Non-motoring > Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: movilogo Replies: 56

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - movilogo
Everyone carries a phone nowadays. Cars have clocks.

In work, it is easy to see time in computer/wall clocks.

I am often not wearing wrist watch in past couple of months. Never had a problem with time.

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Focusless
I just find it easier to look at my wrist than get my phone out of my pocket/rucksack and press a button to activate the display.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - VxFan
>> I just find it easier to look at my wrist than get my phone out of my pocket/rucksack and press a button to activate the display.


If I've not got a watch on, then I feel naked.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 18:40
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Ian (Cape Town)
>> Everyone carries a phone nowadays. Cars have clocks.
>> In work, it is easy to see time in computer/wall clocks.
Ok, so most car clocks are digital. As are most cellphone displays. As are the majority of office clocks (at least where I've worked), and home alarm clocks, and computer clock displays, and DVD players, and microwaves, etc etc etc.

World War 2 movies will never be the same without being able to understand what '3 o'clock low' means, will they?
And try to explain to somebody how to progress througha roundabout - 'come in at six, come out at 3'

Or, god forbid, try to explain to a child how to tell the time on an analog watch.
Or how 30 degrees = 1 hr. So how many hours in 90 degrees.

Why not just suggest that teaching kids their times tables is a WOFTAM, as everyone has a calculator?
And end up with a nation of ignorant thick sods?
Oh, wait...
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - movilogo
Learning to read an analog clock is different from wearing it on the wrist.

Children do learn maths but when they grow up they use calculator.

Most phones (including the dumb ones) can display clock in either digital or analog mode.

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Ian (Cape Town)
well, you keep not wearing yours, and i'll continue wearing mine, movilogo.
Telling the time is quite simple - a quick turn of the wrist and a flick of the eyes, as opposed to fumbling a phone out of a pocket (which is, after all, why the wristwatch was invented in the first place - to do away with the inconvenience of having to fumble for the fob watch... which was kept on an aptly-named watchchain, so it didn't shatter to a million bits when dropped on the floor)
Also, if I have something to remember, I strap my watch on my right wrist - a latter-day equivalent of knotting the corner of a handkerchief - so that when I look at a bare left, I'll go 'Aaah yes, that reminds me...'
And do the remembered chore.

of course, if you want to know the time, ask a policeman.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Harleyman
I don't wear one at work; for one thing it's an ingrained habit dating back to my days as a mechanic in the Army. We were taught, rightly, that wearing jewellery when working on machinery was a risk. Another reason is that as an HGV driver I have a clock on my tachograph, and it makes sense to keep time with that rather than risk making a mistake on my driving hours by referring to a seperate timepiece.

I do own a good wristwatch though, an Omega inherited from my father, and I always wear it when I'm out in the evenings or away on the bike.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Why? Because a gentleman just does is all. Decent watch and good shoes take a chap most places. Can only really be ruined by 3/4 length trousers and a football jersey. Even the best of accessories can't overcome that.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Armel Coussine
>> Decent watch and good shoes take a chap most places. Can only really be ruined by 3/4 length trousers and a football jersey

... let alone by a pair of patchwork Lederhosen made from recycled shoe uppers...
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Roger.
>> Why? Because a gentleman just does is all. Decent watch and good shoes take a
>> chap most places. Can only really be ruined by 3/4 length trousers and a football
>> jersey. Even the best of accessories can't overcome that.

You missed out the ultimate ruination - a string, or sleeveless, vest worn in public without a shirt!
Last edited by: Roger on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 16:13
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
>> You missed out the ultimate ruination - a string, or sleeveless, vest worn in public without a shirt!

Especially one with an "Inger-lund" flag on...

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - devonite
Mention of "String-vests" reminds me of the time myself and a couple of friends were out boat fishing one hot day, Fred left his (string) vest on as we stripped off to our shorts. His back blistered up through the mesh, and it was several days before he could get it soaked off! - Ouch!
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Focusless
>> Also, if I have something to remember, I strap my watch on my right wrist
>> - a latter-day equivalent of knotting the corner of a handkerchief - so that when
>> I look at a bare left, I'll go 'Aaah yes, that reminds me...'

Thanks - good tip!
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Bromptonaut
Wore one day and night from pre-teens for about fourty years, cheap digitals for last thirty.

Last replacement Casio caused a nasty contact dermatitis so I stopped wearing for a few days and never went back. Manage fine with wall clocks, pooter, car clock etc - even the train alternates time display with destination info.

If all else fails use the mobile - only need to unclip it from my belt. .
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 15:57
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Roger.
1. I don't carry a phone 99% of the time.
2. I don't spend much time in a car.
3. I don't go to work.

I have a nice oblong dial Longines watch in a very unfussy case - what's not to like?
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - devonite
Me thinks 15 degrees = 1 Hour, as 1 degree = 4 mins. We are 3 degrees West of Greenwich here so technically we are 12 miutes behind the Londoners!

Edit: just checked myself! ;-)
Last edited by: devonite on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 16:19
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Ian (Cape Town)
360 (degrees) divided by 12 (hours).
what was that quote about a nation of thick sods again?
*obligatory smiley*
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Dutchie
I have a couple of watches birthday presents.I still have a old fashioned chain watch from my grandfather.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - devonite
For all those "Posh-folks" that have a sun-dial in there gardens, did you know that to tell the time accurately from it you need this!!
Last edited by: devonite on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 16:29
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - WillDeBeest
Dev was referring to the rotation of the earth, Ian, not of the hour hand - so 360 / 24 is right.

As for Bromp,
If all else fails use the mobile - only need to unclip it from my belt.
Taking care, I hope, not to disturb the big bunch of keys hanging next to it. Little Chef Manager Chic is alive and well.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - corax
I'd feel naked without a watch. Worn one most of my life. If I take it off you'll find the skin of a new born baby lurking underneath. I'd probably get severe sunburn around the wrist.

Anyway, watches are just nice things to wear, whether it's more for function or looks or both.

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Me too. I like the untanned skin under my watch. After all, it's the only white bit you can reasonably show to colleagues when you've been on holiday.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Robin O'Reliant
I wouldn't do business with a man who didn't wear a watch. And were he to offer me his hand I would remove my glove and strike him across the face with it, demanding he choose his weapons.

There are standards.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Quite right RR. What's more, I wouldn't do business with a man wearing a plastic watch. I confess to having one, a Casio Waveceptor thing. Jolly useful when skiing, mountain biking or on the beach etc but deeply unsuitable for work... I have a 25 year old Tag for that. Never let me down.

Having said all the above, a Greek friend of mine collects Casio digital watches. Every time I see him he's got a different coloured one on. He does work in Athens and own a yacht though and indeed a farm in Crete so I suppose he doesn't really care about impressing people...


 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Pat
A 'good' watch would never impress a good woman.

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Good job that's not the objective then !

Far more useful to impress bad women...

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 17:30
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Zero
>> Me too. I like the untanned skin under my watch.

You sound like some kind of lowlife manual labourer.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
My great-great grandmother was allegedly half Spanish. I think that's the nearest any of us have come to a Manuel.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - R.P.
Watches for me, especially out on the bikes - Both bikes I regularly ride have clocks, I never bother to adjust them for GMT despite riding all year round. Phones are usually well buried - a wrist watch resolves all that. Wouldn't be without one. Sorry. And in addition as Humph says a decent but unobtrusive watch speaks volumes without having any ostentation.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
It is possible though ( as indeed with cars too ) to spend a lot of money and get it deeply wrong. "James Bond" Rolex for example...Wearers of those tend to make one think of a wee fat bald bloke in an Aston Martin...

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 17:40
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Kevin
>"James Bond" Rolex for example...

Wasn't the original Bond Rolex just a standard Submariner?

There was an ad in last weekend's fish-wrap for an "007 Omega" with the lands and grooves of a gun barrel machined on the back.

Why would any sensible adult invite sniggers by spending three grand on a watch endorsed by an imaginary secret agent. It's like the Breitling Bentley stuff - totally naff.

I must admit to a personal watch fetish though.

Jessica Ennis in nothing but a Yacht-Master or Colt, Mmmmm!
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Ian (Cape Town)
Hey, I go from 'well-polished oak' on my arms to 'potato white', where the watch worn.

Off topic - apparently in Japan it is a status symbol to have a better-tanned LEFT arm, as this shows that you are driving an imported car.
Last edited by: Ian (Cape Town) on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 18:30
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Dog
I ain't got a wotch or a mobial phone :)
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
I often wish I didn't have a mobile phone or an email address... Seemed to get so much more actual work done before those were invented. Nowadays people just keep bothering you with their problems don't they?

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Dog
I came into this life without a watch or a mobile phone and I shall leave this life the same way (sort-of)

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Zero
Mobile phones are fine. Email is the curse to efficient working.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
My email also appears on my phone. It seems to breed. Averagely 90-100 a day now. Years ago, you got maybe 3 letters and a couple of faxes a day...

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - WillDeBeest
I came into this life without a watch or a mobile phone and I shall leave this life the same way (sort-of)

You could make the same statement about, say, underpants - or control of your bodily functions; it's not enough to justify going without either in between.
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 18:23
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Dog
>>You could make the same statement about, say, underpants - or control of your bodily functions; it's not enough to justify going without either in between<<

You've never considered going commando then:
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - mikeyb
Had an accident causing quite a bit of damage to my left hand / wrist about 15 years ago. Couldn't wear a watch for a number of months, and just ended up getting out of the habbit.

Not worn one since, but TBH there is always a clock somewhere nearby
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Armel Coussine
When my Citizen clockwork automatic, a present from my father, was banjaxed by the Citizen concessionaires in Ealing, bad cess to the carphounds, I used a small glittering plastic child's watch for a while. When that expired I started consulting my mobile, and have done so ever since. I still sometimes glance at the inside of my left wrist (I used to wear watches that way round to protect them in the event of random violence, not 100% safe that way but statistically safer), only to be disappointed.

All there is there now is three jingling twisted copper bracelets. I've got a big wooden one too inset with mother of pearl, abalone shell or something like that, but I only put it on for parties when I also wear a beautiful Shi'ite rosary round my neck if I feel like it.

Ponce ponce... gentleman indeed... snort!
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Rrrright, so you wear bangles, necklaces and white slip ons. Ooooo Kaaay....

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Armel Coussine
>> bangles, necklaces and white slip ons. Ooooo Kaaay....

Yes, some of us do have actual style instead of merely being dapper.

'Dad, you're so rock'n'roll!', my eldest daughter, now good God in her upper forties, said to me a few years ago. If I could afford decent schmutter I'd be accepted everywhere. Just as well I can't though. A full social life is a bit wearing I seem to remember, and it distracts you from serious matters.

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - BiggerBadderDave
I lost my first, last and only wrist watch shortly after doing o' levels (and doing a loose local girl), nearly thirty years ago. I may have lost it round the back of the sofa or maybe even more 'anatomically' whilst heavy petting. Perhaps she rattled when she walked me back to the bus stop.

Haven't ever had one around my wrist since that very day.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Armel Coussine
>> Haven't ever had one around my wrist since that very day.

I imagine you mean a watch rather than a loose local girl BBD?
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - R.P.
Glad you're back Dave - I think !
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Zero
>> I lost my first, last and only wrist watch shortly after doing o' levels (and
>> doing a loose local girl), nearly thirty years ago. I may have lost it round
>> the back of the sofa or maybe even more 'anatomically' whilst heavy petting. Perhaps she
>> rattled when she walked me back to the bus stop.

Well I guess if you are anatomically challenged in the trouser snake department, you have to please the girls somehow.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Dodgy ticker?

Edit - or a wind up?
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 28 Mar 12 at 20:38
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Ian (Cape Town)
Those jokes are so old.
Did you get them at a second-hand shop?
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - BiggerBadderDave
Had a problem around the noggin area a few months ago, 95% fully recovered.

Working perfectly 100% below the waist.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Runfer D'Hills
Well here you go Dave. This might change your mind. The story of the cowboy's watch...

A Cowboy walks into a bar and sits beside a good looking lady. The lady notices the cowboy keeps listening to his watch. After doing this several times the lady finally ask the cowboy why he is listening to his watch? The cowboy replies that it tells him what is going on around him. The lady asks "what does it tell you about me?" He replies "it says you're not wearing any panties." The lady replies "but it's wrong because I am wearing panties." The cowboy taps the watch and says "look, at that, the darn things an hour fast."
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Roger.

>> Haven't ever had one around my wrist since that very day.

There's a name for that particular proclivity, which unusually for me, I won't repeat as I am sure the members of this forum are innocents!
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Dog
Does it begin with f and end in g but without the ck in the middle Dodger.

 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - L'escargot
>> Everyone carries a phone nowadays.

I don't. My mobile phone is kept in the door pocket of my car in case it ever breaks down. It's the only reason I have a mobile phone.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - Zero
PAYG? if it is I hope you use it from time to time to keep it active. The Network Providers disable them after about three months of non use or top up.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - movilogo
Usually SIMs are disabled after 6 months if no chargeable call/text is made during this period.
 Why bother wearing wrist watch nowadays? - madf
I need a watch to tell me what day it is...and the date.. Mobile phones are things I seldom carry. Why bother when it's only begging calls?
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