Motoring Discussion > A question worthy of WP Specialists
Thread Author: WillDeBeest Replies: 7

 A question worthy of WP - WillDeBeest
Heard about this on the R4 news this evening. Poor newsreader was fighting off an attack of the Charlottes.

Fortunately, we have an expert in the house.
 A question worthy of WP - Westpig
I think i'd quite like the one from the Philippines..;-)
 A question worthy of WP - Fullchat
I remember these:

Bit pathetic but it was all there was.
 A question worthy of WP - Zero
>> I remember these:
>> Bit pathetic but it was all there was.

Before that, even more pathetic, the Winkworth Gong.
 A question worthy of WP - Westpig
>> Before that, even more pathetic, the Winkworth Gong.

Erm....cough...I've driven vehicles with them in.

An old Hillman Hunter that appeared out of driving school with not enough mileage on to dispose of, so we were allocated it.

I remember it was 'T' reg (1978) which was way past what it should have been, so it would have been sat around for a while before it was registered as well. 1725 cc manual, went well enough but wet corners.. hmm.

Good fun though, no one thought it was a police car as it was at least 10 years older (design wise) than anything else on the fleet.
 A question worthy of WP - Old Navy
>> I remember these:
>> Bit pathetic but it was all there was.

Pathetic maybe but you could scatter the traffic with a Green Goddess fitted with them. :-)
 A question worthy of WP - J Bonington Jagworth
I live right next to a 30-limit sign on a main road, so the police/ambulance/fire engine sirens go on as they pass - you'd think that would be the point they were turned off, but it doesn't seem to work like that. They are seriously loud, as I also discovered when waiting at roadworks on my motorbike and an ambulance stopped alongside to wait for an opening. My head was still ringing 10 mins later.
 A question worthy of WP - Westpig
>> and an ambulance
>> stopped alongside to wait for an opening. My head was still ringing 10 mins later.

It used to be the case that you were expected to turn them off in circs like that and at night if road conditions were light enough..then...

.... there came into being a SOP (Standard Operating procedure) which stated if you drove without them and had an accident you could be more likely to be attributed at fault...

...hence why they are now left on.
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