Non-motoring > Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Auntie Lockbrakes Replies: 67

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Looking for a hot and sunny week in March (the week before Easter). I figure that Spain/Italy will barely be warm. Got a short-list of Tenerife, Turkey, & Tunisia... Anyone got any recommendations? Want temperatures in the mid-20s ideally - swimming pool weather!

Tunisia (Hammamet) has caught my attention in particular. Anyone been there?

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
I am in the same boat.

Ruled out Tunisia because of Arab unrest, Sharm el Sheik for the same reasons

Tenerife? no I have a bit too much class for that. So I am near 100% going for Marakesh, late march if Nicole gets her ass in gear and books her time off.

I would suggest Madiera for you if you haven't been.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
Syria or Libya? You did mention Tunisia to begin with.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Ha ha to Syria/Libya. Have ruled out Egypt for the same reason as Zero. Is Tunisia unsettled? Is Morocco any better?!

Never been to Madeira or Tenerife.

Cyprus also an outsider?
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
>> Tunisia unsettled

Risky, its where the Arab spring all started and not settled down yet - still some unrest.

>> Is Morocco any better?!

Think so, I am banking on it anyway.

>> Never been to Madeira

Plenty on here, me included will attest to the place being really nice.

>> Cyprus also an outsider?

Bit chilly at that time of year perhaps, need to go further east or south?
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - car4play
Another vote for Madeira.

I'd live there all winter if I could. I prefer Florida but its a longer and more expensive flight.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R
>>Tenerife? no I have a bit too much class for that.

But yet you would consider Sharm el Sheik?

Have a look at the Dominican Republic. Or Cuba. Both lovely in March, and its in their dry season.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
>> Have a look at the Dominican Republic. Or Cuba

Assume it's not been flattened or rebuilt?

Nick is coming from New Zealand so do we need to account for him coming via Europe to visit family?
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 4 Nov 12 at 22:36
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - CGNorwich
You can't really guarantee hot weather anywhere in Europe or North Africa in March but you may well get lucky in N Africa or Cyprus.

Best bet for sunshine and warmth is the Canaries or Madeira. Depends what you are looking for in a destination really. Personally for a City I like Funchal in Madeira and peace and quiet the smaller Canary islands of La Palma and La Gomera but I do like the quieter bits of the world.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero

>> Have a look at the Dominican Republic.

Been - don't like.

>>Or Cuba.

Its on my todo list, but too dear and too far away for a 1 week spring break, it will be done at some time tho and soon.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R
What didn't you like about DR? Whereabouts did you go?

Go to Cuba soon, its changing fast.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
>> What didn't you like about DR? - The Hurricane and far too many brits on all you can eat deals.

>>Whereabouts did you go?

Punta Cana?

>> Go to Cuba soon, its changing fast.

I know - in 12 months it will be ruined.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Lygonos
>>I know - in 12 months it will be ruined.

Yeah, it'll back to how it was before Castro took charge...

Full of hookers, cabarets, drinking dens, casinos...

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Kevin
>Yeah, it'll back to how it was before Castro took charge...
>Full of hookers, cabarets, drinking dens, casinos...

What's it like now Lygonos?
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Lygonos
>> What's it like now Lygonos?

A bunch of sticks and mud since Sandy hit it.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R
>>Punta Cana?

If you go again, try Samana. Of course, it depends what you didn't like about Miami Punta Cana.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Sun 4 Nov 12 at 23:17
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
IS it recommended going in the next few days. Starting at Santiago... not me going but someone I know.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Yep, I'll have travelled over from NZ, so not looking at taking another long haul flight for the week.

Forgot to ask for holiday company/ tour operator recommendations? I've checked out Thomson and Monarch so far on the Internet. Which other ones should I be casting an eye over?

Cheers again.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero

>> Forgot to ask for holiday company/ tour operator recommendations? I've checked out Thomson and Monarch
>> so far on the Internet. Which other ones should I be casting an eye over?

None of them. do it all yourself on the web. Flights and hotels. Dont wprry about being in NZ for pricing, use a proxy server to hide your location, something like
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - CGNorwich
"None of them. do it all yourself on the web. "

Possibly and its what I normally do but sometimes a tour operator can actually be cheaper.

I had a week's holiday in Greece last May last year through Thomson for £186 including flights transfer and a very acceptable hotel.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Clk Sec
>>I had a week's holiday in Greece last May last year through Thomson for £186 including flights transfer and a very acceptable hotel. <<

I really do wonder how a tour operator can show any profit on that level of pricing. Particularly when they throw in a decent hotel.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - bathtub tom
>>>>I had a week's holiday in Greece last May last year through Thomson for £186 including flights transfer and a very acceptable hotel.

Son-of-Tom put us in an apartment in Gran Canaria that was full of cockroaches and bedbugs, then did nothing about it. It'll be a cold day in hell before I use them again.

I've had good results with

I learnt my lesson and read the reviews now.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - sooty123
I'd go with Cyprus should be nice and warm by March, I can't say I've been there in the Spring only the Autumn, but I know those that have it say it's nice and warm.
I see Zero suggested Morocco, I've been I can't say I was impressed it was a bit of dump. Looked run down and a bit of an eyesore, but that was in the North at Tangiers and the surrounding areas. Some parts of Tangiers were OK but not somewhere I'd rush back to. Hope Marrakesh is better for you.
Nick have you thought of the middle east, somewhere like Doha?
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - FocalPoint
We went to Tenerife last February and have pretty much decided to return next year. If you avoid the chips-and-lager resorts of the south and west, there's plenty of classy things to do and see. Hire a car to explore the extraordinary range of scenery; "do" the volcano (we missed out on that last time). Visit Santa Cruz to see the modern archirecture at the Auditorio.

We plan to stay in Puerto de la Cruz again, which is not overwhelmed by tourists and is pretty cheap (sorry, Zero - I meant "good value"). Here a visit to the Botanic Gardens is a must. Although it's not as warm as the south, we still walked around all day in shorts and sunbathed.

Madeira I can also recommend, though the nicest/most interesting town on the island to stay in is Funchal, where there isn't much of a beach, if you're after sunbathing. It's also two or three degrees C cooler in February/March than Tenerife.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Mon 5 Nov 12 at 10:44
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
These ere blimmin pillocks that ave "too much cl-ass" for, or see Tenerife as a hang-out for Lager louts,
wouldn't know an arf decent otel if it jumped up n' bit em on the bum.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Crankcase
Royal suite looks good there, Dog. I might try this one on Mrs C:

"You can also choose your preference of pillows and sheets from the menu, via your personal butler service."

I expect she'll tell me where the airing cupboard is, and suggest I try sleeping in it.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
I used to watch that "world-class" hotel being built C/c, as my wife and I used to cycle past it once a week.

We attended a seminar there once hosted by Blackstone Franks, I turned up wearing T shirt, shorts and sandals ... they wouldn't let me in :-)

I'd go back there any day - if I won the lottery!
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Really don't fancy organising it myself this time. Have spent the best part of 20 years arranging holidays and trips myself: airline, hotel, car hire etc. This time I just want to give a reputable tour operator my credit card and be taken care of!

I'm still musing over Tunisia - can't quite understand why it might be inherently less safe than Morocco... I thought both countries had the same underlying tensions.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
I think the difference is the uprising/revolution in Tunisia during Dec 2010 and Jan 2011. Is everything now calmed down? Is it really safe? Might it all kick off again. The same tensions will be in Morocco but they didn't have a revolution.... yet.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 5 Nov 12 at 20:20
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Bromptonaut
Tunisia was a UXB after pro Islamist elections 20 yrs ago were ignored. Whether changes last year have exorcised the demons, or whether Morocco is a powder keg remains to be seen.

If you want to avoid risks around arab revolutions stick with EU Med - but they've got their own political tensions not least in Spain or Greece.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero

>> I'm still musing over Tunisia - can't quite understand why it might be inherently less
>> safe than Morocco... I thought both countries had the same underlying tensions.

They dont. But hey, off you go to Tunisia and tell us.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
Oh and here is the UK FCO travel advice for Tunisia

Travel Summary

(back to top)

• While most visits to Tunisia are trouble-free, all travellers should be aware of the current political and security situation and that restrictions may be imposed. A State of Emergency still exists and curfews or other temporary movement restrictions may be imposed or changed with little or no notice.

• While Tunisia is no longer experiencing the widespread unrest that occurred during the events of January 2011 and public order is maintained in most areas all travellers should be aware that spontaneous and unpredictable events such as political and industrial protests, including unofficial roadblocks still occur regularly throughout the country.

• Religious and social tensions may also spark protest or violence. There have been several recorded incidents of violence widely believed to be linked to religious and social tensions, for example in June 2012 when groups clashed violently with the police in several areas of Greater Tunis, Sousse, Monastir, Jendouba and Ben Geurdane and in September 2012when a small hotel in the town of Sidi Bouzeid was attacked.

• There is also the possibility that international news events will trigger anti-Western demonstrations. Violent protests took place in front of the US Embassy in Tunis on 14 September 2012 resulting in several deaths, multiple injuries and significant damage to the US Embassy and nearby American school. There is a possibility that other Western Embassies may become the focal point for demonstrations.

• We strongly recommend that British nationals avoid all forms of demonstration. While many protests pass without incident there is the possibility of injury if you are caught up in a demonstration that does not remain peaceful. If you become aware of any nearby violence you should leave the area immediately and keep yourself informed of developments by checking the news, observing the instructions given by the security authorities and/or your tour operator and regularly check this advice. You should carry a copy of your passport, or other form of photo ID, at all times as proof of nationality and identity.

• There is a general threat from terrorism in Tunisia. Attacks cannot be ruled out and could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by British expatriates and foreign travellers. See Safety and

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
And in the desert areas where tourists might be there is a risk of kidnap by Algerians. A popular trip would of course be where Tatooine in Star Wars was filmed.

The real place:
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - MD
>>There is a general threat from terrorism in Tunisia. Attacks cannot be ruled out and could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by British expatriates and foreign travellers.

What is the point of going to places like this?
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - MD
I can thoroughly recommend Madeira. Been there Thirteen or Fourteen times, but beaches are virtually non-existent. I gather it has become quite expensive now.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Well, thanks everyone. I think I've gone off Tunisia now ;-)

Thanks for the FCO statement on Tunisia, Z. Presumably you've checked out Morocco and there is no dire warnings yet issued in that country?

Tell you what, Z, you book and arrange your holiday, send me the details and I'll book the same?! :-)

Would be quite good to have someone to blame & bicker with if it all kicks off and we're barracaded in a hotel with no services :-)
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero

>> Would be quite good to have someone to blame & bicker with if it all
>> kicks off and we're barracaded in a hotel with no services :-)

I guess you would cook up quite well?
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
>> Thanks for the FCO statement on Tunisia, Z. Presumably you've checked out Morocco and there
>> is no dire warnings yet issued in that country?

Most of this appears in any country outside Europe,

There is a general threat from terrorism in Morocco. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers. You should have confidence in your individual security arrangements and maintain a high level of vigilance. See Safety and Security - Terrorism.

There have been sporadic but generally peaceful demonstrations in various locations across the country over the past year. See Safety and Security - Political Situation.

• Travellers should take sensible precautions for their personal safety and avoid public gatherings and demonstrations.

In April and May 2010, a number of foreigners, including British nationals, were expelled from Morocco for alleged proselytising. You should be aware of religious sensitivities in Morocco. See Local laws and customs.

• Morocco has a poor road safety record. See Road Travel.

• If you are travelling to Western Sahara, please see the separate Travel Advice covering this disputed territory.

• If you are considering rally racing in North or West Africa you should read the travel advice for all relevant countries and our Rally racing page.

• Most visits to Morocco are trouble free. See General - Consular Assistance Statistics. There are occasional incidents involving theft at knifepoint in the major cities. Violent crime, though not a major problem in Morocco, is growing.

• You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling. See General - Insurance.

Safety and security

(back to top)

Safety and Security - Terrorism
There is a general threat from terrorism in Morocco. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers. You should have confidence in your individual security arrangements and maintain a high level of vigilance. See our Terrorism Abroad page.

Significant events include:
•On 28 April 2011, 17 people were killed and 25 injured in a large explosion in Marrakech at the Argana Restaurant in Jema el Fna Square. Suspects have been convicted and imprisoned.
•In May 2003, 45 people were killed in a series of terrorist attacks in Casablanca. These attacks were against relatively soft targets, including hotels and restaurants frequented by foreigners or those with Jewish links. The Moroccan authorities arrested and imprisoned a number of those considered to be responsible for the attacks.

You should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, which could be against civilian targets, including places frequented by foreigners. You should also be aware that there is a threat of kidnapping in the immediate and wider regions and particular care should be taken in remote regions and border areas. See our Sahel page for further information about the regional threat. If you are considering rally racing in North or West Africa you should read the travel advice for all relevant countries and our Rally racing page.

Safety and Security - Political Situation

Morocco Country Profile

Since February 2011 there have been sporadic demonstrations and protests in a number of locations across the country. In general, demonstrations have been peaceful but on 20 February 2011 some of the demonstrations led to incidents of vandalism and looting in Tangier, Marrakech and other locations. You should take precautions for your personal safety, avoid political gatherings and demonstrations and take local advice. Always observe instructions given by the local security authorities.

Safety and Security - Crime
Violent crime is not a major problem in Morocco, but it is growing. There are occasional incidents involving theft at knifepoint in the major cities and along beaches. Avoid areas that you do not know especially after dark. Do not carry large amounts of money or valuables around with you.

Carjacking incidents do also occur. You should drive defensively, avoid stopping at the side of the road and keep vehicle doors locked and windows closed at all times.

Petty crime (such as pick-pocketing and bag snatching), is common. Pay attention when using ATMs as crime and aggressive begging can occur. Credit card fraud and scams such as substituting inferior goods for those that were actually purchased are common. Intimidation is sometimes used to force customers to purchase goods. You should remain vigilant and alert to potential confidence tricks.

When visiting the medinas, should you require the services of a guide, you should ensure that the guide is authorised by or operating with the agreement of the local tourist authorities, and displays an official badge. Harassment of tourists by men posing as official tourist guides is common. There have also been reports of tourists being harassed on Moroccan trains.

See our Victims of Crime Abroad page.

Travellers to Morocco should be aware of the impact that the situation elsewhere in the Middle East has had across the Arab world and the risk of public disturbance in response. You should follow news reports and be alert to developments in the Middle East that might trigger public disturbances. In addition, demonstrations against rising food and fuel prices across the region have on occasion turned violent. You should take sensible precautions for your personal safety and avoid public gatherings and demonstrations.

Safety and Security - Local Travel - Road Travel
Morocco has a poor road safety record. According to the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment and Transport, in 2011 road accidents claimed the lives of 4,222 people, with 12,482 seriously injured and 89,529 sustaining minor injuries. These figures represent an increase of 2.5% in the number of road accidents, 12% in the number of road deaths and 9% in the number of serious injuries. Accidents are especially frequent on busy major routes but also on narrower secondary roads. All drivers should take extra care when overtaking, particularly where there are no hard shoulders. You are advised to leave plenty of time to reach your destination and to stay well within speed limits.

If you are involved in a road accident resulting in a fatality and the Moroccan authorities consider you responsible, you may be detained pending a trial hearing.

If you are involved in a minor accident, you should complete a 'Constat Amiable' form, to be signed by both parties. The blank forms are available upon arrival at the Tangier port from the insurance company booths, or can be purchased from tobacconists in all cities.

See our Driving Abroad page.

Local laws and customs

(back to top)

Local laws reflect the fact that Morocco is an Islamic country. You should respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times and be aware of your actions to ensure that they do not offend other cultures or religious beliefs, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas.

Women, especially when travelling alone, may attract attention. To minimise hassle, you should dress inconspicuously and avoid wearing clothes that could be regarded as provocative (e.g. short skirts and low-necked strappy tops), except on the beach.

Homosexuality is a criminal offence in Morocco. Sexual relations outside marriage are also punishable by law. It is not uncommon for hotels to ask couples to show evidence of marriage (ie a marriage certificate) at the time of check-in, and if such evidence is not available, to insist on separate rooms being booked.

British nationals travelling to Morocco with a view to marrying a Moroccan should, before they travel, check what documentation they will need to provide. Advice can be found on the British Embassy’s website (

The penalties for possession of even small amounts of drugs are severe: up to 10 years’ imprisonment, with no remission for good behaviour, heavy fines and confiscation of your vehicle/vessel. If you travel through the Rif Mountains, a major cannabis growing area, you may be harassed by drug dealers.

It is against the law to carry bibles in Arabic, to attempt to distribute any non-Muslim/evangelical literature or be involved in any such activity.

See our Your trip page.

Last edited by: Zero on Mon 5 Nov 12 at 21:52
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dutchie
We had a nice holiday in Tunesia last year.Clean hotel good food nice pool and plenty of sunshine.People where friendly just be firm with taxi drivers who try to charge to much.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
We were serious about going there in Jan/Feb 2010. We'd just sold a house and it didn't work out. We thought we'd go the next year. And might have booked before it kicked off but looking for a good deal!

It will get better there at some point.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Alanovich
Here's a leftfield suggestion. Cape Verde Islands.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Focusless
How about Brasil? You could have a nice gentle splash around in this water park:

"At the end of the descent the slide levels off and deposits riders safely in a swimming pool to relax"

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - neiltoo
Look at Sicily.

We were there in October 2009 - similar temperature to March.
Very pleasant climate.
Mafia problem not apparent to tourists.
Interesting history and infrastructure - Greek, Roman, Moorish, Norman, Spanish.
Same Latitude as North Africa, but European.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
Yea I went to Sicily in October last year, weather was OK-ish the odd cloudy and damp day, but its a bit damp there in march I am told.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 6 Nov 12 at 12:04
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - rtj70
Someone will be suggesting New Zealand next. ;-)
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
TBH I would fly to Australia.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
How's abowt Argentina.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R
>>How's abowt Argentina.

Its ok-ish for a few days. But I wouldn't fly all the way from England to go there. And I wouldn't spend more than a few days there.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
As a kid I always wanted to go to Frey Bentos, i thought thats where all the food in the world came from.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Alanovich
Show off.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
How's about ...

To live, not for a holly day I'm looking for somewhere warm and dry to spend my last days on planet Earth.

€urope has been scuppered by the single currency from what I've seen, and the Costa of living is not a lot different to Gran Britannia, it seems.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R

Have you ever lived abroad?

There are many advantages, but its not neccessarily all plain sailing. Espcially when you are such a long way from your own country.

That's not to say it can't be successful, many people do it. But its not something to be stepped into lightly.

If you're serious, and I can help, do let me know.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
We lived in Tenerife for 3 years back in the mid 90's Martin, but that's only a 4 hour flight away from Blighty.

We're both 60 (boy does that sound old!) and TBH this country has had it as far as we're con-cerned.

I know from living in Tenerife how well we both felt and I just don't relish the thought of getting really old in this country.

Thanks for your kind offer, I'll see how things pan out over the next 6 months or so, if we're all still here!
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R
You're welcome, and its Mark, not Martin.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero

>> I know from living in Tenerife how well we both felt and I just don't
>> relish the thought of getting really old in this country.

And I dont fancy getting really old anywhere else, At least here there is the national health, social security, reliable public transport, meals on wheels, family and all the other support required for getting at least some quality of life when old.

Que all the "country is going to the dogs gloom and doom merchants"
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Alanovich
>> And I dont fancy getting really old anywhere else, At least here there is the
>> national health, social security, reliable public transport, meals on wheels, family and all the other
>> support required for getting at least some quality of life when old.
>> Que all the "country is going to the dogs gloom and doom merchants"

Agree 100%. In my early retirement (should Allah/God/Beelzebub/David Icke's alien lizard overlords) deem it fit for me to live that long, I plan to spend spring, summer and autumn in London (nice 2 bed mansion flat around Bayswater will do it), and winter on the south coast of France (Languedoc end of things). Should I be fortunate enough to get to the stage where I suspect I'll need to cash in my NHS contributions with a bit more regularity/intensity, I'll billet meslf back in Blighty for the duration.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
>> And I dont fancy getting really old anywhere else, At least here there is the
>> national health, social security, reliable public transport, meals on wheels, family and all the other
>> support required for getting at least some quality of life when old.
>> Que all the "country is going to the dogs gloom and doom merchants"

Yep - I know all that (and more) but I'd just kinda like to be somewhere a tad warmer and dryer thanks.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Kevin
>How's about ...

Nothing to do with this then Dog?
Last edited by: Kevin on Wed 7 Nov 12 at 21:17
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - No FM2R
>>How about Brasil?

I know Brasil very well, I've lived there on and off for years. I love the country and the people. My daughter is Brasilian.

I am also well aware and have experience of Brasilian construction approaches and you would not, not in 1 million years, get me up that thing.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 6 Nov 12 at 12:05
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - helicopter
Well I have been to USA ,Morocco, Tunisia , Tenerife , Doha, Dubai ,Madeira, Spain , Portugal and various Greek Islands in the last few years....

I would avoid all Arab destinations at the moment .Marrakesh was much too frenetic for me and still had the remnants of a bombed restaurant in the main square when I was there last November. Some are more stable than others

I would say that Madeira or Western Crete would be my favourite destinations followed by Kefalonia as a fall back. All are three to four hours from London. Madeira can be cloudy and wet though ....

If you want to just hand over to an agent for Crete try handing over to , fly to the west of the island to Chania and rent a villa through them and a hire car and tour the mountains and gorges and sample the cuisine..

Currently around 25 degrees there .....but like all areas round the Med can vary .

Best of Luck.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - henry k
"Yep, I'll have travelled over from NZ, so not looking at taking another long haul flight for the week."
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Alanovich
>> "Yep, I'll have travelled over from NZ, so not looking at taking another long haul
>> flight for the week."

Trouble is, there is no guaranteed warmth and sunshine in March within a short haul flight of the UK. It's asking for the moon on a stick.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Zero
Yup, he wants hot, in March, in Europe(ish)

As the old saying goes "I wouldn't start from here"
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Ambo

Majorca in March will avoid the Teutons, although they are responsible for this review:

“The exclusive Fincahotel SA Pedrissa is to approx. 1.5 km southwest from Deia because of the road after Valldemossa highly over the coast. Of breakfast terrace (a dream in good warm weather!) and pool (unsurpassably its exposed position) one has a far view over rock landscapes on the sea and over there on the village mountain of the artist place. Behind it rises the powerful steep wall it Caragoli 800 m highly.

“The history of the gentleman seat, which belonged once to the properties of the ore duke Ludwig Salvator, embedded in old tree existence is enough into 16 Century back. Restoration and change of Finca to a private hotel by the today's owners took place only a few years ago. The existing structures and details remained large and into the new function integrated, most clearly visibly at the old olive press in the restaurant (not only) for house guests.

“The all differently cut rooms (Einzel=Doppel) are gediegen furnished rustikal (nature brick-work), but, as one may expect it in this preisklasse. That applies also to the individually arranged baths. Heating, air conditioning system, satellite TV and mini bar are natural. The Turmsuite, which one enters by the bedroom in the basement, is original. The living room over it is all around vitreous with view into all directions.

“Also the Suiten with sea view and Gartensuite have separate sleep and living ranges, in addition over its own terrace. They are in each case is separate small buildings off the main house between rock and green.

“The house is recommended all, the Deia proximity looks for, in a typical hotel to feel not so well and on the Euro not look must. Cost-related SA Pedrissa is today nearly on the level of La Residencia, however the more delightful Ambiente offers, although not its exclusive Noblesse.”

It is a shame about the Noblesse but I can’t wait to try one of those living ranges, so long as it is not by the bedroom in the basement entered - although, personally, I on the Euro look must.

 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Alanovich
Absolute classic of a translation by computer. The German word order is pretty much intact.
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Falkirk Bairn
40+ years ago I was in the Lebanon in March/April...........mid 70s which I like.

I am not suggesting Beirut as a destination but Cyprus must be very similar temperatures, is quiet at this time of year and they drive on the left........what could be better!
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Dog
Wev can be dodgy in Cyprus late March / early April:
 Holiday advice: somewhere warm in late-March? - Ambo
>> Absolute classic of a translation by computer. The German word order is pretty much intact.

Glad you liked it. I have placed a motoring example on the relevant forum.
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