Motoring Discussion > Surrey drive by spudding Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 39

 Surrey drive by spudding - VxFan
 Surrey drive by spudding - Hard Cheese

That's where Zero has been this afternoon ...

... oh no the article says youths ...

 Surrey drive by spudding - Clk Sec
Spud-U-Don't Like
 Surrey drive by spudding - Caveman
Lets hope the police give them a right roasting when caught.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Clk Sec
They might give themselves up of their own Accord. They'll still be in for a Rocket, though.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Old Navy
>> That's where Zero has been this afternoon ...
>> ... oh no the article says youths ...
I wonder if Zero has a Baby Face Nelson mask? The Mitsubishi Zero he pilots / drives is a bit distinctive though.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 3 Mar 11 at 16:59
 Surrey drive by spudding - Zero
Zero is in the east midlands, has been there for two days.

Laddo is at home tho, if it were McDonalds it might be possible.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Iffy
We have had some end of school year egg throwing around here.

I think it's generally youngsters aiming at each other, although I have heard of pedestrians being caught in the crossfire.

 Surrey drive by spudding - Old Navy
>> Zero is in the east midlands, has been there for two days.
>> Laddo is at home tho, if it were McDonalds it might be possible.

Typical, shift the blame onto the youngster, just wait till next week when you are old and doddery and need him to collect your pension. :-)
 Surrey drive by spudding - Zero
He'll have me in a home faster than you can say Inheritance.

 Surrey drive by spudding - Iffy
He'll have me in a (cheap) home faster than you can say Inheritance.
 Surrey drive by spudding - smokie
Wonder if they were Yaris Pipers?
 Surrey drive by spudding - Robin O'Reliant
Get caught doing that and you've had your chips.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Redfire
best keep them peeled when visiting that area
 Surrey drive by spudding - Zero
I bet the car was Rosti
 Surrey drive by spudding - Iffy
Lot of half-baked waffle in this thread.
 Surrey drive by spudding - DP
The youth of today have absolutely no style. Potatoes, indeed. Pah.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Bellboy
thankfully its not an eye for an eye
 Surrey drive by spudding - Clk Sec
They just couldn't cara less.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Bellboy
is there a link to u tuba?
 Surrey drive by spudding - Robin O'Reliant
I wonder what The Daily Mash would make of it?
 Surrey drive by spudding - Clk Sec
Our man will be around with a suitable link shortly.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Hard Cheese

The police have rooted out a suspect and the matter is sautéed ...
 Surrey drive by spudding - Manatee
>> Wonder if they were Yaris Pipers?

Possibly. Maybe they were Toyota Estimas. Or possibly Yaris Peers.

Or Pentland Javelins, Dunbar Rovers, Accents, Picassos, Red Pontiacs, Red Robins, Saphires, Sierras, Swifts, Ulster Sceptres?

You're on to something here. They've been naming cars after potatoes!
 Surrey drive by spudding - Duncan
Local police have been told to keep 'em peeled.
 Surrey drive by spudding - smokie
It's a bit of a blight on the neighbourhood...
Last edited by: smokie on Thu 3 Mar 11 at 20:52
 Surrey drive by spudding - Crankcase
Let's just hope they don't cause a Smash.

I'll get me jacket.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Londoner
This is a half-baked thread. Lots of puns sprouting in it.
I suppose that making light of a serious incident is the lesser of two weevils, though.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Chris S
This sort of thing happens quite regularly around Birmingham city centre on a Friday and Saturday night.

They're mainly Muslim youths targeting revellers. (and yes their religious group is relevant in this instance)
 Surrey drive by spudding - Manatee
>> They're mainly Muslim youths targeting revellers. (and yes their religious group is relevant in this
>> instance)

I'm sure it is - why?
 Surrey drive by spudding - Boxsterboy
I remember shortly after passing his driving test a school friend of mine thought it hilarious to turn the windscreen washer nozzles round on his Mini so that, when the pump was used, the water squirted onto pedestrians.

It was a hot summers day in Berkhamsted High Street, and I like to think the girls with strapless tops (the main target) were pleasantly cooled by our actions.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Robin O'Reliant
>> I remember shortly after passing his driving test a school friend of mine thought it
>> hilarious to turn the windscreen washer nozzles round on his Mini so that, when the
>> pump was used, the water squirted onto pedestrians.

We used to "introduce" ourselves to the young ladies along Southend seafront by that method.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Clk Sec
>>We used to "introduce" ourselves to the young ladies along Southend seafront by that method.<<

Would you have been driving the Robin or the Regal at the time?
 Surrey drive by spudding - Robin O'Reliant

>> Would you have been driving the Robin or the Regal at the time?
>> :)
I'd graduated to my Mk1 Facelift Capri by then. The black vinyl roof was a real babe magnet.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Clk Sec
>>I'd graduated to my Mk1 Facelift Capri by then.

Thought you might have!
 Surrey drive by spudding - Robin O'Reliant
Mind you, back in the seventies when young men who owned a car were still a minority anything on wheels gave one the edge in the bird pulling market. None ever turned down a lift home in the Regal (and the front seats laid right back).
 Surrey drive by spudding - Armel Coussine
>> the front seats laid right back.

To facilitate the then-fashionable straight-armed driving position I imagine RR?

 Surrey drive by spudding - Robin O'Reliant

>> To facilitate the then-fashionable straight-armed driving position I imagine RR?
Quite right AC, as well as allowing one to test the suspension with the aid of a friend.
 Surrey drive by spudding - Bellboy
the front seats laid right back
>>>. broken no doubt due to being made out of corporation bedstead rejects
 Surrey drive by spudding - Chris S
>> >> They're mainly Muslim youths targeting revellers. (and yes their religious group is relevant in
>> this
>> >> instance)
>> I'm sure it is - why?

Because the unbelievers have drunk alcohol and the women are 'immodestly' dressed.
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