Non-motoring > Bobby Vee is no more Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 16

 Bobby Vee is no more - CGNorwich
Another sound of the sixties has left us. Bobby Vee has died

They don't make videos like this anymore. Check out the dancers.
 Bobby Vee is no more - MD
Very Sad. Another one gone.
 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
When I've purrfected my time machine, and it wont be long now, I'm going straight back to the 60's and I ain't coming back.
 Bobby Vee is no more - MD
I'm soo glad. Pick me up on yer way Buddy.
 Bobby Vee is no more - Timeonmyhands
The beer was cheaper then.
 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
Watneys Red Barrel / Double Diamond / Worthington E etc. etc. Luverly.!
 Bobby Vee is no more - MD
Awful. Worthington E (in bottles) used to give me a blinding headache for some reason.
 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
I was mainly a 'red barrel and double diamond man' although I used to partake of E now and again depending on which drinking establishment I honoured with my presence.

This is an interesting site for those of a certain age:
 Bobby Vee is no more - Manatee
>> Watneys Red Barrel / Double Diamond / Worthington E etc. etc. Luverly.!

Astonishing that they could sell carp like that. Those were the days when people believed advertising. My mother, an otherwise intelligent person, seemingly thought Mars bars were nutritious. They must have been, they helped you work, rest and play.

Some people still fall for it. Look at the sales of Carling.

The great wheeze was positioning keg as a premium product. The brewers saw vast cost savings with beer that never went off, could be transported anywhere so sold nationally, and served within minutes of delivery. Yet they charged 2/6 for the keg offerings while the local brews were 1/10.
 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
>>Astonishing that they could sell carp like that.

We, well, I din't know any different back then. My preferred gut lotion was Double Diamond, or failing that, Red Barrel. I used to throw it down so fast in those days that the taste was of little concern.

When I used to work in Woolwich (Warspite Rd.) earning c£20 pw, I would start drinking just after 5pm on Friday and arrive home boracic before the day was out.

Tis a wonder how I actually managed to get home to Walworth S.E.17 from Woolwich in those 'daze'.
Last edited by: Dog on Tue 25 Oct 16 at 11:31
 Bobby Vee is no more - helicopter

Anyone still got the little Watneys red barrel keyring ?

Who also remembers Tavern keg ? ISTR it was around 2 shillings a pint in the late 60's (10p for you youngsters).

 Bobby Vee is no more - Ted

Whitbread ' Bighead' Trophy bitter
The pint that thinks it's a quart !
 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
You need a lot of Courage to get through this goddamn life in pieces.!
 Bobby Vee is no more - Pat
>> in Woolwich (Warspite Rd.) earning c£20 pw,<<

Hope it wasn't the place I used to take pallets of oranges into half way down on the left hand side......if it is, we have met:)

 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
T'was called the Westminster Bunting site IIRC. The Co. I worked for was called Peter Williams filing systems which was originally in Clarkenwell when I started there in the early 70's.
 Bobby Vee is no more - Cliff Pope
The Night has a Thousand Eyes was originally a poem:

The Night Has a Thousand Eyes

Francis William Bourdillon (b. 1852)

THE NIGHT has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.

Just mentioning for anyone who is interested.

All the Bobby Vee songs are fab, apart from the excruciating Rubber Ball.
I've just dug an original Dansette record player out of the shed and got it going, with new stylus and some connections cleaned up. The volume potentiometer was appallingly noisy, but a squirt of carb-cleaner fixed that. My daughter loves 60s stuff too, and asked for a record player for Christmas - I hope she likes it.
Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Wed 26 Oct 16 at 10:13
 Bobby Vee is no more - Dog
>>Dansette record player

Plenty on eBay. This one has even been 'fine tuned'.
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