Motoring Discussion > stinky car! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: devonite Replies: 17

 stinky car! - devonite
Used the car yesterday and all was fine, this morning I opened the door and was nearly bowled over by the smell! - I think there's something dead in there somewhere! (it was parked in the sun). I've searched everywhere but cant find anything, so have resorted to drowning everything in febreeze, which has barely masked it! any idea's please? - and whilst pondering that, what is the best way to clean the headlining?

 stinky car! - No FM2R
Had any liquid in there, even a while ago? I had some spilt milk in one of mine, cleaned it up and thought I'd got away with it. It was about 3 months later on a hot day when the smell just exploded.

 stinky car! - devonite
Ah! - There was a bottle (1lt) of screenwash in the back that the dogs got the top off last week! - could it be that?
 stinky car! - No FM2R
I don't know what effect screenwash would have on carpet over time. But I'd go and stick your nose where the spill was and see.
 stinky car! - Bromptonaut
>> I don't know what effect screenwash would have on carpet over time. But I'd go
>> and stick your nose where the spill was and see.

Screenwash itself is water with a bit of surfactant, possibly alcohol to depress freeze point and some perfume. But if there's something fowl but dry on the carpet soaking it is quite likely to liberate smells.

HAs the dog left a calling card somewhere?
 stinky car! - No FM2R
>> But if there's something fowl but dry on...

A mummified parrot?
 stinky car! - Bromptonaut
Open doors and/or windows and hopefully worst of it will clear. You may then be able to sniff out source.

Aside from Mark's milk spill theory has anything, perhaps from a food shop, slid under a seat?

Smell in my Mother's car years ago turned out to be plums that had rolled under driver's seat. That was bad, go knows what meat or fish would have been like.
 stinky car! - Dulwich Estate II
Cut your garden lawn and keep the cuttings. Put them in a wide box and leave it in the car. Your stink will go.
Last edited by: Dulwich Estate II on Thu 25 May 17 at 12:21
 stinky car! - devonite
I've run it down to the Turks for a £25 squid valet and promised them a bonus if they manage to shift it! - they seemed happy enough to try! ;-)
 stinky car! - MD
Pay them in Turkish Delight if they do get rid.
 stinky car! - Dulwich Estate II
It's Ukrainians and Bulgarians here.
 stinky car! - Zero
Lithuanians round here.
 stinky car! - Bromptonaut
>> Lithuanians round here.

Same here here but boosted by Latvians; either way they're ethnic Russians.
 stinky car! - legacylad
Slight thread drift... years ago I had business dealings with a chap who dealt in companion animals ( pets, to you and I)
He liked a ( larger than usual) drink on Saturday after work, and took his snake collection to the local pub which was a 30 second walk from his shop. He kept them in a hessian sack. After a gallon of ale they would be passed around the pub ( no naming no shaming but it was a rough place at the best of times).
He never realised one was missing until the stink in his car. The skeletal remains were discovered in the roof lining.
You couldn't make it up, and that's Only one of the many true stories I could tell about this character.
Last edited by: legacylad on Thu 25 May 17 at 22:36
 stinky car! - devonite
well credit to them! - they've seemed to get rid of it, and what a bloomin good job they've done! looks like a new interior! dog area as well! For £25 and £15 bonus it's not worth my time and energy doing it myself in the future. Hats off to them, they've now got a regular customer, and it's all done by hand - no power washers!! ;-).
 stinky car! - Dog
>>and it's all done by hand - no power washers!!

A hand job takes some beating IMO.
 stinky car! - Hard Cheese
>> A hand job takes some beating IMO.

You're easily pleased ...
 stinky car! - Robin O'Reliant
>> well credit to them! - they've seemed to get rid of it, and what a
>> bloomin good job they've done! looks like a new interior! dog area as well! For
>> £25 and £15 bonus it's not worth my time and energy doing it myself in
>> the future. Hats off to them, they've now got a regular customer, and it's all
>> done by hand - no power washers!! ;-).

Give it a week or two to see if it comes back before you get too excited.
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