Non-motoring > Accumulation of Clothes. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dutchie Replies: 40

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Diana had a tidy up of my wardrobe this morning.I was varnishing doors and preparing the stairs for painting.

I thought I had about 4 to 5 pair of trousers few shirts and jackets.

She informed me twenty pair of trousers 30 tea shirts plus ordinary shirts.About twelve jumpers.I always blame her spending to much on clothes.I won't be buying anymore for the time being.>:)
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Runfer D'Hills
How many pairs of clogs?
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Humph two pair of clogs.One clog nailed on the outside wall for show.>)

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
You must be a bit of a Dandy Dutchie!

You wanna see my wife's clothes, she's got her own wardrobes plus alf of mine!
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Same with me Dog thats why I didn't know how many clothes I had.There wher all hidden by her dresses.>;)
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Cliff Pope
My problem with clothes is that they fairly rapidly move from the category of being smart and wearable to being OK-ish for being seen out in, but still way too good to be designated working clothes.
So I have an ever-growing collection of in-between clothes that are merely slightly scruffy.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Snap Cliff to good to trow away or for working gear .Off to charity shop again soon.Usually Dove house who I support.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - helicopter
I estimate I probably have 30 tee shirts and somewhere around 30 polo shirts .

Casual shirts probably 30 , work shirts another 15 worn and 5 unopened for emergency use , evening wear shirts 3,

Trousers , at least 20 pairs .......probably 10 pairs of shorts.

Five business smart suits ,two evening dress suits , two morning suits ( one with and one without tailcoat for formal occasions at embassies etc) .

Couple of Blazers, at least 50 ties......

20 + pairs of shoes ........

In my defence I can only say that SWMBO takes more of the wardrobe space than I do......and we make regular trips to the charity shops to clear out the old stuff.

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Armel Coussine
Wow! What popinjays some people are (not really getting at you helicopter... I know you have to inspire confidence).

I haven't even got a decent dark whistle now. The moths got it. Just got an unbecoming buff-coloured summer thing. I live in terror of the next death in my close acquaintance (unless it's mine of course).
 Accumulation of Clothes. - helicopter
I forgot the outerwear as well.....

A couple of leather jackets , several fleeces, Barbour and Berghaus rainwear.....

Several scarves , paisley silk to cosy wool .....

Hats... Two Panama , One Australian Leather Cowboy , several Gardening and Cricket watching....

Wellies , Hiking boots.....

Hi viz for oil rigs....and breakdowns....
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
I've never gorn much on clothes, even when I was puppy, in fact I don't really like wearing clothes tbh, but I tend to get funny looks if I go out without em.

It's OK 'up here' of course, plus the fact that they're all barking anyway (especially the blimmin Dogs)

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Ted

I don't have a lot of stuff...why bother when you can sling it in the washer and have it tumbled and back in the drawer in a couple of hours ?

I have three sets....
Best stuff.........which eventually becomes
Everyday stuff....which eventually becomes

Crawling about under the car/floorboards/etc stuff.

Jeans and polos most days with a pully in winter. Reiker shoes.
Most stuff from George, why not with denims at £6 ? Or Premier Man mail order.
They have an on-line catalogue for the more discerning of you who want to stay in fashion.

One dark suit, not a good fit.....Couple of nice jackets and 2 or 3 decent trousers.

Just ordered a new coat from PM so when it comes there'll be about 5 heading for the charity shop. I still have my old company anorak, now relegated to the garage, in disgraceful state, after 20 yrs ownership. I'm of a mind to chuck it and replace it with one of the others.

There#s me motorbike kit, no leather, all cordura apart from gloves. Oh, I still have a cravat ! Jealous, Lud ?

 Accumulation of Clothes. - devonite
>>The moths got it.<<

Do Clothes Moths still exist?? - used to see them years ago when I was a "nipper" and we had "Mothballs" in all our draws! but I`ve never seen one for absolute years now!
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Fullchat
I'm in the same position Dutchie. Managed the sock and underwear drawer at Christmas with half a bin bag removed.

Wardrobe is next on the 'to do' list. Its a case of being ruthless. When did I last wear this and am I really going to wear it again? If the answers are I cant remember and no then its out.

Dove House indeed a worthy cause and its where I have donated for a long time.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
The charity shops are struggling according to the local paper Fullchat.Times are hard for people.Put some fuel in this morning 25 quid for a few miles driving.I might get the bus pass out..:)
 Accumulation of Clothes. - DeeW
Sadly yes, clothes moths do exist. We had a fine batch imported last year which I presume arrived with a visitor and managed to do real damage to a morning suit (tails) and a couple of cashmere jumpers. Fortunately they missed the kilts and Prince Charlie jackets in the same cupboard. Stupidly I had put things away as they were, rather than laundering them first (moths don't tend to bother with clean clothes).

I found another home for a lot of clothes last year, cutting out the middle man, so to speak. I was told about someone who runs a lunch once a month for "down and outs" chaps. They happily took a large binbag of socks plus assorted jumpers, shirts and so on. I got a thank you sent on from two of the chaps - usually the stuff is both dirty and in poor condition, not considered good enough for a charity shop, so they were really pleased to have good clothes. One in particular as he is trying to find employment and tidy clothes will make a difference, even if it is a lowly job.

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Mapmaker
Moths are a real problem in London. And effective moth killers are all banned by the EU.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - R.P.
Had a huge clearout in the last three years. First when I was widowed in Spring 2009 - a pile went, then when I retired in November, an even bigger pile, leaving two smart suits, got rid of my fleet of ties (fifty something) I kept about 6. Replaced most of my smart footwear with good quality walking shoes and boots - I have more than a few ! Got rid of all my jeans and I will need to re-invest in some casual trousers. Dozens of tee-shirts left over, some plain some logod. When we moved house I got rid of even more ! Reluctant to buy anything now unless I get a bargain on the internet....
 Accumulation of Clothes. - R.P.
I have at the moment the following motorcycle kit.

1. Frank Thomas textile suit, warm waterproof and ideal for winter rides..

2. A Hein Gerrick Leather touring suit, two piece that can be mixed and matched with other clobber

3. Alt Berg boots (winter) and an excellent pair of Triumph branded summer boots (these were given a new lease of life after ten years with a heel repair)

4. A top flight BMW "tosser" suit - technical, expensive but near perfect in design and construction.

5. Schuberth C3 helemt and a Shoei Multitec.

6. A pair of expensive but irritating Alpine Star gloves, a pair of cheapish Triumph all weather gloves - old and worn but excellent, still with life in them.

These are it no-more, no less. Not buying or likely to sell anything for a while.
Last edited by: R.P. on Fri 24 Feb 12 at 16:18
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
I have seen people on big motor bikes with a pair of jeans and no proper protection Rob.

Either very brave or plane daft.>:) I know we have laws for everything but surely its a must proper gear on a M/Bike.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - R.P.
I left out my Draggin Jeans - knitted Kevlar - I use them for short runs, with Knox armour underneath. I'd never go on the bike in less than that.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Iffy
I'm another clothes magpie.

Take work shirts, I rotate the same half-a-dozen, but probably have three times that number.

Same applies to casual tops, socks and the like.

Supermarkets are partly to blame, although I now tend to think "I've already got something similar" before buying.

I could store even more stuff in the caravan, but don't, partly because other people stay there occasionally.

 Accumulation of Clothes. - R.P.
Makes sense iffy, I rotate stuff, theory is that if you don't touch something in 12 moths you don't need it.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
I thought there was a shortage of moths??
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie

Just for you Dog to keep the moths away.>:)
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
Nice one! ... I suppose Duitsland comes from Deutschland.

What does Oranjeboom mean in English?
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Correct Dog Duitsland.

Oranjeboom=Orange Tree.>) The German driver was crafty .Hollanders lost.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
>>Oranjeboom=Orange Tree<<


Do you refer to yourselves as Hollanders then Dutchie, rather than Dutch?
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Not me Dog .I was born a Groninger in the north of holland.

Hollanders come from the south foreigners to us.There again I grew up in Rotterdam and speak their accent.

Groningers and Frisians where the first the rest are all inports.>)

The offical name is Nederlanders.(Low land below sea level.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Pat

Dutchie these are lovely, docile black and white cows with big brown sad eyes;)

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
I love big brown sad eyes Pat. I'm easy.>:)
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Pat
You'll be getting me into trouble if Mrs Dutchie see that ;)

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Harleyman

>> Dutchie these are lovely, docile black and white cows with big brown sad eyes;)
>> Pat

If you think Friesians are docile try getting the blighters to shift out of your way at milking time!

And they're 'orrible looking things; Prince Philip memorably described them as "a hat-rack with an udder attached".
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Pat
No problem HM, I used to milk 30 of them mkorning and night when I was just 17 yrs old and jobs were thin on the ground.

I used to take the stubborn ones an apple to eat and they'll do anything for you!

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
Its a bit confusing (to an idiot like me) but I suppose no-more confusing to someone emigrating here and finding British, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Cornish etc.,

Funny ole life ;)
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Runfer D'Hills
Clothes? Um..lots. Mostly very casual, loads of jeans and casual shirts but also a half dozen suits I hardly ever wear. Oh and one pair of chinos because I decided I might be old enough now...lots of coats, got a bit of a thing for coats. Don't think I own any formal trousers other than the bottom half of the suits.

Footwear? Lots and lots. ( and some more ) mainly boots but one pair of kick-ass brogues to go with the suits I don't wear.

Favourite item is my Barbour Bushman jacket. Wear it for most things except swimming.

Only one hat. Red woolly thing with Sylvester the cat badge on the front. Had it for decades. Never wear it. Wife and son won't let me.

 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
You are not a idiot Dog.I;ve being called that>)The official name is the Netherlands.

Hollanders it means the same Low land.All countrys have their regions and different dialects

It is a shame you can't speak Dutch .I often listen to Willem Middelkoop.He is a engineer born in Switzerland.Expert on economics and how systems work.You might be able to get a translation on his speeches.Also Maarten van Rossum professor of American history.Very critical of politicians he made some interesting talks on you tube.


 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dog
Is he the geezer with the beard Dutchie ~
 Accumulation of Clothes. - R.P.
The Welsh name for the Netherlands is "Iseldiroedd" which means precisely the same thing. I like the place very much...I have a FB friend in Friesland - hoping to visit sometime.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - Dutchie
Go to Friesland Rob.My sister husband was born in Leeuwarden.

Lots of lakes rivers and flat land.I drove across the Afsluitdijk across the Zuiderzee.They call it now Ijselmeer.
 Accumulation of Clothes. - R.P.
There was a very good edition of Coast from the Netherlands last year- learnt a lot. Fasicnating history.

No longer available on iPlayer but plenty of clips around the net.
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