Motoring Discussion > Is this the future? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Pat Replies: 15

 Is this the future? - Pat

 Is this the future? - MD
Lovely Jubbly. Walk to the pub to work up a thirst and ride home in a Dalek. Perfick!
 Is this the future? - Old Navy
Unfortunately it will record who's home you went to. :-)
 Is this the future? - jc2
Watched a TV programme about a competion in tha US where the competitors must send their driverless cars round a long course(60+miles) in rocky terrain-not given the course till shortly before the start;so the software in the car must make the decisions about where and how fast to go.
 Is this the future? - movilogo
Even our current technology is matured enough to run cars by computers. The barrier is not technology but psychology!

On few occasions, I do like to be a passenger. But in most other cases, I like to drive myself.

In 50 years time, we may be riding personal capsules which will travel (fly) horizontally and vertically.


 Is this the future? - ....
>> Even our current technology is matured enough to run cars by computers. The barrier is
>> not technology but psychology!
>> On few occasions, I do like to be a passenger. But in most other cases,
>> I like to drive myself.
>> In 50 years time, we may be riding personal capsules which will travel (fly) horizontally
>> and vertically.
>> :o)
Isn't this all what was said in the 60's movilogo ?

Question is, with all this processing power, maps, rules, regulations and sign-posts for every country loaded (imagine living in Luxembourg or Switzerland) and hybrid battery cells, where will I put my cases if I'm going to the airport ?
 Is this the future? - Manatee
I wonder how it manages on snow and ice -"computer says no"?
 Is this the future? - -
>> I wonder how it manages on snow and ice -"computer says no"?
If it's as good as the latest high tech trucks then winters may see much use of Shanks's pony.

Glad i won't be around to see the hell of this brave new world.
 Is this the future? - Robin O'Reliant
F1 teams already have the technology to run their cars by computer.
 Is this the future? - Manatee
>> F1 teams already have the technology to run their cars by computer.

Allegedly. I'd like to see it demonstrated. Being able to program for a specific track helps. I'd be seriously impressed if it could get anywhere near a competitive lap, even with no other cars out.
Last edited by: Manatee on Mon 27 Dec 10 at 10:35
 Is this the future? - Zero
Yes they could easily programme a car to drive round a track, at a fastish speed.

As soon as you throw any variables into it, slip angles, side winds, other cars it all goes out the window. Unless you festoon the track with sensors.

 Is this the future? - Zero
The thing about auto driven cars also relates to the joke about the Irish staggering driving on the left.

All cars have to be autodriven, or none. The technology has to be 100 co-operative car with car.
 Is this the future? - madf
>> F1 teams already have the technology to run their cars by computer.

So all the crashes I see are programmed.

You learn something new everyday...
 Is this the future? - jc2
This was the problem on Southern Region's new trains-all computer controlled!Bad connection on the third rail because of the snow and the computer trips out and has to be set up again.
 Is this the future? - devonite
Didn`t Hamster do something like "train" a "futuristic" BMW on Top Gear a couple of years ago? - I seem to remember he had to drive the car manually as fast as he could around a track (could have been Silverstone?) whilst the car recorded all the inputs (speed.steering wheel position. braking etc) and then he had to let go all control. hands, feet everything and set the car off in "auto-drive" - it then took itself around the track exactly as Hamster had done. but he was that scared he thought it wouldn`t catch on and become everyday reality!
 Is this the future? - Notdoctorchris
Taxis driven entirely according to the rules of the road!!
It just wouldn't feel right.
How would the customers cope when the cab wouldn't park right in the middle of their road outside their house?
No "coronary waiting to happen" to wheezily lift cases into the boot!
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