Motoring Discussion > Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways Legal Questions
Thread Author: Mapmaker Replies: 8

 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Mapmaker
I had cause to check up on this point for somebody, and eventually found Rebecca's post from 2004 where she quoted the French law indicating that only when there is precipitation falling is there a need to reduce your speed. Thought it was worth repeating.


From the Legifrance website, Code de la Route.

En vigueur depuis le 01 juin 2001



Chapitre III : Vitesse.

Section 1 : Vitesses maximales autorisées.

I. - Hors agglomération, la vitesse des véhicules est limitée à :

1° 130 km/h sur les autoroutes ;

2° 110 km/h sur les routes à deux chaussées séparées par un terre-plein central ;

3° 90 km/h sur les autres routes.

II. - En cas de pluie ou d'autres précipitations, ces vitesses maximales sont abaissées à :

1° 110 km/h sur les sections d'autoroutes où la limite normale est de 130 km/h ;

2° 100 km/h sur les sections d'autoroutes où cette limite est plus basse ainsi que sur les routes à deux chaussées séparées par un terre-plein central ;

3° 80 km/h sur les autres routes.


Codification : Décret 2001-251 2001-03-22 JORF 25 mars 2001.
Anciens textes : Code de la route R10 (al. 2 à 5 et 8 à 11).
Spécificités : Code de la route R432-1, R432-2.
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Perky Penguin
While appreciating the legal definition I think I would rather apply a common sense test to the conditions

1. Do you need your wipers to clear precipitation?
2. Do you need your wipers to clear road spray from other vehicles?
3. If you got out of your car with no shoes on would your socks get wet?

Answer Yes to any of those and that would be a wet road in my view and probably that of a plod near Calais looking for easy pickings for on the spot fines!

The only penalty I could find which seemed to fit these circumstances is

Driving a vehicle at excessive speed under the circumstances:

* article R.413-17 du CR : 0 pt , cas 4 bis ( 90 € dans les 3 jours, sinon 135 €). Article R.413-17 * VC: 0 pt, 4 a case (90 € within 3 days or € 135).

I don't know what "Cas 4 bis" means
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Bromptonaut
I've always followed PP's definitions for applying the 110 limit in rain. I was not however aware that other limits (110 on dual carriageway/90 on other routes) were also lower in the wet. Is that new?

'Cas 4 Bis' I think refers to a table of penalties and translates something like 'Case 4B'.
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Dulwich Estate
I have driven thousands of miles on French autoroutes in the last decade or so and am convinced your average driver either doesn't know or doesn't care about the reduced limits in the rain.

I seem to be the only one who slows down. Then I'm overtaken by all manner of trucks, trailers, milk floats and the like.
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Mapmaker
>> I've always followed PP's definitions for applying the 110 limit in rain. I was not
>> however aware that other limits (110 on dual carriageway/90 on other routes) were also lower
>> in the wet. Is that new?

It was new(s) to you in 2004, too... ;)
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Bromptonaut
>> It was new(s) to you in 2004, too... ;)

I'm a slow learner!!!!
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Mike H
>> It was new(s) to you in 2004, too... ;)
Ha, thought so! I was the OP on that thread, I'm glad nothing has got any clearer in the last 7 years and the same type of discussion is ensuing! :-)
Last edited by: Mike H on Wed 9 Mar 11 at 16:23
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - FocalPoint
I thought it might help to have a translation of the French and offer the following:

En vigueur [must be spelling error; should be “rigueur”] depuis le 01 juin 2001
In force since 1st June 2001



Chapitre III : Vitesse.
Chapter III: Speed

Section 1 : Vitesses maximales autorisées.
Section 1: Maximum allowed speeds

I - Hors agglomération, la vitesse des véhicules est limitée à:
1 – Outside built-up areas, the speed of vehicles is restricted to:

1° 130 km/h sur les autoroutes;
Firstly, 130 km/h (=81 mph) on motorways

2° 110 km/h sur les routes à deux chaussées séparées par un terre-plein central ;
Secondly, 110 km/h (=68 mph) on dual carriageways with a central reservation

3° 90 km/h sur les autres routes.
Thirdly, 90 km/h (=56 mph) on other roads

II. - En cas de pluie ou d'autres précipitations, ces vitesses maximales sont abaissées à:
II – In rain or other precipitation these maximum speeds are lowered to:

1° 110 km/h sur les sections d'autoroutes où la limite normale est de 130 km/h;
Firstly, 110 km/h on sections of motorways where the normal limit is 130 km/h

2° 100 km/h sur les sections d'autoroutes où cette limite est plus basse ainsi que sur les routes à deux chaussées séparées par un terre-plein central;
Secondly, 100 km/h (=62 mph) on sections of motorways where the limit is lower, and also on dual carriageways with a central reservation

3° 80 km/h sur les autres routes.
Thirdly, 80 km/h (=50 mph) on other roads

As for "Cas 4 bis", "bis" often refers to a subsection in a document, so a translation might be Case 4(a).
 Definition of "in the wet" on French motorways - Armel Coussine
On the empty roads of Frogland
When you have a mind to hoon,
It's pedal to the metal, yay!
(Unless it's pussun doon).
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