Motoring Discussion > Car Insurance Company gone bust Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: Bagpuss Replies: 5

 Car Insurance Company gone bust - Bagpuss
I've had my car (W124 Coupe) insured since the beginning of 2009 with an online direct insurancer, Ineas, a company from Holland. I don't think they trade in the UK.

Anyway in July I got an e-mail from a rival direct insurer informing me that Ineas are in dire financial straits and I should take up insurance them. I checked the Ineas website and, yes, they admitted to financial problems but asked their customers not to panic. I've had rather a lot on my plate the last months both in my professional and private lives so filed it quietly away.

Mid August I got an SMS informing me that an insolvency administrator had been appointed, the company was being wound up and all insurance policies would cease as of 31st August. I was in Russia at the time so couldn't do a great deal about it. I returned home to find a letter from Ineas with the same content, but with the rassurance of a rebate on the insurance premium for September to December. Yeah right.

27th August I took out new insurance. Car insurance in Germany runs from January to December, so basically I lost a year's no claims bonus. Got back from a business trip yesterday to find a fixed penalty notice for having no insurance as of 1st September. I do have insurance so obviously won't pay it, but I was amazed how quick the authorities got that letter out.

This is apparently the first time a car insurance company trading in Germany has ever gone bust.
 Car Insurance Company gone bust - ....
Good Luck ! Convincing the German Authorities they:
1. Have a flaw in their system
2. The database is out of date

You do realise a whole team will now be working round the clock to find out how this is possible.
 Car Insurance Company gone bust - Skoda
(to stereotype tongue in cheek...)

Ahh you're alright the Germans accept that the computer can be wrong, they take pride in finding and fixing that kind of thing.

It's the ones with the Texas drawl you need to watch out for! "ya'll know this here computer cost a billion gazillion, mister you know quality like that aint never wrong"
 Car Insurance Company gone bust - mikeyb
The Germans wrote SAP. Nuff said
 Car Insurance Company gone bust - Zero
Alas the Germans were ex IBM'ers, and the base software that became SAP was from the american corporation Xerox.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 10 Sep 10 at 19:24
 Car Insurance Company gone bust - ....
You sure the Germans didn't design SAP and outsource the development to India who then subcontracted it out to Taiwan ;)
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