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Thread Author: MD Replies: 25

 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
Free templates for the above is what I am after as it looks like I am going to be working for HMG in a round about way. Haven't been in this market for several years now and don't wish to take on board unnecessary costs should it only be for the one project. All advice and info gratefully received.

 H&S & Risk Assessment - L'escargot
There must be something of interest to you in this ..............
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Cliff Pope
There is a lot of hyped up mystique about H&S. It's actually very simple. Just make a list for each process or area:

What are the risks?
Who is at risk?
What procedures do you have for mitigating those risks?

Action points for improvement.

Don't make it perfect first time round. You get brownie points for identifying possible risks and then writing down solutions. So save some good ones for next year, so that you can demonstrate regular reviews and improvements.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
I am listening Sir.

It seems that common sense counts for nowt.

Thanks also to - L'escargot.

 H&S & Risk Assessment - NortonES2
Don't forget that the "improvements" have to be put in some priority, and then re-checked. It's not a one-off exercise, and it won't self-heal by writing out a policy:)
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
If it gets too complicated they can shaft it.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Woodster
Or you can do it in a 3 x 3 matrix, giving a score from 1 to 3 for the severity of the danger and multiplying that by a 1 to 3 score of likelihood of that danger actually occurring.

So for roofing repairs, danger of falling is a 3 (very dangerous!) and likelihood of happening without scaffold is a 3 (highly likely) so scores a big red 9.

Danger of being lifted of by an oversize bird is a 1, likelihod of happening is, erm, 1. So scores a green 1.

You can list as many dangers as you like, score them and then detail your mitigating actions for those that score above whatever limit you set (although that doesn't mean you'll get away with setting your limit at 8!) It does mean that you simply assess the obvious risks and it gets you to think about all possible risks.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Zero
whatever you way you choose, you have to have documented it.

"I fought that might 'appen" is a terrible verbal defence
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
Now this matrix thing throws some sense into the mix. TBH the whole thing is giving me a headache and I suspect that however much one gives it will never be enough, but this time I will persevere. Thank you.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Fullchat
Is there a question of who is also responsible for that risk? For example I employ someone to work on my premises. Have I responsibility for the Risk Assessment or has the person doing the work? I would like to think the latter.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
OOH! my head............
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Zero
Now had you done your risk assessment, you would have been wearing your hard hat!
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Zero
>> Is there a question of who is also responsible for that risk? For example I
>> employ someone to work on my premises. Have I responsibility for the Risk Assessment or
>> has the person doing the work? I would like to think the latter.

H&S is *everyones* responsibility, so all the signs say. As i am knownwun, its nuffink to do with me.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
From his hospital bed...........
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Dutchie
Filling in near misses forms was the big thing whilst I was employed.

 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
My Wife used to process Voyage reports for B.A many years ago. Some of those near misses were a sure cure for constipation.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Woodster
Fullchat - it dpends what you mean by 'employ'. If you mean employ in the traditional sense of a person works full time for you then you must asses the risks in the work that they undertake. If you mean get a contractor in to fix something, then that's their risk assessment.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Woodster
Martin I'll try and get you an example document - no promises though...
 H&S & Risk Assessment - John H
The link given by L'escargot has these:

and page 2 here

is a sample "risk assessment template"

 H&S & Risk Assessment - Bromptonaut
And make sure you identify the real hazards.

The 'experts' from HQ came round work a few years ago to show us how it's done. At the time we had one of those water coolers supplied from a 25 litre user swappable container. Milado identified the two refills stored against the wall as a trip hazard.

Nothing about the manual handling risks in lifting 25kg to waist height when changing the barrels.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Zero

>> Nothing about the manual handling risks in lifting 25kg to waist height when changing the
>> barrels.

Barrels? you put beer in your water cooler? Now there is a forward thinking working environment. No wonder you don't want to take early retirement.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - MD
>> Martin I'll try and get you an example document - no promises though...
Many thanks Sir.
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Meldrew
Civil Aviation has an anonymous reporting system called CHIRP = Confidential Human factors Incident Reporting Programme allows any pilot to report safety related incidents and events.

Useful - anonymous reports of silly and potentially lethal c*ck ups from which others can learn
 H&S & Risk Assessment - Duncan
>> Civil Aviation has an anonymous reporting system called CHIRP = Confidential Human factors Incident Reporting

That's CHFIR!

 H&S & Risk Assessment - Zero
You could have Confidential Reporting About Stupid Humans.
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