Motoring Discussion > Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy Miscellaneous
Thread Author: MD Replies: 28

 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - MD
is how long? Say I store some in suitable containers ahead of a potential blip in supply. Does it go stale as petrol is supposed to do and if so what are the effects. Presumably if it does go off then one day it would not provide combustion at all?

 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - RichardW
Diesel doesn't go off like petrol - its vapour pressure is much lower, so the volatiles don't evaporate. If unlucky you might get bacterial sludge in it, but otherwise it should keep pretty well for ever.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Old Navy
Millers diesel fuel additive claims to "Prevent fuel from ageing".
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 9 Mar 11 at 08:12
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Cliff Pope
Diesel bug is a big problem in marine diesels, possibly because of the damper storage conditions, and larger quantities stored for longer periods, such as out of season.

There is an additive, claimed to prevent or cure it. "New" environmentally friendly diesel is said to be more prone to it than the old stuf.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - L'escargot
>> Diesel doesn't go off like petrol - its vapour pressure is much lower, so the
>> volatiles don't evaporate.

Vapour pressure isn't of much relevance if the petrol is in a sealed container with relatively little air space above the petrol.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Thu 10 Mar 11 at 12:59
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Bigtee
Be honest how much are you intending on stock pileing?

100ltrs or more?
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - DP
At the rate it's going up, it's crossed my mind :-(
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - MD
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Bigtee
It won't be too long before the naughty fuel is used more often............................:-)
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Ted

I filled the Suzy up with DERV last week, it was already half full so I took along a Jerrycan and stuck 5 gallons in that...£85 quid spent. I've already got 5 galls of petrol for SWM but I'm just keeping her topped up weekly. I've got quite a few gallon containers so I'm going to get DERV now each time I call in.

We can always take the Note off the road and use the diesel.

 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - CGNorwich
Is it really worth the trouble? Even if fuel were to go up another 50p per litre, say £2.50 a gallon, 20 gallons is only going to save you a fairly modest £50 and you've got to keep it somewhere with potential for leakage and increased fire risk plus the possible problem of the fuel deteriorating
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Ted

It's not the cost in my case.
If you remember the last crisis, diesel, particularly, was quite hard to get.
We were off to Northumberland with the caravan and I had to really scrape around the area to get enough to take with me in order to get back. What there was was being rationed or restricted to essential users.
I called at every service area on the M6 to top up the car and the diesel tanks were empty.

As it happened, we found some near Berwick on Tweed and filled up again but I kept my stock until the crisis was over.......I would have had to buy it anyway at some point.

 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - MD
CG must have too much money.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - CGNorwich
You can't have too much money. Any banker will tell you that:-)

It just seems to me that unless you have proper storage facilities you can't really economically and safely store enough fuel to make a real financial difference.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Bigtee
What is the law with red diesel can this be used should you pay the tax on it?
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - L'escargot
Here are the regulations for storage of petrol.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Bellboy
horrible nasty stuff diesel and a few drops spreads a long way
so unless you can store and bund it correctly i would suggest dont bother
as for using red then the penalties are car confiscation plus a bill worked out by customs on how much tax you have evaded and its them does da figures

of course you could lose your job too depending what you do
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Ambo
I was amazed to find out how much water was in the bottom of my narrowboat tank once. I aslo once had a lenghty problem with water in my car tank after temporary storage in containers.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - L'escargot
>> horrible nasty stuff diesel and a few drops spreads a long way ............

That's one of my main reasons for not buying a diesel car.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - corax
>> That's one of my main reasons for not buying a diesel car.

What do you find horrible about it? The smell? The fact it doesn't evaporate so that when you fill up at the diesel pump you usually find an oily residue under your feet? Then you tread it into the car mats. That's when you find your hands smell of diesel and won't wash off unless you lather your hands about ten times. When I had a diesel I kept a pair of gloves in the boot for filling up, but I found it hard to avoid the puddle next to the fuel pump.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - ....
Why did they stop the trigger on a fuel pump being "clickable" ?
As you know corax, in Germany you hook the filler in the neck, flip the little switch and you can then step back from inhailing the petrol fumes or standing in the diesel pool.
Why do you have to hang on to the handle in the UK ?

And staying on thread, I don't think diesel goes off in the same way petrol does but my car is noticeably smokier when the diesel has been sat in there for six weeks or more. Not a problem I expect I would get with a petrol.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - MD
My potential issue is with availability, not price etc. Not wishing to be completely impotent when the crisis comes.........for one day it will, regardless of what anyone here thinks. Of course a few gallons stored will make little difference if the shi really hits the fan, but I will feel better for it.

Have also taken on BB's words of wisdom. Of course he is right as ever. The ruddy stuff stinks and can be hateful if spilled.

 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Pat
>>What do you find horrible about it? <<

With the new anti syphon filters it has a habit of blowing back all over your clothes.

It will make anything else in the washing machine at the time smell of diesel, and can be washed a dozen times but still smell.

 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Statistical Outlier
I'm fascinated. Where do you diesel haters find a pump you can fill from that doesn't also do diesel? I genuinely can't remember ever using one that was separate in the last few years.

Diesel on your hands is a genuine issue, but there are free gloves at every station I've ever used - problem solved (or at least avoided). I've never had diesel slop out over me. Ever.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - FotheringtonTomas
Since I've had bmy diesel vehicle, about 9 months, I have never had a problem filling up, never stepped in a puddle of spilt diesel, and only once or twice got a detectable smell of diesel on my hands. I have never used the "free" gloves, either. I can't see what the fuss is about.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - Alanovich
I've been refilling diesels since 2004 and I agree with you, FT. Never had an issue of any kind.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - corax
>> Since I've had bmy diesel vehicle, about 9 months, I have never had a problem
>> filling up, never stepped in a puddle of spilt diesel, and only once or twice
>> got a detectable smell of diesel on my hands. I have never used the "free"
>> gloves, either. I can't see what the fuss is about.

I said 'when I had a diesel'. About 8 years ago, so it's probably better now. Next time I'm in a fuel station I'll take a look at the floor around the pumps. But there is a residue of the stuff on the pump handles, solved by using gloves. You probably don't have a very good sense of smell, I have, and it's not a good thing sometimes!
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - FotheringtonTomas
>> You probably don't have a very good sense of smell, I have

No, actually I have a very good sense of smell, and it's probably better than yours.
 Diesel fuel 'Life' expectancy - corax
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