Non-motoring > Death by ack-ack Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Manatee Replies: 37

 Death by ack-ack - Manatee
Kim Jong-un is at it again.
 Death by ack-ack - legacylad
I thought you were referring to the film 'Mars Attacks'...ak ak was the sound the Martians made.
Very funny film in case you missed it
 Death by ack-ack - Lygonos
A less unpleasant ending than being in a US gas chamber.

AA rounds will remove limbs and/or leave holes in you large enough for a small child to climb through - physical suffering would be minimal.

The politico-social statement being made, however, is far more gruesome.
 Death by ack-ack - sooty123
Bet he'll take a lot of flak for this.
 Death by ack-ack - Robin O'Reliant
Only a matter of time before the generals decide Dear Leader is too dangerous a nutter to be in charge.
 Death by ack-ack - Manatee
Fascinating isn't it. It must be a bit like being an advisor to Henry VIII.
 Death by ack-ack - Dog
Or Uncle Joe.
 Death by ack-ack - Armel Coussine
Very strange place. My impression is that the Fat Leader is kept there by some clique to take the, er, flak and keep the heat off them. He doesn't seem at all intelligent. But the place is so obscure that it's impossible to really tell.

One can't help hoping that he will come to a sticky end like so many of his uncles. Bound to be his turn sooner or later.
 Death by ack-ack - Ted
>> Or Uncle Joe.

Mint balls ?
 Death by ack-ack - Dog
>> Or Uncle Joe.

Mint balls ?

Woss the ole duffer on about now then?

 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich

One of Manchester's contribution to confectionary greatness.
 Death by ack-ack - Dog
Ta. Explains why 'ee keeps his gnashers in a glass overnight.

 Death by ack-ack - Ted

Cheeky young pup....yer name's gone in the book !
 Death by ack-ack - Clk Sec
Don't tell 'im, Pike...
 Death by ack-ack - Dog
'ee nose I luvs 'im really.

 Death by ack-ack - Zero
>> A less unpleasant ending than being in a US gas chamber.
>> AA rounds will remove limbs and/or leave holes in you large enough for a small
>> child to climb through - physical suffering would be minimal.
>> The politico-social statement being made, however, is far more gruesome.

I think the one fed to the pigs was more of a statement.
 Death by ack-ack - Fursty Ferret
>> A less unpleasant ending than being in a US gas chamber.

Isn't being gassed quite humane? (Assuming they use nitrogen...)

And if you gave me the choice between firing squad or anti-aircraft gun, I'd pick the second. Even if shot right in the heart it's bound to sting for a bit with a normal bullet.
Last edited by: Fursty Ferret on Thu 14 May 15 at 09:12
 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich
I would posit that you want to be shot in the head not the heart.
 Death by ack-ack - Lygonos
>>Isn't being gassed quite humane? (Assuming they use nitrogen...)

Nitrogen would be a smooth exit, as would helium.

However, 'gas chamber' execution consists of a handful of sodium or potassium cyanide being dropped into sulphuric acid beneath the prisoner and them being enveloped by a cloud of hydrogen cyanide gas.

Apparently similar to simultaneously having a heart attack and suffocating.

Convicts are advised to minimse suffering by taking deep breaths.

Not cruel and/or unusual though of course.
 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich
Surely you would just suffocate in nitrogen or helium. Neither are toxic so your end would be quite slow.

Carbon monoxide would be peaceful as long as you didn't know about it.

 Death by ack-ack - No FM2R
>>Surely you would just suffocate in nitrogen or helium. Neither are toxic so your end would be quite slow.

Not sure, but as the breathing impulse is one of a need to breath out to get rid of carbon dioxide and not one of needing to breath in, then presumably the physical panic would be missing.

But slow, as you say.
 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich
Yes, subsequent to my posting have read up on nitrogen poisoning on Wikipedia. You are right - quite painless and panic free and has been proposed by some states in USA as a humane way of killing prisoners.

You learn a lot on here.
 Death by ack-ack - Armel Coussine
There isn't a painless non-cruel execution method. Of course the worst thing would be knowing it was coming, peeing down your leg at the stake and so on.

Perhaps being shot through the head while asleep would be all right. But that would be fascist wouldn't it?
 Death by ack-ack - No FM2R
>>Of course the worst thing would be knowing it was coming

Quite indescribably awful I should think.
 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich
" peeing down your leg at the stake and so on."

That's just getting old ;-)
 Death by ack-ack - Armel Coussine
>> That's just getting old ;-)

Speak for yourself CGN. I'm still continent so far.
 Death by ack-ack - Cliff Pope
>> Perhaps being shot through the head while asleep would be all right. But that would
>> be fascist wouldn't it?

Just a bit. And you would still know it was coming, if you had had any kind of trial or arrest.

In the people's democratic paradise of N Korea you would always be afraid to go asleep. Then if you were spared that night, you would be so tired you'd fall asleep at next day's meeting, and ....
Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Thu 14 May 15 at 14:35
 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich
On a philosophical note its is awareness of our own mortality and the consequent fear of death would appear to be unique to humans

Better to be a goldfish perhaps
 Death by ack-ack - Cliff Pope
>> fear
>> of death would appear to be unique to humans

A good example here, searched at random:

Talk about catching phobias - just reading about it makes me identify with that chap.
I did once have a nightmare that I was about to be hanged. Just as the hangman put the sack over my head I woke up - but that was in the dream too - actually I was in my cell and "woke up" to the footsteps of the hangman coming to get me. A dream within a dream.

Perhaps I'd better be a goldfish - but in a big lake, please not shut in a small bowl.
 Death by ack-ack - NortonES2
I too thought there would be a struggle if N was used to cause hypoxia. But, apparently not, as said above. And here: where the intrepid Michael Portillo explores some methods. Rather gory in parts.

The pro-capital punishment guy interviewed at the end was a bit Old Testament and decried pain- free execution. Can't win 'em all
Last edited by: NortonES2 on Thu 14 May 15 at 15:20
 Death by ack-ack - Robin O'Reliant
I'd chose the firing squad.

There's something noble about it.
 Death by ack-ack - Alanovich
I must say, Captain, I've got to admire your balls.
Last edited by: Alanović on Thu 14 May 15 at 16:20
 Death by ack-ack - Dog
>>I must say, Captain, I've got to admire your balls.

Any pics?

 Death by ack-ack - Alanovich

The correct answer is: "Perhaps later".
 Death by ack-ack - Cliff Pope
>> I must say, Captain, I've got to admire your balls.

Repetition - you said balls in another post in another thread. :)
 Death by ack-ack - Manatee
Mornington Crescent.
 Death by ack-ack - Armel Coussine
>> awareness of our own mortality and the consequent fear of death would appear to be unique to humans

Animals are quite adept at avoiding the risk of death. Indeed wild animals avoid it by fleeing or hiding whenever they see, er, one of us. Some pheasants recognize a gun and make themselves more scarce immediately.

Farm animals are different. We treat them well, feed them and keep them warm until we suddenly murder and eat them and tan their skins and make glue out of their hooves. Glad I'm not a sheep goat pig or cow but I have to say I sometimes feel a bit bad about being a human being. Perhaps Hindus and Buddhists have a point after all.

I sometimes get a bit soppy late at night. I blame television and alcohol.
 Death by ack-ack - CGNorwich
"Farm animals are different. We treat them well, feed them and keep them warm until we suddenly murder and eat them and tan their skins and make glue out of their hooves."

True but if you look at from an evolutionary point of view the imperative of an animal is to continue its species or more accurately perhaps to perpetuate its genes. Farm animals have cunningly arranged, by the ploy of being tasty or supplying milk etc, for another creature i.e. us to look after their needs, keep them free of predators and ensure their genes are perpetuated.

If you take the emotion out of it they have a pretty good deal compared with say the poor old Dodo or Charles' Patagonian Toothfish.
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