Non-motoring > Caption competition Miscellaneous
Thread Author: NeilS Replies: 11

 Caption competition - NeilS
Not sure the mods will allow this (so I won't put a link here) but on another site - one that many of us first met on there's a news item "Focus On .... Event Tyres" and a picture that's crying out for an alternative caption.

I'm useless at this sort of stuff but will kick off pathetically with

"Please Mr Schumacher, those growth hormones are only working for you so please put me down"
Last edited by: NeilS on Thu 18 Aug 11 at 18:32
 Caption competition - R.P.
Yeah, post the link if you want...we don't worry about the crosswebbing
 Caption competition - NeilS

 Caption competition - Runfer D'Hills
"Oh alright then but you've got to promise to keep your hat on. I like hats...."
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Thu 18 Aug 11 at 19:02
 Caption competition - VxFan
"And tonight on The Comedians we have Little and Large"


"That's the last time I take you looting if all you can manage to steal is some poxy perspex book end"
 Caption competition - Runfer D'Hills
Chas and Dave tribute band the "Honest Fitters" appeared tonight at...
 Caption competition - PeteW
Hummf, thought they said I'd won a thai....
 Caption competition - Zero
"Your going to stick that WHERE?!!!"
 Caption competition - Zero
"Last time I stand next to him at the urinal"
 Caption competition - bathtub tom
Nice to see they got dressed up for the ceremony.

I think 'outstanding' says all that's necessary.
 Caption competition - Roger.
>> Hummf, thought they said I'd won a thai....>>

 Caption competition" - devonite
"Look everybody! i`ve caught the fake HJ nicking this!!!"
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