Non-motoring > All-over tan for PU? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 4

 All-over tan for PU? - bathtub tom

 All-over tan for PU? - R.P.
Ha Ha Peter Rogers ! Part of a suspended Council who has no say in anything any more and a man done for misconduct quite recently to huge cost to the taxpayer - there was a debate as to whether the Police Authority should pay for his defence as he also on that - let's hope they didn't.

No mention of any of his career controversies on the Wiki page - must have written it himself !

He was found guilty of bringing the office of an Anglesey Councillor into disrepute - now that must be a task and a half......

Clearly even a non-entity to his own council. An egotist sadly.
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 29 Mar 12 at 12:33
 All-over tan for PU? - Runfer D'Hills
We were on holiday in Fuerteventura last year and hired mountain bikes to explore a bit. One day, we'd stopped at a quiet beach for a swim and a sunbathe when marching towards us over the horizon came a large group of what soon became clearly Yorkshire originated pensioners, totally starkers.

Chatting loudly and striding proudly they wobbled and sagged their way closely past where we were sitting.

My son, then 11, got a fit of the giggles which set me off and eventually my wife couldn't contain herself either. We simply couldn't hold back the laughter and ended up rolling on the sand punching the ground unable to see ( thank goodness ) for the tears in our eyes.

I'm not especially proud of that outburst but this shower were in dire and urgent need of some fabric based disguise !
 All-over tan for PU? - R.P.
"If you are after 'total freedom' then be warned because the sign in the car park informs us that naturists are frowned upon by the authorities,"

That made me laugh in the BBC report. No mention of the Prince and his mrs in that report. Telegraph's gone down hill
 All-over tan for PU? - MD
"Fabric Based Disguise" How disingenuous of you taking the 'P' like that.

BRILLIANT THOUGH. Got me chuckling and a line I am going to use to great effect. Happy days.
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