Non-motoring > Cutting the gay cake Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 10

 Cutting the gay cake - Crankcase
If it ends up in the same way as the B&B owners turning away the gay couple, then the bakery will lose this one.

 Cutting the gay cake - Slidingpillar
It's an interesting story, but it's a very different case to the B&B one. The fact they've refused orders before for pornographic images and bad language must help the bakerys case.

It's probably going to come down to what was said when the order was taken, and probably will have no bearing on other cases.
 Cutting the gay cake - No FM2R
The General Manager said; "I would like the outcome of this to be that, any Christians running a business could be allowed to follow their Christian beliefs and principles in the day-to-day running of their business and that they are allowed to make decisions based on that."

Which on the face of it does not sound unreasonable, but it is.

What about if he had been refused something which whilst was entirely in accordance with his beliefs it was not according to the belief system of his supplier. A Christmas nativity scene from a Jewish supplier, for example.

Would he still support their right to refuse him?

Because it is fundamentally wrong to base laws solely upon what a person or group of people believe is acceptable and then apply different standards where they do not. Not only is it wrong, its dangerous.
 Cutting the gay cake - Haywain
"Bert and Ernie"

It reminds of the days when I was a student and a joke that appeared in every rag-mag was:

Q: Should a married couple be frank and earnest?

A: No, one of them should be a woman.

I hope that by bringing this one up, I haven't upset any of the 'permanently-offended'.
 Cutting the gay cake - Alanovich
>> the 'permanently-offended'.

Do they exist? Name one.

I think this bakery should just have refused to supply without explanation, all business have a right to do so. Their crime is one of stupidity. Not unheard of in religious folk of course.
 Cutting the gay cake - commerdriver
>> Their crime is one of stupidity. Not unheard of in religious folk of course.
Agree totally, that and reacting to someone who wanted a fight not a cake instead of telling them where to go, principles eh? :-)
 Cutting the gay cake - Haywain
"Do they exist? Name one."

Oops - sounds like I might have offended somebody? Apologies.
 Cutting the gay cake - Armel Coussine
Morale and emotion are important in all forms of cuisine.

Would anyone in their right mind want a wedding cake from bakers who regarded the clients as disgusting perverts? It might even be risky. Go to another baker who wants the work.
 Cutting the gay cake - Alanovich
Offended? Sure I am. (eye roll smiley)

Name someone permanently offended about everything. Go on. If you do, I'm betting they turn out to be a Kipper.
 Cutting the gay cake - Haywain
As you were the only one to be offended, then you win the prize. I hope you are pleased ………… or are you offended?
 Cutting the gay cake - Alanovich
>> As you were the only one to be offended

That, old bean, is a massive assumption. Point out where I have said I'm offended.

Now, who are these "permanently-offended"? Name one.
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