Non-motoring > Maltese National Trust Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 20

 Maltese National Trust - Crankcase
Some of you may recall a dreary thread of mine recently about Malta.

Anyway, in the various web wanderings that entailed I have discovered that if you join the Maltese equivalent of the Maltese National Trust, then they have a reciprocal arrangement with our very own National Trust.

So I reckon you can join theirs for a mere 20 euros, or 30 for a joint membership, and there you are - entry to UK properties sorted.

As my annual UK NT reminder has just come in - £108 for joint membership this time - it has a certain appeal, I admit.

I imagine this would work. But we tend to view membership as much a bit of a donation as anything else I suppose - we don't usually save £108 in entry fees in a year (though it's probably not far off I guess).


 Maltese National Trust - henry k
IIRC the same arrangement with Australia
 Maltese National Trust - Manatee
If you are over 60 and have been a member for at least 5 of the last 10 years then you can ask the NT for senior membership rate which is 25% lower - joint senior membership is £80.40.

We also want to support the NT but I take the view that we spend more in their cafes than we do in membership so I don't have problem asking for the discount (they say these discounts "cost" them over £11m in income but they are clearly not allowing that the discount must help retain more members amongst the wrinklies).

Apart from our own visits to properties around the UK, we sometimes take our granddaughter to Wimpole Estate or Anglesey Abbey which invariably results in us spending about £20 in the caff.
 Maltese National Trust - zippy
The quality of fare in some of their cafes has been disappointing recently!
 Maltese National Trust - Crankcase
Really? I'd be telling them if that happened to us. Although our choice tends to revolve around cake.
 Maltese National Trust - zippy
I wish I could have cake but SWMBO won't let me until I lose 2 stone!
 Maltese National Trust - Pat
If you eat standing up it doesn't have any calories.

 Maltese National Trust - Crankcase
>> I wish I could have cake but SWMBO won't let me until I lose 2
>> stone!

Well that's easy. Only eat cake for a week. Then you'll be so sick of it by day three you'll eat nothing for the next four days, bingo, job done.
 Maltese National Trust - Zero
>> The quality of fare in some of their cafes has been disappointing recently!

Sausage rolls at Polesdon Lacey are still fantastic. NT outings are quite cheap for us, I am classed as a wrinkly, Mrs Z is a NT volunteer, so its a no brainer really. Off to Petworth this weekend.
 Maltese National Trust - Manatee
Granddaughter's favourite animals at Wimpole Home Farm just now are the pigs. I like the sausage rolls myself, but I haven't felt it necessary to explain the connection yet.
 Maltese National Trust - Crankcase
There's a connection?

Just this very morning booked one of the NT evening event/picnic things at Wimpole.
 Maltese National Trust - Zero
>> Granddaughter's favourite animals at Wimpole Home Farm just now are the pigs. I like the
>> sausage rolls myself, but I haven't felt it necessary to explain the connection yet.

As i child I loved lamb, as food and lambs as animals.

My mother squared the circle by telling me that lambs had to lose two legs so they could stand upright on the sides of hills.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 19 May 17 at 14:15
 Maltese National Trust - Manatee

>> My mother squared the circle by telling me that lambs had to lose two legs
>> so they could stand upright on the sides of hills.

That's a myth. It's haggises.
 Maltese National Trust - zippy
Not quite the same, but told my daughter that the song "Ring of Fire" was written in response to a very hot curry!

She repeated it in the sixth form common room and still hasn't forgiven me! ;-)
 Maltese National Trust - bathtub tom
>>Granddaughter's favourite animals at Wimpole Home Farm just now are the pigs. I like the sausage rolls >>myself, but I haven't felt it necessary to explain the connection yet.

Best not to let her see this then:
Last edited by: bathtub tom on Fri 19 May 17 at 15:18
 Maltese National Trust - Zero
>> >>Granddaughter's favourite animals at Wimpole Home Farm just now are the pigs. I like the
>> sausage rolls >>myself, but I haven't felt it necessary to explain the connection yet.
>> Best not to let her see this then:
I so wish you could buy them, what a great BBQ talking point.
 Maltese National Trust - Roger.
We, after a two year break, have very recently, rejoined the National Trust. I did it through Top Cashback, so £6 will be winging its way to me when the purchase is tracked.
We intend to get value from our net £102!
So far we have been to Climber Park, our local BIG open space, where the car parking for non-members is very steep, a trip to Eyam Hall and today, are just relaxing after a visit to Lyme Park near Stockport.
Lyme is a magnificent Regency era country house with some spectacular rooms. Go, if you are able to. We loved it.
We plan on a fairly full program over the summer months - it will be much better than staring at a laptop screen for hours!
A definite on the list is Little Moreton Hall.
 Maltese National Trust - Manatee
Did you go to the open air museum while you were at Eyam, Roger?

Little Moreton Hall is amazing.
 Maltese National Trust - Roger.
It, of course, should be Clumber Park, not Climber!

Eyam Hall is on loan to the NT. The deal was, that for an initial 5 year period, the Trust would open and maintain the Hall, while the house and all in it, remained the property of the owners.
I gather that the option will not be renewed and a member of the owner's close family will be moving back in. There is an intention to fund the house by increasing the number of wedding receptions held there.

No, we did not go to Eyam Museum - we were too weary to press on after "doing" the house.

Today's trip was quite tiring as we found Lyme Hall just fascinating and we spent a long time (for we old codgers) in the various rooms. Lots of pictures taken, to be examined in detail later.

We will definitely go to Little Moreton in the next few weeks.
 Maltese National Trust - Bromptonaut
>> We will definitely go to Little Moreton in the next few weeks.

We went there last time we had caravan at Blackshaw Moor. Certainly well worth it. The Lad, who's academic focus is the reformation, was with us and he found guide's view on Moreton family's 'vicar of bray' pragmatism very interesting.
 Maltese National Trust - helicopter
SWMBO snd I are lifetime members of NT and have been for 13 years.

Cost us just over a grand at the time but has been well worth it ,especially in retirement as we can just get up and go visit on a whim. Locally we have loads of properties such as Petworth , Nymans gardens, Wakehurst , Leith hill house and Polesden Lacey.

It was bought as a joint 30th wedding anniversary present and I reckon has paid for itself, especially when I see entrance prices these days.
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