Non-motoring > Small larder type freezer. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 109

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Looking to buy a small freezer (larder type) it's a back up to go in the garage - a sort of strategic reserve !

Does not has to be a flash make, not bothered about frost free as I understand these can be problematic in garages (where this will live) - I'm tempted by Lec - which still seems to be made in the UK and I believe only sold by Co-oP.

Any experiences ?
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
I dont pay for fridges or freezers in the garage, plenty on freecycle or whatever you use to take those that people want to give away. Currently got a bendix freezer and a hotpoint fridge in the garage, both cost nowt.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 11 Nov 11 at 19:47
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
I've seen them priced at around a 150 notes for an A+ energy rating - so prefer something new really..
 Small larder type freezer. - Dog
Here's one for starters ~
 Small larder type freezer. - Falkirk Bairn
Makro were doing small fridges and small freezers - Daewoo (IIRC) about £100 each
Argos doing their own brand, quite small again, about £90 each
 Small larder type freezer. - RattleandSmoke
Funily enough we are getting one for the shed, as my mother is paranoid about us being snowed in at Christmas and unable to get food.

However it will only ended up on a tip if we don't have it.

 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
Possibly been discussed here before, but freezers aren't supposed to work very well when they're in cold places; they tend to have a minimum operating temperature which can be some way above 0C. Don't know if that temperature varies much from machine to machine.
Last edited by: Focus on Fri 11 Nov 11 at 20:17
 Small larder type freezer. - Bromptonaut
>> Possibly been discussed here before, but freezers aren't supposed to work very well when they're
>> in cold places;

I think the issue is mostly with fridge/freezers where a single cooling mechanism is under the primary control of the fridge stat. Under 5 degrees and it's not running enough to keep the freezer as cold as it needs to be.

Certainly never had trouble with ours; succesively Hotpoint, some cheap brand from Tempo and Bosch. All were large larder/upright models in the integral garage providing back up for the fridge/freezer in the kitchen.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
That's exactly what I wanted to know - Speaking to the heating engineer, he tells me that it's pretty easy to install a radiator in the garage - which is desirable....
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
From the John Lewis freezer buying guide page (note the last sentence):

Note: manufacturers do not recommend you keep a freezer in the garage or any other outbuilding, as it may have to use much more energy. Most models require a minimum ambient temperature of 10°C (50°F) to operate efficiently. If the outside temperature is any lower, the freezer will struggle to keep your food chilled – it may even start to defrost. If it does break down, the appliance may not be covered by the guarantee.
 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
I've had this problem in the caravan.

Arrive on a cold Friday night after the caravan's been left all week and the peas in the freezer are defrosting nicely.

Most people who have a freezer in the garage are unaware it happens because they tend not to go to it when it's very cold outside.

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
I'm glad I posted now - we have a two car + integrated garage, the house is very well insulated - but not having been here a winter I don't know how low the temperature will drop to. Guess I'll have to put my thermometer in there and take a few readings. There is potentially another solution, viz a viz the utility room, either demoting a shoe cupboard elsewhere or converting one of the cupboards under the worktop.
 Small larder type freezer. - Bromptonaut
>> Note: manufacturers do not recommend you keep a freezer in the garage or any other
>> outbuilding, as it may have to use much more energy. Most models require a minimum
>> ambient temperature of 10°C (50°F) to operate efficiently. If the outside temperature is any lower,

Can anybody more technical than me explain why something designed to keep things frozen (ignoring frost free and fridge freezers) can need 10 degrees C to operate?
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
Cooling based on evaporation - needs to be 'warm' to evaporate. Sort of.
 Small larder type freezer. - Bromptonaut
>> Cooling based on evaporation - needs to be 'warm' to evaporate. Sort of.

But the evaporation/cooling is taking place inside the freezer where it's already -15 or so. The bit that's happening in 'ambient' air is compression where the refrigerant gives up the heat it absorbed from the inside.

I'm trying to relate to the evaporation to my LPG camping light on a cold night in the tent but it's the absorbing heat to create evaporation bit that's a problem there. Bit like the freezer being cold enough already......
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
>> But the evaporation/cooling is taking place inside the freezer where it's already -15 or so.

Does the link I posted below help?
 Small larder type freezer. - Bromptonaut
>> Does the link I posted below help?

Still struggling. Mrs B however is a science teacher and will draw me some diagrams...
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
I don't understand that either I thought this ambient temperature thing was restricted to frost free freezers.
 Small larder type freezer. - PeterS
Presumably for the same reason that car a/c units don't function below 3/5 degrees? Something to do with condensation freezing and damaging the compressor?

 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
Another description, which mentions ambient temperature:
 Small larder type freezer. - Bromptonaut
>> Presumably for the same reason that car a/c units don't function below 3/5 degrees? Something
>> to do with condensation freezing and damaging the compressor?
>> Peter

No, freezing on the evaporator is a design requirement for a freezer but not a car where the air should be output at 'cool'.
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
Just looking at some of the cheaper freezers on Argos and their minimum ambient temperature is typically 16C.

Although apparently the Bush BAFZ5585 (486/7665) has an ambient range of 0C to -18C :)
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
I'm looking for another upright freezer for the cellar - hopefully it's okay there. There's already a fridge freezer.

I was looking in John Lewis the other day and they had a decent sized Zanussi for £159 with a two year warranty:

They also have a Lec one as an online exclusive but it's a lot smaller inside - 91l vs 70l.

 Small larder type freezer. - PeterS
Ah OK, thanks!
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
>> I think the issue is mostly with fridge/freezers where a single cooling mechanism is under
>> the primary control of the fridge stat.

Many thousands of people do have a refrigeration appliance installed in a garage and most don’t have any problems that they are aware of, particularly with freezers. Fridges and fridge-freezers are more susceptible to issues. As it happens I have my own freezer, and a second fridge in my garage, which is a separate building and gets pretty cold in the winter. They don’t suffer from the problems associated with a combined fridge-freezer that is only fitted with one thermostat in the fridge as described here Freezer defrosted: Can you put a fridge freezer in a garage? (not all fridge freezers have only one stat) because they both have their own independent thermostats.
 Small larder type freezer. - bathtub tom
I bought a freezer to be in my detached garage. There are those that are suitable for that situation. RTFB!
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Any ideas tom ?
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
He's probably thinking of driving the KIA Pride sliding around the hillside for tomorrow.

You can't get the reliable posters these days.
 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
I reckon there's less chance of a problem with a freezer only freezer.

Practically, the food will come to no harm if the contents are intermittently not in freezing conditions.

Think of it as an occasional, short duration power cut.

What does seem clear is the freezer might use a tiny bit more electricity than if it was installed in a kitchen.

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
I think iffy has a point.
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
I never have fridge freezer combos, always an unacceptable compromise in my book, we always have separate appliances.
 Small larder type freezer. - DeeW
In '71/'72 my parents lived on Inch Kenneth (off Mull) where the generator operated for only a few hours each evening - all oil for said generator having been taken over to the isle on an old landing craft in the September. As inclement weather meant no chance of getting to the 'mainland' for periods, one needed enough supplies to eat!
The (chest) freezers worked remarkably well on a few hours power each evening, being filled to the brim with old eiderdown quilts! These were in the vacant, unheated main house - my family lived in the cottage by the house.
 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
...being filled to the brim with old eiderdown quilts!...

Good point, freezers work much better full.

On the subject of combos, the old Philips upright fridge freezer in Iffy Towers has two compressors.

It's really a fridge on top of a freezer in one tin box.

There's a knob on the back to turn the freezer compressor on or off.
 Small larder type freezer. - bathtub tom
>> Any ideas tom ?

Sorry I didn't reply earlier, went to bed.

Mine was a chest freezer, bought many years ago. IIRC we had this discussion on t'other side which alerted me to the problem.

I believe the necessary information was in the description of each model. Mine happens to be a Zanussi.
 Small larder type freezer. - Bigtee
Asda was selling some under counter freezers for less than £90.00 last month, but plenty of good used on e bay cheap.

Failing that Currys.
 Small larder type freezer. - busbee
About 12 months ago I bought a new Hotpoint "Future" upright freezer to replace my old upright one. Sort of 33" high and 2.5" wider than the previous 21" wide one, so as the get roughly the same inside space with the thicker insulation now used to cut down on the electricity consumed. ---- It is the worst thing I have bough in a long time. Stay well clear of them.

It needs defrosting every 2 months or so. It's cooling pipework at the top comes too close to the front door and ice builds up it such that I have to scrape it off weekly with a spoon, even though I am careful to open the door infrequently and for as short a time as possible. Typically averaging once a day

The door seal seems OK, in as much as if I test it by shutting a strip of paper in, it displays resistance when I pull it out with the door closed. I can't find anywhere where it is loose. I am running it at -20C which is not overly cold. Indeed the setting is at least cold.

 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
Do freezers typically run at -20C?

That's cold enough to crack a window.

 Small larder type freezer. - MJM
A simple fridge freezer with a single cooling system and a single thermostat runs the freezer compartment by default. The thermostat controls the temperature of the fridge compartment. The cooling circuit runs in the freezer compartment first, the fridge evaporator being tacked onto the end of it.
The fridge compartment thermostat usually cuts out at an air temperature of 3 or 4 degrees C. It may sense the evaporator temperature to do this. The thermostat will not then cut in to start the compressor until the air temperature has risen to about 7 or 8 degrees: this is to allow the fridge compartment evaporator to defrost. If the thermostat is sensing evaporator temperature then it will turn it on when the evaporator reaches 3 or 4 degrees.
If the fridge/freezer is in a “cold” environment, such as a garage where the temperature is only about 10 degrees then it takes a long time for the thermostat to reach its cut in point, therefore no cooling. If the freezer compartment is at about –20 degrees then it has a larger temperature differential to the garage temperature and will warm up to well above the required level in this time. If the garage is at or below the cut in temperature of the thermostat then the cooling system just won’t start. The result is total defrost of the freezer.

A freezer, i.e. no fridge compartment should be fine because its thermostat will be chosen to run it at freezer temperatures. We have a small freezer in the unheated garage and it works fine.

To answer Iffy's post
Yes Iffy, about -18 to -20 degrees C. (Dont freeze your new hip joint trying to prove it) (:
Last edited by: MJM on Sat 12 Nov 11 at 14:50
 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
...Yes Iffy, about -18 to -20 degrees C...


If I read the rest of your post correctly, RP should be fine with a freezer-only because there will be no fridge thermostat to become confused by his cold garage.

The freezer thermostat should attempt to keep the contents at -20, whatever the outside temperature.

 Small larder type freezer. - Pat
Busbee, use her indoors hairdryer, it works much better than a spoon:)

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
The cunning plan so far is to put a thermometer in the garage near the floor standing boiler, the proposed spot for the hypothetical freezer - see what the temperature range is - just need to wait for some colder weather now :-(
 Small larder type freezer. - Runfer D'Hills
>> just need to wait for some colder weather now :-(

I know, must be a rght bummer driving around on those winter tyres in a T-shirt...

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
You're not far wrong today Humph....this is your fault ! :-)
 Small larder type freezer. - CGNorwich
Good idea. Use a max/min type.
 Small larder type freezer. - Old Navy
These monitor and record max and min in two locations.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Just bought a more traditional one from fleabay - Cursing myself as I now remember I left one on the garage door-frame in the other place before we moved.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Bought one - Went to Currys - wanted 199 squid for a Beko one (all the Beko ones work in ambient temps down to -15C) 150 notes delivered from Co-oP when Currys failed the test !
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
I assume this one:

You'll have to let us know what it's like. It has 102 litre capacity which is good. But is that useable capacity? I think I've found spec elsewhere where it says 85 litres.

I'm still after a freezer.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 15 Nov 11 at 14:01
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
That's the one - the Frost Free option was 50 quid more, not worth it.
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
>> Bought one - Went to Currys - wanted 199 squid for a Beko one

Ah a Beko! Come home to a real fire, buy a Beko. Most appropriate for wales.
 Small larder type freezer. - devonite
>>Come home to a real fire, buy a Beko. Most appropriate for wales. <<

Why? - was it these that burnt down all those holiday cottages a few years ago? - before they blamed the English! ;-)
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
It was the frost-free firdge/freezers that went warmer than anticipated - this is a bog standard freezer.
 Small larder type freezer. - Meldrew
It seems that fridges and/or freezers may be unhappy working in an ambient temperature below 50F
Last edited by: Meldrew on Tue 15 Nov 11 at 15:29
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
>> It seems that fridges and/or freezers may be unhappy working in an ambient temperature below
>> 50F

...or see further up the thread :)
 Small larder type freezer. - Runfer D'Hills
Come to think of it, I really ought to see about a beer/wine fridge for my shed
 Small larder type freezer. - Fenlander
Nearly had to buy a temp emergency small freezer when our expensive tall frost free started to melt the food yesterday. This was my budget choice for a 115lit gross that was in stock (Comet) 10mls away...

In the end 2hrs dismantling, a deep defrost with a fan heater and the mouse nest removed from the drain tube/evap tray area sorted the old one.
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless

That's only got a 16C minimum ambient temp though, so probably not ideal for RP's garage.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Just an update - it was 17 degrees there this afternoon, a north facing integral garage, so I'm glad I went down the -15 c route.

The young sales person in Currys knew about the issue and did some research online in fairness.
Last edited by: R.P. on Tue 15 Nov 11 at 16:21
 Small larder type freezer. - Runfer D'Hills
>> it was 17 degrees there this afternoon

I'm saying nothing, zipperooney, nada....

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Ho Ho I say again !
 Small larder type freezer. - Fenlander
>>>so probably not ideal for RP's garage.

True... our location was in a utility room though. Having said that we've used various freezers in the unheated garage for decades with no problems. Best not to read the spec then you don't worry.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Tue 15 Nov 11 at 16:21
 Small larder type freezer. - Meldrew
This sort of shed?
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
>> Why? - was it these that burnt down all those holiday cottages a few years ago?

No, that was my history teacher.
 Small larder type freezer. - busbee
pda -- Busbee, use her indoors hairdryer, it works much better than a spoon:)

Thanks for that, Pat. I will give it a whirl.

 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
...I will give it a whirl...

Putting a dish of just boiled water in the freezer will speed the job along.

Probably best not to do that in conjunction with the hairdryer.

 Small larder type freezer. - Pat
We're all up and about early this morning:)

 Small larder type freezer. - Meldrew
Checking on your hedgehogs and the stray cat's B&B I imagine Pat!
 Small larder type freezer. - Pat
I know I'm a sucker for animals Meldrew, but generally speaking I find they have a lot nicer characters than people have!

 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
>> I know I'm a sucker for animals Meldrew, but generally speaking I find they have
>> a lot nicer characters than people have!

They got you house trained is all.
 Small larder type freezer. - Meldrew
My comment was meant in a pleasant way Pat, even if it may have across differently!
 Small larder type freezer. - Pat
I took it that way Meldrew:)

Just had a phone call from mrpda who is sitting on one of many unloading bays at Morrisons at Sittingbourne.

He tells me that this row of lorry drivers all sitting bored, in their cabs, have been fascinated because a fox walked in the yard, sniffed around behind some stacks of blue pallets and finally found a discarded sandwich.

It brought it to the middle of the yard in front of all the lorries, sat down and ate it, but left the crusts, which a magpie managed to get.

The fox calmly stood up and sauntered out through the security gates. (It wasn't wearing a High Viz though)

The myth that lorry drivers are tough is wrong, they were all taking photo's of it:)

 Small larder type freezer. - Meldrew
Resourceful types these foxes! One was found on the 72nd floor of the The Shard building in London!
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
I was a couple of minutes late leaving the house this morning because a pesky fox had managed to sniff out some chicken wing bones buried deep within one of the black bags left out for the bin men last night. A bit of a mess, although I've cleared up worse.

(Might have been a cat I suppose, but I've seen foxes around.)
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
The foxes round my way are quite playful, sometimes malicious, certainly fearless.

They are taking footballs from the sports field and putting them in my garden, they crept in to the open doors of the conservatory and stole shoes, scattering the rest round the garden, and they make a hell of a noise at night,

One is so big it looks like a wolf.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 16 Nov 11 at 10:50
 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
...within one of the black bags left out for the bin men last night...

1. Surprised you've not got wheelie bins.

2. People have been ticked off and I believe fined in some cases by the local authority for leaving their rubbish out the night before.

 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
Given that my bin men arrive at 06:30, and given they wont enter my drive to take it, they can try and fine me.
 Small larder type freezer. - bathtub tom
>>Given that my bin men arrive at 06:30

We had that problem. There were complaints about the noise. The local council bod, stupidly, asserted they couldn't start before 07:00 as he didn't give them the keys to the vehicles until then. I understand someone found his home number and called him each time they arrived. That soon sorted it.
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
>> ...within one of the black bags left out for the bin men last night...
>> 1. Surprised you've not got wheelie bins.

Apparently Wokingham Borough Council don't like them.

>> 2. People have been ticked off and I believe fined in some cases by the
>> local authority for leaving their rubbish out the night before.

The website says you should put bags for collection out before 6:30am - I don't think they expect you to do that on collection morning (couldn't spot it in their help pages anyway).

Actually I usually sprinkle curry powder over things like chicken bones/carcasses that are likely to get raided; seems to work, but I forgot this time.
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero

>> Actually I usually sprinkle curry powder over things like chicken bones/carcasses that are likely to
>> get raided; seems to work, but I forgot this time.

LOL, you are joking! Ever seen a fox make a bee line for old curry containers!
 Small larder type freezer. - Focusless
>> >> Actually I usually sprinkle curry powder over things like chicken bones/carcasses that are likely
>> to
>> >> get raided; seems to work, but I forgot this time.
>> LOL, you are joking! Ever seen a fox make a bee line for old curry
>> containers!

Seems to work though - perhaps our foxes prefer Chinese?
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
Ours do the full menu, Chinese, Indian, Pizza, Kebabs, Burgers,
 Small larder type freezer. - Dog
>>Ours do the full menu, Chinese, Indian, Pizza, Kebabs, Burgers<<

I see you lead a healthy lifestyle then.

 Small larder type freezer. - CGNorwich
My daughter live in a suburb of Vancouver where the problem is Black Bears rather than foxes. All rubbish bins have to be secured with bear proof locks and must not be left out overnight. The bears become habituated to an easy meal from waste and invariably end up getting shot.

Only a few weeks ago a waste bin was left unsecured outside the local school and two bear cubs we discovered trapped in the bin where they had been led by the mother. The mother was shot.
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
Similar problem with bears finding easy food in Yosemite and why you are meant to lock your food in the bear proof containers when camping. Failure to do so can lead to a poor bear being shot.

I've heard of stories of a bear ripping a door off a car to get at some food left inside!

What I don't get is the desire to camp in an area that has wild bears! I don't want to be eaten by a bear.

I wonder when RPs freezer will turn up.
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
>> Similar problem with bears finding easy food in Yosemite

And they have Bear proof locks on public toilets, Last thing you want to find with your pants down!
 Small larder type freezer. - Iffy
...And they have Bear proof locks on public toilets...


Bears do it in the woods.

 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
Its warm in the bog. And the bog is a bear larder,
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 16 Nov 11 at 18:03
 Small larder type freezer. - CGNorwich
Anyone worried about the cubs, they are apparently doing well.
 Small larder type freezer. - Pat
Thanks CG, I was wondering what happened to them.

 Small larder type freezer. - Skip
"Just had a phone call from mrpda who is sitting on one of many unloading bays at Morrisons at Sittingbourne."

Very colourful building that warehouse, sort of rainbow effect !

Quite a commute from your neck of the woods though.
 Small larder type freezer. - Pat
2am alarm call to be there at 7am Skip, hence my early posts this morning!

He had two in Aylesford, one in Tonbridge and is now sitting in Asda at Dartford with the last one before home.

 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Arrived today - delivered by two Mancunians in a white van ! Dent to the door - phoned Co-oP offered a replacement or a 30 quid discount. Took the discount - bargain. Surprised as to how light it is easily picked up !

30Kg according to the packing !
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
When the original discussion took place, I bought a digital min/max thermometer - It's been in the garage ever since. The temperature never dropped below 15.6 centigrade (despite a couple of frosty nights) and never went over 17.0c - just as a matter of interest !
 Small larder type freezer. - VxFan
>> Surprised as to how light it is easily picked up !

That's because the elephants aren't inside it yet. You'll soon tell when you see the footprints in the butter.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Slight disappointment at the lack of internal lighting.
 Small larder type freezer. - VxFan
Is that to allow the shy lettuce to get dressed in the dark?

I'll get me coat.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
You'll need it ....

The closest thing to a lettuce in there will be an Iceberg !
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
The elephants won't make any footprints in the butter - RP's bought a freezer and not a fridge.
 Small larder type freezer. - VxFan
>> RP's bought a freezer and not a fridge.

You can freeze butter though.
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
>> You can freeze butter though.

Yes you can but frozen butter doesn't show the footprints. Which is what I said :-)
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
Implies that you've tested that ! :-)
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
>> Implies that you've tested that ! :-)

No we don't have elephants in the fridge or freezer around here. We have a powder for that. :-)
 Small larder type freezer. - swiss tony
There's no Elephants in Wales..

They would drown when the Wales went under water, which they would do on porpoise......
 Small larder type freezer. - VxFan
>> Yes you can but frozen butter doesn't show the footprints. Which is what I said

It does if it hasn't yet frozen - e.g. you've not long put it in there, or the elephants derrière prevents the door from shutting ;)
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
There was an elephant in the room - there I've said it.
 Small larder type freezer. - VxFan
Would it be classed as a grey area?
 Small larder type freezer. - rtj70
My fridge freezer is in the cellar - fridge only in the kitchen. So I cannot keep an eye out for elephants at all times.

Still need another freezer.
 Small larder type freezer. - Runfer D'Hills
Don't forget to stock it with low hanging fruit, er, going forward... and also rationalise the labour expedient while continuing to maximise the opportunities both current and indeed those arising while managing the end consumer's expections. Elephant / butter / space expedient dynamics permitting.
 Small larder type freezer. - R.P.
There's more to this Freezer nonsense than I thought.
 Small larder type freezer. - Zero
>> Slight disappointment at the lack of internal lighting.

If you use GU10's we can pack a lot, and I mean a lot, in there. It will be as bright as a button
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