed which I always use for mixing Polyfilla etc which I got with GS Stamps in 1972! (I remember the year because it was the only year I had a company car)
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - CGNorwich
"it took her 10 years to get an irony board"

The old 60s joke joke was That's a nice iron lung where did you get it?

"Embassy coupons"

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - MD
>> During the 70's the Mrs Bromp to be lived in Stoke but her Dad worked
>> in Stafford. A forty mile daily round trip in a 25mpg Moskvich soon racked up
>> the glasses tokens.
>> The "won" glasses were stored in a cupboard in the hallway; still have around a
>> dozen in our loft.
Hate to say it, but my 'Won' glasses were (are) in fact, Whisky water jugs. OK I was young. Never did anything really 'orrible though.

Now, I understand that Laphraoig do a Jug>>>>>>>>>>>>>

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - smokie
Saw loads of tiger tails last weekend in London at the Chinese New Year celebration (Year of the Tiger now) I did wonder whether they were leftovers from the ones which used to adorn the back seat rest and tall mirrors of my Lambretta Li125 in the early 70's!
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - rtj70
Showing your age now Smokie. In the seventies I was a child collecting smurfs.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - henry k
I saw some grayish earthenware soup bowls in a charity shop the other day.
IIRC they too were some sort of give away but not sure which decade.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Snakey
Ahh I remember collecting the Smurfs! Who was it who did those?
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - rtj70
My father was a bus driver so I guess he got them with fuel... but he also knew someone who ran a garage too mind.

I think it was National. ( )
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 1 Mar 10 at 13:50
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - MD
Smokie, do you have any pics of the Lambretta?

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - smokie
I suspect not, but will look, Martin.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Mapmaker
Zero>>If your works tea and coffee is paid for out of petty cash, thats a benefit in kind and your workforce have to pay tax on it.

Not if it is available to all employees. Then it is not treated as a BIK.

 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Mike Hannon
40-odd years ago my father was a UK/Europe trucker and when I was first married we bought loads of stuff for our house with the gigantic number of GS stamps he brought home when buying diesel.

Carrefour over here is now getting people to collect and stick in stamps again, in exchange for household items. Plus ca change...
Last edited by: Mike Hannon on Sun 13 Nov 11 at 12:07
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - CGNorwich
Remember a sort of hyper-inflation in the stamp world. There were pink stamps as well as green I think. One moment it was double stamps then treble and it ended up with places giving tenfold or more.

The whole stamp scene collapsed when Tesco stopped giving them. The Green Shield redemption stores morphed into Argos catalogue stores
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Dulwich Estate
"The Green Shield redemption stores morphed into Argos catalogue stores"

I'm reminded of the early Comet stores, I guess 1976 - 1978 ish. They were like a basic Argos today - a little newspaper showing the prices, a few items on display, but fixed down so you couldn't alf-inch them and a dull wooden counter where they served you with stuff from out the back.

They were cheap then.
Last edited by: Dulwich Estate on Sun 13 Nov 11 at 15:00
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - R.P.
Maybe they should have stuck to the model.
 What next - Green Shield stamps? - Zero
>> Maybe they should have stuck to the model.

They have done OK, the UK electrical retailing scene is littered with failures, too many to mention, but Tempo, Empire Direct to name but two.
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