Non-motoring > High standards of tabloid journalism - not! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: FocalPoint Replies: 4

 High standards of tabloid journalism - not! - FocalPoint

The Mail in trouble with Carole Caplin. I've no warmth for her nor for the Blairs, but it seems the DM was way out of order.
 High standards of tabloid journalism - not! - Falkirk Bairn
A good word for the late NEWS OF THE WORLD reporting

"Cricket corruption court case would not have come to court BUT for the work of an undercover NoW Reporter"

Not my words but those of a BBC News Reporter Live outside the Court.
 High standards of tabloid journalism - not! - Pat
Now I think is the time for me to say I wish it was still here.

I was brought up with The News of the World, it was always read as a bit of light relief and taken a bit tongue in cheek, but nevertheless it was Sundays entertainment.

We've had a different paper every week since it went and I can't find anything without a political bias, but a light hearted attitude and a bit of humour.

The Sunday Sun never materialised but there is certainly a gap in the market for something similar.

Of course, I don't expect anyone on here to agree with me:)

 High standards of tabloid journalism - not! - bathtub tom
>>Of course, I don't expect anyone on here to agree with me:)

We'd be disagreeing with that statement if we did agree with you.

You just can't win with wimmin.

 High standards of tabloid journalism - not! - Pat
Yes, Eon thought that after our conversation this morning, that's why I haven't updated the thread;)

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