Non-motoring > Eric Bristow - RIP Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 7

 Eric Bristow - RIP - VxFan
Five-time world darts champion Eric Bristow has died at the age of treble twenty after suffering a heart attack.
 Eric Bristow - RIP - rtj70
Shame he didn't use the winnings to lead a healthy life to retire early somewhere.
 Eric Bristow - RIP - CGNorwich
That’s a bit mean spirited. He was a character in a bland world. Sorry to lose him.
 Eric Bristow - RIP - Zero
Not unwarranted tho, both he and the recently departed Butch Wilkins had issues with alcohol which in all probability paid sone part in their early demise.
 Eric Bristow - RIP - CGNorwich
I guess he did but how much do we all drink? Too much overall I suspect.
 Eric Bristow - RIP - VxFan
>> had issues with alcohol which in all probability paid sone part in their early demise.

Can't remember if Eric was a smoker or not? If the latter, passive smoking from being in loads of clubs and pubs over the years could have also contributed to his early death. ##Thinks back to Roy Castle.
 Eric Bristow - RIP - Roger.
Most darts players seem to suffer from obesity, as well as tattoos and awful taste in clothing. Perhaps it's a beer/pub/club, culture thing?
 Eric Bristow - RIP - Zero
>> awful taste
>> in clothing.

How are your Chinese import plastic shoes?
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