Non-motoring > Breach of Human Rights Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 14

 Breach of Human Rights - BobbyG
When you are convicted of murdering someone and chopping their body into several pieces and systematically dumping them at various parts of Scotland, it would appear that you still have Human Rights.

In this case an award of £5000 because one of your many appeals wasn't heard on time. This obviously doesn't include the huge legal costs involved in this as well.

It also doesn't help me personally to know that I know this guy's lawyer and he has made an absolute fortune out of him and other human rights payouts for prisoners.

Makes me sway towards the death penalty .... cheaper all round!
 Breach of Human Rights - John H
>> Makes me sway towards the death penalty .... cheaper all round!

I agree, all lawyers should be shot on sight. ;-)

Last edited by: John H on Wed 7 Nov 12 at 10:57
 Breach of Human Rights - Bromptonaut
Bobby, do we have any evidence on the lawyers fees?

Beggs has won on one relatively minor point but lost on a whole rash of others.

Meanwhile, in another case today the court found a BNP Member's rights were infringed when he was sacked for Membership. No access to Employment Tribunal as he'd not served the qualifying period with the employer.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 7 Nov 12 at 11:18
 Breach of Human Rights - Roger.
Sacking anyone for membership of any legal political party is certainly a breach of their rights, by any measurement.
On that basis, a member of the SPGB, Greens or Communist parties (all with "extremist" views, by some people's standards) should also qualify for similar treatment.

 Breach of Human Rights - Bromptonaut
>> Sacking anyone for membership of any legal political party is certainly a breach of their
>> rights, by any measurement.
>> On that basis, a member of the SPGB, Greens or Communist parties (all with "extremist"
>> views, by some people's standards) should also qualify for similar treatment.

Looking again I'm not sure the court has actually found the sacking unreasonable. Rather it has found that Redfearn's right to political freedom under ECHR was potentially infringed and that his Article 6 right to access to a fair hearing of such a grievance was definitely infringed.

Point is that once dismissed he had no access to Employment Trib to challenge the employers action

A tribunal might say SERCO cannot reasonably employ a known BNP activist driving a community bus for a largely Asian clientèle. Apart from conflict with customers he appears to hold in contempt he's also a target for protesters. It might then consider adaptations such as moving him to another post or different duties. If those steps won't fly tribunal might say they were justified in dismissing.

 Breach of Human Rights - BobbyG

to name but a few
 Breach of Human Rights - Bromptonaut
OK Bobby, there was no mention of the lawyer in the original report.

Certainly a lot of money passed through this guy's hands but bear in mind lawyers pay fees of other professionals as well as their own office costs out of their gross fees.

Slopping out was a long and dishonourable issue where govt could have saved a fortune by admitting the obvious breach of Human Rights in first place. Instead politicians of all stripes threw money at fighting issue because doing the right thing might look weak in the media and some of their own backwoodsmen.

Prisoner votes are likely to be same in end.
 Breach of Human Rights - BobbyG
Brompton, I agree in some respects for instance if the rule is the prison service can't open his mail, and they do, then this is blatantly wrong.
But they should take action against who was breaking the rules, not pay this guy as compensation.

The lawyer is specifically targetting prisoners as he knows there are loopholes that he knows they will win with. And he receives money for these.

The slopping out ruling was actually named as a factor in a huge surge in drug prices in Glasgow as suddenly all these ex prisoners were getting handed £2k and they immediately went to their dealers and spent it!

There should be a clear document detailing that if you are sent to jail then you lose the right to a,b and c but are still entitled to x,y and z. ! Where x, y and z = food, liquid and exercise!
 Breach of Human Rights - No FM2R
>>they should take action against who was breaking the rules, not pay this guy as compensation.

 Breach of Human Rights - Zero

>> In this case an award of £5000 because one of your many appeals wasn't heard
>> on time. This obviously doesn't include the huge legal costs involved in this as well.

The victims family should bow sue him for that money.
 Breach of Human Rights - zookeeper
how does one explain bringing back hanging to the families of the Guildford 4 , birmingham 6, Timothy john Evans....shall i go on?
 Breach of Human Rights - BobbyG
Zoo, I was slightly tongue in cheek when I said that but I daresay countries that still use the death penalty have an argument against it?
 Breach of Human Rights - BobbyG
Good point Zero, as well as each prison sentence a convict should have a cash charge applied to them which is not allowed to reclaim wages etc when they get out as this may hamper their rehabilitation, but does give call on any compensation payouts!!

Obviously hard to implement in most cases!

 Breach of Human Rights - Falkirk Bairn
In the late 90s there was govt cash for prison plumbing. In 2000 the SQA(exam body fors schools) made a pigs ear of updating their ancient computer. They changed systems at the same time as realigning subjects and qualifications. Another govt computer fiasco.

It cost 30 million to rescue the exam system - the prison plumbing budget was used. Now we are paying compensation to could not make it up
 Breach of Human Rights - zookeeper
ive always wondered that if we did have Albert pierrepiont waiting at the trap door, would the defence and prosecution council and more importantly the 12 good men and true take a different stance knowing they were going to end someones life?
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