Motoring Discussion > GPS sheep Miscellaneous
Thread Author: SteelSpark Replies: 32

 GPS sheep - SteelSpark
Another tale of people blindly following their SatNav, without any real understanding of where they were going or getting into.

The story has been around for a couple of days, since she was found, but now we have the SatNav angle.

At least in the UK, you can't really walk for more than a couple of miles without coming across somebody, very different in a country like the US.

 GPS sheep - TheManWithNoName
The guys name just begs to be misspelt as Cretin, eh?

I love the way they 'blame' the satnav. I' mean, it merely led them a route which 'they' programmed.
 GPS sheep - Manatee
>> The guys name just begs to be misspelt as Cretin, eh?

It does, but I have more sympathy than some of you.

Modern life is full of technologies that the majority of people, perhaps all of us sometimes, are obliged to rely on with little understanding how they work and what their limitations are, unless we want to live like the Amish.

A mobile phone is a technological marvel to me because I know some of what is required to make cellular networks possible, and why they were unknown for the first half of my life. Now, there are youngsters who have never known a world without them, haven't a clue how they work yet take them completely for granted.
 GPS sheep - Zero
>> >> The guys name just begs to be misspelt as Cretin, eh?
>> It does, but I have more sympathy than some of you.
>> Modern life is full of technologies that the majority of people, perhaps all of us
>> sometimes, are obliged to rely on with little understanding how they work and what their
>> limitations are, unless we want to live like the Amish.

Yeah but common sense should prevail and you say "Hmm this route I am taking is not suitable and is becoming dangerous, I shall turn round"

What technology got to do with that?
 GPS sheep - Manatee
>>Yeah but common sense should prevail and you say "Hmm this route I am taking is not suitable and is becoming dangerous, I shall turn round"

It should, but it didn't did it? I got the impression that it was their first sat nav, new for the trip. If they started with the belief that they should rely on it completely, then they were on the road to disaster. Knowing something of how they work you would know that they are only as good as the imperfect map data and a buggy program can make them. Clearly they didn't.

Granted, 99.999% of even ignorant people would have stopped long before they did, but it's only a matter of degree.
 GPS sheep - CGNorwich
I guess anyone who has use a satav has surely done the same thing in a minor sort of way.

You are in a strange area and select a destination, say a pub, and don't bother to look at the the route selected. You get directed down a B road and think 'not the way I thought but it must be quicker this way". The road gets narrower and there's grass growing out the middle but you have now gone 5 miles and don't want to turn round. You press on and are relieved when you finally rejoin a main road that takes you to your destination.

 GPS sheep - Zero
Yes thats true, but we are talking the wilderness here, not an english back road to a pub. You never feel like you are in danger.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 12 May 11 at 20:17
 GPS sheep - CGNorwich
Well no its on a completely different scale but there is still that same curious compulsion to keep going rather than turning around that Mr Chretien obviously had to a fatal degree.
 GPS sheep - Zero
And then - to compound the stupidity, they broke the other golden rule

NEVER LEAVE THE VEHICLE. Nearly every time the dead ones are the ones who strike off from the car, the car is always found, the people frequently never.

Sorry I shouted, is that OK?
 GPS sheep - CGNorwich
"NEVER LEAVE THE VEHICLE. Nearly every time the dead ones are the ones who strike off from the car, the car is always found, the people frequently never. '

Same as people who jump in icy ponds to save their dogs. The dogs always get out, they never do.

You would think they would learn from all those Ray Mears survival programs.

"Sorry I shouted, is that OK?"

Since its you, perfectly fine.
 GPS sheep - Zero
>> Same as people who jump in icy ponds to save their dogs. The dogs always
>> get out, they never do.

Yeah my dogs a better swimmer than me, and has a built in dry suit.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 12 May 11 at 20:39
 GPS sheep - Iffy
...Since its you, perfectly fine...

Now what was I just saying about having one rule for everybody?

 GPS sheep - CGNorwich

Put there for exactly that response! Shouldn't tease but sometimes you are a tad predictable.
 GPS sheep - Cliff Pope
We are not now allowed to make jokes about their name.
 GPS sheep - spamcan61
"Chad Herman, one of three hunters who found Mrs Chretien, told emergency workers: 'She's about dead, and her husband took off about a month ago and never came back, so I'm sure he's dead.' "

A refreshingly concise summary in this age of spin & fluffy press statements.
 GPS sheep - jc2
Yeh! Most people programme for "shortest route" and then blame the device when it takes them up tracks.
 GPS sheep - TheManWithNoName
I can almost visualise the horrendous 'Made for TV' film that will feature these two, and get shown during the day on one of the more obscure channels. It will no doubt feature a scene with a rattle snake or a rock slide, some dramatic music and then hugs n kisses at the end.
 GPS sheep - BiggerBadderDave
I like her note:

Please Help. Stuck. No food. No gas. Dead bat.
 GPS sheep - Kithmo
No food ? she could have eaten the dead bat ;0)
 GPS sheep - BiggerBadderDave
She's made the classic mistake of all amateur sign-writers. Started big, then realised she hasn't enough room to put all the information in, and even written around the edges and between existing lines. She should have sketched it out first. It really makes me mad that people who can afford long driving holidays, skimp when it comes to getting their literature properly type-set and designed. That's why salaries are falling in my industry.
 GPS sheep - Armel Coussine
She should have sketched it out first.

Like this BBD?

Dominez les flics, les fonctionnaires, etc!
Humiliez vos inférieurs sociaux!
en ménageant vos
de la manière anglaise
à l’aide du dernier produit des usines américano-chinoises
établies en Belgique :
Les sourcillonsTM !
Nos cousins d’Outre-Manche sont connus depuis toujours pour leur sourcillosité écoeurante. Cette qualité controversée mais enviable joue un rôle majeur dans la légende.
Formés depuis l’enfance par voie de disciplines extrèmement pénibles et difficiles à maîtriser, y compris la consommation de nombreux renards mal cuits, les sourcils anglais ont une force et une expressivité incomparables. Maintenant, vous avez grâce aux sourcillonsTM la possibilité de développer vous-même des sourcils puissants, souples et menaçants, tout comme ceux d’un Anglais!

Modèles (unisex): enfant, intello, militaire, bourgeois
Extensions moustache/barbe sur commande
 GPS sheep - Zero
I think he was thinking more along the lines

 GPS sheep - Dave_
>> Dominez les flics, les fonctionnaires, etc! Humiliez vos inférieurs sociaux! ...

I'm an Englishman, and my eyebrows aren't powerful or threatening.
 GPS sheep - Armel Coussine
Then sourcillonsTM are just what you need Dave. You can get them from Amazon for under 300 euros (all models).

We don't want our chaps going round looking like foreigners.
 GPS sheep - FocalPoint
I don't think les sourcils anglais compare with les épaules françaises, which are infinitely more subtle and expressive.

L'haussement des épaules, comme on le fait en France, c'est pas rien!
 GPS sheep - Armel Coussine
>> comme on le fait en France, c'est pas rien!

Tchah! Waving their arms about, expostulating and saying bof bof, rolling their expressive little bloodshot eyes too I shouldn't wonder... all that fuss and clamour, when the twitch of a properly-trained eyebrow can do the whole thing subliminally and with crushing authority. That's what makes it so menacing.

Tsk. I thought I was among compatriots here.
 GPS sheep - Cliff Pope
Clearing my mother's house last weekend, I found a useful sign folded in a special carrying case:

Not so usefully, it was stored up in the loft.
 GPS sheep - spamcan61
>> It really makes me mad
>> that people who can afford long driving holidays, skimp when it comes to getting their
>> literature properly type-set and designed. That's why salaries are falling in my industry.

She should have used Wordart, with a nice font like Comic Sans Serif :-)
 GPS sheep - Mapmaker
Natural selection is a wonderful thing...
 GPS sheep - BiggerBadderDave
"She should have used Wordart, with a nice font like Comic Sans Serif :-)"

It's badly thought out too. She's put the word "Please" in the largest headline font, when she she should've placed most emphasis on the word "Help". It's a pity Bellboy isn't here to offer pointers on a well-written ad.
 GPS sheep - Zero
>> It's a pity Bellboy
>> isn't here to offer pointers on a well-written ad.

 GPS sheep - devonite
>>I can almost visualise the horrendous 'Made for TV' film <<

The Australian version is already out there! - "Wolf Creek"

its on film 4 sometime this week - supposed to be a true story, tis strangely compelling viewing, has the "Hovel Hostess" quite jittery! ;-)
 GPS sheep - Focusless
Poor woman - hope hubby turns up, although that looks unlikely
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