Motoring Discussion > you couldnt make it up !!! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zookeeper Replies: 17

 you couldnt make it up !!! - zookeeper

which reminds me my photo id ran out in march ...must renew
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 13 Jul 11 at 17:01
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Zero

Alas too late for my census form, and to put myself down as pastafarian.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 13 Jul 11 at 16:44
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Meldrew
The answer to this is to require that pasta man wears his religious headgear at all times.
 you couldnt make it up !!! - WillDeBeest
His point is that the major religions have been making it up for centuries and getting special privileges for their trouble. A better outcome would have been for the Austrian authorities to tell him not to be so silly, and then to do the same to all the others demanding exemption on religious grounds from a perfectly sensible show-your-face-clearly rule.

State-funded Pastafarian schools, anyone?

[Steps back to await daily tea-time rebuke from Londoner.] }:---)
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Ted

HeHe,,brilliant...I love a bit of light anarchy.

I have a large pie dish. If it fits I'm going as a Puddhist !

 you couldnt make it up !!! - MD
And he managed a straight face in the pic. Brilliant as was your Puddhist. Keep 'em coming...
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Londoner
Actually, WDB, I agree with you.
Sometimes people play the religion card in order to get favourable treatment - rather than out of sincere convictions. Another reason is to maintain cultural traditions, but pretend that it is about their religion.

 you couldnt make it up !!! - Armel Coussine
>> people play the religion card in order to get favourable treatment - rather than out of sincere convictions. Another reason is to maintain cultural traditions, but pretend that it is about their religion.

Yes. Proper believers in proper religions never 'play the religion card'. They don't exploit religion to make trouble or gain a personal advantage. They would regard that, rightly, as disrespectful. Nor do they ever ram their beliefs up other people's noses. They know perfectly well that it takes all sorts to make a world and they wouldn't have it any other way...

There is a widespread fashion at present for various forms of political fascism under bizarre and perverse religious guises. No one should take them seriously except as criminal threats. The religious side should be patiently and insistently separated from the political garbage by anyone who wants to be serious. It''s a thankless task given our simian origins and nature.
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Badwolf
As a fully-fledged Pastafarian, I'm chuffed at this chap's victory.

Everyone should be touched by His Noodly Appendages.
 you couldnt make it up !!! - swiss tony
''The licence took three years to come through and, according to Mr Alm, he was asked to submit to a medical interview to check on his mental fitness to drive''

So.. its ok to believe in, and celebrate an all powerful, invisible God that is everywhere at once, but to do a similar thing with something that has a physical form, then you have a mental disorder unless you can prove otherwise?

And who is really mad? ;-)
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Dutchie
Believe it or not I find comfort in a higher spirit.Not organised religion never been a follower or advocate for any system that tells people what or not to do.

Whatever you do or not do is your decision the law of the universe what comes round goes round.Just my opinion with all its failings.:)
 you couldnt make it up !!! - zookeeper
im thinking of converting to Mueslim
 you couldnt make it up !!! - WillDeBeest
Believe it or not I find comfort in a higher spirit.

I find comfort in biscuits, but I don't expect anyone else to make special allowances for me - or issue a fatwa against the infidel who doesn't believe the Fox's Ginger Crunch Cream is the One True Way.

Overdue chapeau to Ted for Puddhism.
 you couldnt make it up !!! - TheManWithNoName
Surely Bourbon is the one true God (of biscuits)?

My packet is bigger than your packet anyhow cos I got a two for one deal in Tesco so nah!
 you couldnt make it up !!! - FocalPoint
"Surely Bourbon is the one true God (of biscuits)?"

No, no and thrice no! What heresy, what anathema!

Dark chocolate Leibniz sits on the exalted throne, alone.
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Armel Coussine
What do you call a man of Persian extraction in a mask and broad-brimmed black gaucho hat, brandishing a thin-bladed sabre?

A Zorroastrian.
 you couldnt make it up !!! - Phil I
>>Dark chocolate Leibniz sits on the exalted throne

with attending hand maiden with plate bearing JD Gross Arriba Superieur 81%

all hail to Lidl long may they import.

 you couldnt make it up !!! - Ted

Ah, Lidl....J.D.Gross ' Madagaskar ' smooth dark chocolate !

Smoother than a freshly shaven smooth snake.
( under a quid for a big bar )

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