Non-motoring > are we in an economic bubble Miscellaneous
Thread Author: fluffy Replies: 36

 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
Are we in an economic bubble that is about to burst. Zero inflation, zero interest rate and full employment. We more do we want. All we need now is a pay rise. Then we can fly into the stars and build that space station we all want.
When the economic bubble does burst we will go back to being cave men hunting mammoth
No more morning commute, no more meetings that take your lunch break. Even Bill Gates will be begging.
Wont it be great to find a cure for cancer. Id rather die of dementia and live to 100.
The world is at its peak population. A fart will explode the economic bubble.
No all I want is free gym membership, free bus pass, free dental and free food.
Bring back rations. At least in the 1940s people spoke to each other. We might have had nothing but at least we were happy.
Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 17 Feb 16 at 22:20
 are we in an economic bubble - MD
David Icke?
 are we in an economic bubble - Zero
you think fluffy and iffy sound like very similar user names? has he escaped?
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 17 Feb 16 at 21:55
 are we in an economic bubble - No FM2R
I think iffy would break down in tears at the idea that you thought the grammar, vocabulary and punctuation reminded you of his writings.
 are we in an economic bubble - Dutchie
Iffy used to cry easily not?
 are we in an economic bubble - Focal Point
It's the bizarre, non-connected sequence of ideas - not just the expression - that strikes me.

"When the economic bubble does burst we will go back to being cave men hunting mammoth."

- There are no mammoth to hunt. Where will they come from? Does the bursting of the economic bubble re-create extinct species?

"Wont it be great to find a cure for cancer. Id rather die of dementia and live to 100."

- Rather die of dementia than have a cure for cancer? Live to 100 while dying of dementia?

"No all I want is free gym membership, free bus pass, free dental and free food."

- Fat chance of all those things together, either before or after the economic bubble bursts.

Then our friend remembers the 1940s. He's one of us!
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
We have an economy that is based on international trade and global finance. To put the third strand in we need a strong goods sector. But what is classed as a service or a good. Look at the London Gateway development outside Greater London. Its becoming one of the UKs biggest and busiest container ports. That says to me that we trade with the globe where markets are to trade with. Some of the worlds biggest container ships dock at London Gateway. That says to me that that the British are doing something right.
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
I have an O Level in English Language and English Literature.
 are we in an economic bubble - Focal Point
"I have an O Level in English Language and English Literature."

Anything else, Fluffy? A few more subjects at O level?
 are we in an economic bubble - Lygonos
I've got more than that and I'm not even Engerlish.
 are we in an economic bubble - Focal Point
Sassenach, you mean?
 are we in an economic bubble - Lygonos
>>Sassenach, you mean?

I'm also not a Teuchter so I don't use pejorative terms like that.

I have much better ones ;-)
Last edited by: Lygonos on Sun 21 Feb 16 at 23:13
 are we in an economic bubble - Harleyman
>> I have an O Level in English Language and English Literature.

That'd be two O-Levels then, so I guess you didn't get Maths.
 are we in an economic bubble - Focal Point
In another thread, Fluffy tells us,"I have a Certificate of Higher Education which included economics and international trade."

I do find some his posts about economics and other things difficult to follow and though I have asked for clarification he doesn't seem to provide it.

I'm hoping he will tell us about his literary interests. Fluffy - my favourite book is To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf. What's yours?
 are we in an economic bubble - Ian (Cape Town)
I like egg on toast.
 are we in an economic bubble - Dog
I haves two artery-clogging eggz-on-toast five daze a week.

 are we in an economic bubble - Ian (Cape Town)
My wife fries the eggs so long they become like rubber mats, and can be flung around the garden with ease.
 are we in an economic bubble - Crankcase
>> I haves two artery-clogging eggz-on-toast five daze a week.

Artery clogging, Dog? Clearly you've absorbed the Daily Mail headlines that ran for twenty years, but missed the change about five years ago, when the Daily Mail headlines told you precisely the opposite.

I CBA to look, but I'll bet the current "advice" is that "in moderation" eggs are jolly good for you. Amazingly, once there's no money to be made, most of the food scares seem to settle down into "in moderation" they're jolly good for you.

I see, for example, that high fat and lard are now "ok" again, apparently. Google "is lard good for you" and the first hit is, yes, it is - from the Daily Mail.

Last edited by: Crankcase on Mon 22 Feb 16 at 09:04
 are we in an economic bubble - Dog
>>My wife fries the eggs so long they become like rubber mats, and can be flung around the garden with ease.

I gently fry my two organic free-range eggs in organic cold-pressed sesame oil, so they are probably more poached than fried really :)

>>Artery clogging, Dog? Clearly you've absorbed the Daily Mail headlines that ran for twenty years, but missed the change about five years ago, when the Daily Mail headlines told you precisely the opposite.

I do glance at the DiM plus the rest of the on-line comics on a daily basis Cc, but I've been 'into' "let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" for nigh on 20 years now, so I've possibly learnt a thing or two o'er those years.

I'm 64 this year!!!. Haven't seen a doc since 1992 and don't take any pills. If I were to drop dead this minute I'd be the happiest man alive.

 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
No its fluffy
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
No fluffy.
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
No fluffy with three fs
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
No fluffy.
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
roll on the euro and not the pound
 are we in an economic bubble - Roger.
"Flufy" is not, in this instance, a name, but an adjective!
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
My technical name is fluffy spelt with two fs
 are we in an economic bubble - CGNorwich
>> My technical name is fluffy spelt with two fs

 are we in an economic bubble - Runfer D'Hills
Ah but there's only one f in Tufty.
 are we in an economic bubble - Alanovich
>> Ah but there's only one f in Tufty.

There's only one F in Fulham. Said It enough times myself at 4.50 as the vidiprinter roars in to life.......
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
Role on a Germanic styled economy with a booming manufacturing sector.
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
There is no bubble in the UK economy.The only bubble is the chewing gum I am eating.
 are we in an economic bubble - Ian (Cape Town)
Do you think I have not noticed? Do you think I am a cretin?
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
I like what Ian(Cape Town) puts. I do not believe you are a cretin.

Just a thought. Do you live in South Africa. There is a Cape town in the US as well.
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
To answer my question no we are not in an economic bubble. We can still buy chewing gum for less than a pound.

Bubbles only occur when people go mad. Tulips mania or the South Sea bubble.

The last financial bubble was the DotCom bubble that burst in the year 2000.At one point the NASDAQ fell by 500 points in half an hour. The NASDAQ fell from a high of 5046 to a low of about 1200 within a year.

So what I am saying it that when people go mad bubbles occur that eventually go bust.
 are we in an economic bubble - Falkirk Bairn
We are in a Bubble!

1) Property Bubble especially for London & SE where house prices rise in a year by more than the owner earns

2) Consumer goods bubble - mostly imported clothes, consumer electronics - home manufacture has all but disappeared except for a few "upmarket brands" that make in the UK - Barbour outdoors stuff, Smedley knitware, Barker Shoes etc etc. Marked trade deficit of Billions every month

3) Government bubble where it spends £Billions more than it takes in.

4) People who do not work, live on benefits / cash in hand BUT are (in theory at least) are Economically important i.e. between say 18 & 65. We cannot continue to pay them dole money, a free house, Council Tax paid & still give them NHS care & a Pension when they are too old for the Dole Money.

Please add more Bubbles that you think should be listed!
 are we in an economic bubble - legacylad
Is this bubble anything to do with zorbing?
Invented by Zorba the Greek
 are we in an economic bubble - fluffy
The bubble here we come.

The London housing bubble has begun.
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