Non-motoring > Bye for now Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Stuu Replies: 40

 Bye for now - Stuu
A forced departure due to terminal laptop issues and lack of money to fix mean I wont be around for the foreseeable future.
Im hoping to make it back this year but shall see how the pennies go, just didnt want to slink off without frantic waving :-)

If I am needed for something specific like valeting, mods can get hold of me via email as I will check it once a week from a borrowed laptop, otherwise, see ya later reprobates :-p
 Bye for now - Boxsterboy
I sometimes think life without a computer would be so much more relaxing. Frustrating at times, but relaxing.
 Bye for now - Dave_
Good thread title Stu. Maybe we could consolidate all other users' leaving posts in here?

 Bye for now - Dog
hasta luego Stu ... I had a whole month (twice!) this year without a puter - first 3 weeks are the worst!

Couldn't be without it though, being an avid researcher + getting things ( any things) cheaper.

Might even have to get a Lenovo Thinky to sit around the Ingle with in the ice age ;}
 Bye for now - nyx2k
my laptop died today so im stuck with a desk top which means i have to sit in the lounge to use it.

see you soon stu.
 Bye for now - R.P.
No worries - look forward to the "comeback" !
 Bye for now - Mike Hannon
Look forward to seeing you back FoR - maybe the world will be a slightly more prosperous place by then.
I thought most people were like me - sitting in the home office.
 Bye for now - Armel Coussine
An elegant flouncette indeed Stu... you are a de Gaulle to my Mitterrand....
 Bye for now - Robin O'Reliant
>> An elegant flouncette indeed Stu... you are a de Gaulle to my Mitterrand....
Hello, who left the back door open? AC's back.
 Bye for now - Iffy
...I sometimes think life without a computer would be so much more relaxing. Frustrating at times, but relaxing...

Never thought I would say this, but I would now treat denial of internet access in the same way as a power cut - get it fixed as soon as possible.

 Bye for now - RattleandSmoke
If the internet goes down I go into a real panic, thankfully it happens about once a year, only for an hour or so.

I can check my emails via my mobiles if broadband was to go down, but it is not the same.

For me broadband and the alternative music scene is my life, it is one reason I love camping so much, I can get away from all the technology and live a bit more basic for a couple of days.

No doubt next time Stu comes on he will have swapped his Maruti for a FSO Polenez.
 Bye for now - Dutchie
Take care Stu.Keep looking after you'r customers and have a good live...
 Bye for now - Iffy
...No doubt next time Stu comes on he will have swapped his Maruti for a FSO Polenez...

Judging by the parlous state of his finances, he might be on the bus.
 Bye for now - DeeW
Stu, try asking for a laptop on Freecycle. If you are not fussed about model I am sure lots of people have older ones around gathering dust.

I have re-homed several left behind by eldest son plus three sacks of old computer cables and accessories.... so far.
 Bye for now - wotspur
I have on occasions been without my computer and its like having an arm cut off - if you have a local library they have free access so you can check things out daily - but hopefully you will be thinking " i'll be back !
 Bye for now - VxFan
Bad enough forgetting to put your watch on in the morning.

Being without a computer - eeeeek!!!!!
 Bye for now - CGNorwich
'Bad enough forgetting to put your watch on in the morning."

Watches are so yesterday. You check the time on your iphone.
 Bye for now - RattleandSmoke
Is a desktop not out of the question? You can get decent desktops for almost free now.
 Bye for now - bathtub tom
Really? Tell me more.
 Bye for now - Phil I
Large numbers of users have gone to using laptops for various reasons. Many of these users had top end desktops which are standing idle and are totally surplus to their needs. A good source is the local freecycle groups and also For Sale in local free papers. Prices appear to be realistic. Another source (if you have the time) is the local tip. Walk back along the queue at the weekend and enquire. Once into the tip the attendants get first choice at the good ones.

Phil I
 Bye for now - RattleandSmoke
It is mad really, I have two desktops and a netbook, my desktops get used far more.
 Bye for now - VxFan
>> Watches are so yesterday. You check the time on your iphone.

Old habits die hard. Plus easier to look at my wrist rather than getting the iPhone out my pocket and waking it up.
 Bye for now - R.P.
And one looks a bit odd with a phone strapped to the wrist ! Watch before phone for me every time.
 Bye for now - Iffy
I use the phone.

Pressing the red button on my basic Nokia when it's locked brings up a decent-sized clock.

 Bye for now - Suppose
>> via email as I will check it once a week from a borrowed laptop, otherwise,
>> see ya later reprobates :-p

FoR looked in today so he must have access to the same PC he last used yesterday. Going by his past record on flounces, wait and see how long this one lasts.

 Bye for now - Dog
>>Going by his past record on flounces, wait and see how long this one lasts<<

Is Stu another Flouncer then? I wasn't aware of that ... flouncers, mimsers - I need a new dictionary :)
 Bye for now - -
>> FoR looked in today so he must have access to the same PC he last
>> used yesterday.

Blimey SpooksRus.
 Bye for now - VxFan
>> FoR looked in today so he must have access to the same PC he last used yesterday.

Does it really matter?

Besides which, maybe his weekly check from the borrowed laptop happened to be today. He didn't say which particular day he would be borrowing it.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 21 Sep 11 at 13:57
 Bye for now - Iffy
...Does it really matter?...


I apprehend Stu just fancies a break from forum posting/active computing.

 Bye for now - R.P.
I may be gullible but I take him at face value.

"apprehend" iffy ? Surely an archaic use of that word ? Not a criticism just an observation...
Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 21 Sep 11 at 14:56
 Bye for now - Iffy
...apprehend" iffy ? Surely an archaic use of that word ?...

apprehend |ˌapriˈhend|
verb [ trans. ]
1 arrest (someone) for a crime : a warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended.
2 understand or perceive : great art invites us to apprehend beauty.
• archaic anticipate (something) with uneasiness or fear.
ORIGIN late Middle English (originally in the sense [grasp, get hold of (physically or mentally)] ): from French appréhender or Latin apprehendere, from ad- ‘toward’ + prehendere ‘lay hold of.’

Needless to say, I'm relying on definition two, although I didn't know the third meaning - to anticipate with fear - was archaic.

Perhaps it would be simpler if I go back to using 'think'.

 Bye for now - R.P.
I was more familiar with definition 1 and 3 and have rarely come across the usage you put it to - not wrong just unusual use for me...carry on using as far as I'm concerned.
Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 21 Sep 11 at 15:33
 Bye for now - Iffy
I think I picked up definition two from listening to the barristers in court as in:

"I apprehend you honour will not be minded to suspend the sentence in this case."

 Bye for now - R.P.
I should have added that it was a word from the BBB dictionary of legalese ! ;-)
 Bye for now - Iffy
Another word I've only heard used in court is 'outwith', which we discussed on here recently.

 Bye for now - RattleandSmoke
I have in my workshop which is spare:-

AMD Athlon X2 3800
40GB IDE HD (with a low number of hours on the clock)

Built up from spares, the processor is still decent, the rest is a bit lacking but with XP works fine. No COA though, so has Ubuntu on it.

You can get second hand monitors for around £20 too, or plug into a TV with a VGA port.

It is rather heavy though, so postage might cost more than it is worth but there will be similar local to FOR that people want shut off.
 Bye for now - WillDeBeest
'Outwith' is commonly used in Scotland. In fact, Oxford Dictionaries Online defines it as
'preposition, Scottish: outside; beyond'

It suggests the word can be used literally to specify physical location, but I've only ever heard it used metaphorically, a bit like the strange American usage of 'absent' as a preposition to mean 'in the absence of'.
 Bye for now - Bromptonaut
>> I think I picked up definition two from listening to the barristers in court as
>> in:
>> "I apprehend you honour will not be minded to suspend the sentence in this case."

I finger legalese as well Iffy.

My court observations have been in the fields of civil and administrative justice rather than criminal. Counsels' contribution was along the lines of apprehending the tribunal's intention to carry out a site visit, its familiarity with the usual authorities on medical condition x or the latest on land valuation principle y.

It was amongst a number of usages mocked mercilessly in the clerk's office.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 21 Sep 11 at 21:52
 Bye for now - Runfer D'Hills
If I could dis-invent the internet ( well email anyway ) and mobile phones, I think, on balance, I probably would. Oh and Lorraine Kelly too of course. Goes without saying I guess.
 Bye for now - R.P.
....and Crocs ?
 Bye for now - Runfer D'Hills
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