Motoring Discussion > Lost spanner found ! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Ted Replies: 24

 Lost spanner found ! - Ted

Now I remember what I did with that 5/8 BSW combination spanner !

Can get on with the job now !

 Lost spanner found ! - Iffy

What has the Virginmedia homepage got to do with your old spanner?

 Lost spanner found ! - Zero
ted - we really don't want to be signed into your old NTL WORLD email account thanks.
 Lost spanner found ! - Old Navy
>> Ted,
>> What has the Virginmedia homepage got to do with your old spanner?

He has been adjusting his computer with it. :-)
 Lost spanner found ! - Tooslow
You've not been able to use a Whitworth spanner on a pc since DOS 5.

 Lost spanner found ! - Clk Sec
Last edited by: Pugugly on Thu 17 Mar 11 at 09:01
 Lost spanner found ! - Iffy
...I blame the Fence...

That must be Harry the Fence who flogged Ted's original spanner.

 Lost spanner found ! - Dog
>>I blame the Fence<<

Last I heard he was doing a 7 stretch in the Ville.
 Lost spanner found ! - Zero
had it over the wall last time i heard
 Lost spanner found ! - R.P.
Sorry John,

Even on Windows 7 if you press the hash key and the alt key together it brings up the C: prompt and a Whitworth 3/8th will fit perfectly. An Apple will accept any spanner...
 Lost spanner found ! - Tooslow
Check your screen resolution PU. If you've got it set correctly it will only take an AF. Remember Windows is American and they think a millimetre is something with a lot of legs.

 Lost spanner found ! - Zero
The only spanner in PUs house is the one at the keyboard.
 Lost spanner found ! - Old Navy
>> The only spanner in PUs house is the one at the keyboard.

Very brave Z, PU might zap you with his fairy dust dispenser. :-)
 Lost spanner found ! - Zero

>> Very brave Z, PU might zap you with his fairy dust dispenser. :-)

Have you seen the piccy of him with fairy wings and a pink taffeta dress?
 Lost spanner found ! - Skoda
>> Have you seen the piccy of him with fairy wings and a pink taffeta dress?

Was he in an Alpen advert? :-)
 Lost spanner found ! - R.P.
I'm not in YouTube either.
 Lost spanner found ! - Manatee
Ted will be celebrating in his usual way.

As we all know, there will be more joy in Greater Manchester over one lost spanner who repents and returns to Ted than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away.
Last edited by: Manatee on Tue 15 Mar 11 at 20:14
 Lost spanner found ! - Avant
Was it a typo for spammer?
 Lost spanner found ! - Clk Sec
Last edited by: Pugugly on Thu 17 Mar 11 at 09:01
 Lost spanner found ! - MD
Adjusting nuts as we speak.
 Lost spanner found ! - Clk Sec
CLK's posts removed at his request
Last edited by: Pugugly on Thu 17 Mar 11 at 09:02
 Lost spanner found ! - Hard Cheese

Hehe, a 5/8 BSW combination spammer!

 Lost spanner found ! - Ted

Ah, so the link to the video didn't work then.
Perhaps the mods could scrub this thread.

It is interesting, I promise. i'll try and find a way round the problem.

 Lost spanner found ! - Ted

Here it is on YouTube
Disturbing, though.

Don't try this at home.
(sarcastic lot ! )

 Lost spanner found ! - Cliff Pope
Easily done. Sometimes up a ladder with 2 nails to knock in, and then finding I need a free hand to hold the hammer, I put one nail between my lips while banging in the other.
Sometimes I think, don't sneeze!
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