Non-motoring > As seen on TV - Vol 3   [Read only]
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 100

 As seen on TV - Vol 3 - VxFan

***** This thread is now closed, please CLICK HERE to go to Volume 4 *****

A place to discuss what's on TV that might be of interest to others. (exc. Top Gear, F1, for example - which have threads of their own)

Volume 1
Volume 2


To try and maintain some kind of logical order of discussion, if you start a new subject then reply to this post and remember to change the default subject header.

Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 19 Jul 12 at 18:51
 Britain's Biggest Hoarders - Dog
Jasmine Harman of A Place In The Sun fame, calls on expert assistance to help her mother and other chronic hoarders combat the condition that is ruining their lives and those of their families.

Quite sad actually:
 Britain's Biggest Hoarders - Ted

We watched that with amazement, Fido. Just what sort of illness prompts anyone to live like that ? I thought Jasmine made one big error.....when they were emptying Mum's house, two or three vanloads could have been quietly diverted to the tip and the rest spread out more in the warehouse.....I doubt Mum would have noticed.

That Jasmine certainly has the phwoor factor, though ! Dr. Lucy Worsley was on again tonight....nuff said.

 Britain's Biggest Hoarders - Dog
>>We watched that with amazement, Fido. Just what sort of illness prompts anyone to live like that ?<<

Yes, absolutely amazing Teddy and - its all in the mind!

The condition appears to stem from some negative childhood experience in a lot of cases and can be helped on a one-to-one basis with a good Psycho-ologist it seems.

We seem to have similar tastes when it comes down to members of the opposite ...


 Britain's Biggest Hoarders - Ted
>> We seem to have similar tastes when it comes down to members of the opposite
>> ...
>> sex.
>> ;)

Anything female with a bit of a pulse, Fido ?

Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 11 May 12 at 00:39
 Britain's Biggest Hoarders - Dog
>>Anything female with a bit of a pulse, Fido ?<<

I'm Dog by name only Teddy, but you're spot on about the Female bit though.
 Euro problems - Meldrew
BB2 2100 tonight Michael Portillo in Greece the basket case of the € and Germany the powerhouse of the €. Might be quite revealing?
 Euro problems - Dog
I watched the Portillo program last night Mildew, and it seems to me that El Greco choosing the €uro in preference to the Drachma could be likened to benefit claimants choosing to accept more benefits in preference to less benefits.

Likewise with The Bosch, why would they choose to go back to the Deutsche Mark, which would in effect make their exports much more expensive.
 One for Rats- Punk Britannia - Focusless
Starts Friday 9pm BBC4:
 One for Rats- Punk Britannia - Focusless
>> Starts Friday 9pm BBC4:

Now! (I'm recording it)
Last edited by: Focus on Fri 1 Jun 12 at 21:02
 Euroscam! - devonite
If the Euro has problems, it cant be as bad as that trash Eurovision!!! = what has happened to all the money raised by the public vote? - nothing has changed they all vote for their friends and neighbors as before! the song has nothing to do with it!!
 Euroscam! - Roger.
The last decent song on Eurotrash (sorry - vision) was by ABBA!
PS. I used to like Eurotrash - remember it?
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - Meldrew
As a man with an interest in the law and its workings I have been watching "Silk" - a drama series on the Beeb (Tuesdays 2100 on BBC1). It is a play and IMO has no need of music of any sort; however much of the essential speech is masked by mood music, bouncy happy music, sinister threatening doom music etc. I listen with headphones and I still miss vital bits of what is going on. Would anybody who might watch it on Tuesday say what they think?

Same with a lot of other TV. Sports programmes are given loud music backing
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - L'escargot
I used to prefer it when no programmes had artificial background noise added. I'm not bothered if it doesn't reflect reality. I want to be able to hear what people are saying.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sat 2 Jun 12 at 07:11
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - Clk Sec
I can reasonably tolerate the music played while I'm watching Silk and other similar programmes, but it's frequently overdone and must be frustrating for anyone with impaired hearing.

For me it's the canned laughter that I can't abide. Fortunately, it's used less frequently these days.

I do miss the plays that were a regular feature on the BBC years ago.
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - busbee
There have been many protests on the BBC website , in the past.

Drumming sound while you listen to the news! Just how silly can you get. Totally stupid, as far as I am concerned.

One website scribe mentioned how high up in the credits the 'music' is. They seem to be persons who hold some sort of sway.

I listen via headphones that produce better sound than the typical small TV speaker and have lost count of the programmes I have recorded for later listening and later deleted instead.

There have been several protest letters in the IET journal I get.

I had hoped someone would start one of those website petitions that require the government to discuss it when it gets sufficient signatures.

I watch sky news instead of BBC --- it also makes some noise at the start but is usually less.

 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - R.P.
In this day and age it's easily achievable to be able to select a "no music" option from the remote. Why don't they do that.
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - Zero
Intrusive and inappropriate is an opinion. The majority find it adds to the drama. The volume control and subtitles are there for the minority that don't.

And before you wail you are not the minority, yes you are. If you were the majority it wouldn't be there.

Thats life with a diverse society.
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - CGNorwich
I watch "Silk" most weeks. Can't recall any problems with hearing the dialogue but believing the plot line does require a certain suspension of belief.

It is of course a fact that our hearing deteriorates with age and what is acceptable on one person is a problem to another. You cannot just strip the music out of a program, it would seem distinctly odd and flat. Setting the level that seems right to all must be difficult and producers obviously tilt it towards those who have good hearing.

The only thing you can do to help is switch on the sub-titles!
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - R.P.
The plots are totally potty.
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - zookeeper
>> The plots are totally potty.

try watching 'doctors' on the bbc any afternoon after the sure they were written by a 5 year old
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - R.P.
We do watch them - I became hooked when a friend became a view them through a mirror in a the way of a parable. There are some totally potty episodes....totally off the wall....According to a friend they are made this way on purpose...
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - John H
Complain to the Beeb.
The key message is for programme makers to consider the intelligibility of their content at all times - make sound a priority

"One of the most common complaints to BBC television in recent years has been that some people find it hard to hear the dialogue in our shows.


We also worked with the Voice Of The Listener And Viewer, Channel 4 and the Royal National Institute For Deaf People to find out once and for all what it is that can make it hard for viewers to hear the dialogue in our programmes properly.

The results were surprising. It turns out that audibility is not just about background music, as many had thought.

.... "

"The BBC is committed to ensuring that its programmes and services are as accessible as is reasonably possible to all people, whatever their impairments or disabilities. We want all audiences to have the best chance of hearing our programmes. Under Part Three of the Disability Discrimination Act the BBC has a legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that this is the case. What is "reasonable" will evolve as technology develops and this guidance is kept under review. The BBC consults a range of disability organisations regularly.

This guidance shows how we can improve access to our content and services for people with hearing loss. The key message is for programme makers to consider the intelligibility of their content at all times - make sound a priority."

 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - Ted

I'm not the slightest bit interested in these police/law/detective dramas. SWM, on the other hand, watches them all.

I usually sit and read, if I'm in the television parlour. I noticed she was watching something called 'Vera'.
I commented to her that the star, some plump, middle-aged actress just mumbled her lines in some sort of foreign accent......I could make no sense of her, particularly as she had a fairly soft voice.

The other actors seemed to be quite audible. I went back to my magazine.

I've noticed that introductory music is often much louder than the show volume button's nearly worn out !

 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - R.P.
They were interviewing that hack actress on a R4 programme before Vera was aired - she was dead proud of her faux Northumbrian accent. I saw a clip of it the other day it looked truly awful...
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - Manatee
>> They were interviewing that hack actress

Good actor Brenda Blethyn. I'm not sure about that accent though, and I struggled to make out what she was saying at times. But probably not many non-natives could do a Northumberland accent, and maybe none of the natives can act!

I didn't think the program was bad on the whole.

Music often intrudes, but the fact that it doesn't always do so suggests if it's not overdone it can be OK.

I've just been trying to watch Lord of the Rings and the music is ridiculous. I keep waiting for the orchestra to come into view.
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - Harleyman

>> I've just been trying to watch Lord of the Rings and the music is ridiculous.
>> I keep waiting for the orchestra to come into view.

Cue thoughts of "Blazing Saddles"...... what a brilliant spoof that was!
 Intrusive and Inappropriate Music on TV programmes - devonite
Cue thoughts of "Blazing Saddles"...... what a brilliant spoof that was!

And it has the added benefit of sticking two-fingers up to the politically-correct brigade! - One can almost hear the gasps of shock and horror being carried on the wind, and the "popping" sounds as they "blow their tops" one by one!
 Wednesday 20 June - R.P.
Some good telly tonight (Surprisingly !)

7.00pm BBC 1 Britain's Lost Routes with Griff Rhys Jones (Holywell to St David's in Wales)

8.00pm BBC 4 The Last Days of Steam

Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 20 Jun 12 at 18:33
 Wednesday 20 June - Dog
The best telly (IMO) is Cops at 7.00pm on CBS Reality (Freesat) repeated on CBS+1 at 8.00pm.

I've heard about people (like me) addicted to their TV programs - I'm one of them now because I watch that program 6 days a week!

Lets just say they do things differently 'over there' (US)
 Lightning - Focusless
Brian Cox going up in a Lightning on BBC4 now (repeat).
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 21 Jun 12 at 20:04
 Lightning - Focusless
Sorry - that was a bit late. Might be on iPlayer if you're interested though.
 Stooshe singing live - Focusless
Heard Stooshe's single 'Black Heart' on the radio this morning, which reminded me of a very nice acoustic version they did on Sunday Brunch (née Something for the Weekend) a couple of Sundays ago. They're a young female trio, who I suspect might be going places. Wait for the harmonies:

Full official video:
 Documentary radio at its very best. - R.P.

A typical gem from R4. Caught the tail end of it - worth a listen. Beautifully crafted - what was by its nature a very graphic incident made in such a way that pictures would have been an intrusion.

 Documentary radio at its very best. - Focusless
I caught about 10 minutes of a documentary about the start of UK punk just after 10pm on R2 last night. Sounded good, but I can't find it on iPlayer - anyone know what it was?
 Documentary radio at its very best. - Zero
 Documentary radio at its very best. - Focusless
Ah, that's what it was. I was looking for something with 'punk' in the title. Ta.
 London on Film Part two - the east end,. - Zero
Dog pointed the way to this with the first episode about the West End - and fabulous it was.

Monday was my birthplace, roots and early stomping ground. The East End. Excelent short snappy film
 London on Film Part two - the east end,. - Dog
Good program - I remember Tubby Isaacs but couldn't place that pub in Execution Dock called (I think) The Ramsgate Inn, could that be The Prospect of Whitby I wonder.
 London on Film Part two - the east end,. - Dog
 London on Film Part two - the east end,. - CGNorwich
Town of Ramsgate:
 London on Film Part two - the east end,. - Dog
Ah! - The Town of Ramsgate, goodman CG.
 Ben Hur - Zero
Film 4 - Ben Hur. The chariot scene. The finest piece of cinematographic action ever filmed. Those tilting dolphins of tension get me every time.
Last edited by: Webmaster on Fri 29 Jun 12 at 18:00
 Daredevils: Life on the Edge - Focusless

Featuring bike nutter Danny MacAskill, he who rides along the top of metal railings and linked to on here before IIRC: (1 minute in)

so it included some of that footage along with interesting 'the making of'-type material. But also followed him around trying out other 'daredevil' stuff looking into the medical side of why he and others do it. Riding pillion with Guy Martin on a slightly wet track in stormy winds looked fun :o

The medical stuff seemed a bit lame TBH but it was a good excuse for all the stunts.
 The secret history of our streets - Dog
Bermondsey tonight (04/07) where I was bjorn, changed a bit since I was last there I'll wager:

I see the "please note" message at the start of the thread has been ignored once again!! Moved to correct place in the thread
Last edited by: Webmaster on Wed 4 Jul 12 at 18:14
 The secret history of our streets - Dog
OK Webmaster, not porpoisely ignored BTW, but noted for the future ;)
 The secret history of our streets - R.P.
HoHo !
 Superbikes - When Britain Ruled the World - Zero
ITV4 just finished. Caught it by chance.

A look back at the World Superbike Championship during the 1990s, featuring contributions from Frankie Chili, Carl Fogarty, Neil Hodgson, Keith Huewen and James Whitham

fabulous program!
 Superbikes - When Britain Ruled the World - R.P.
Just watching it now on +1 now - brilliant - Hailwood - brilliant.
 Superbikes - When Britain Ruled the World - R.P.
Those bikes look big an clunky even compared to what you can buy in the shops these days !
 Superbikes - When Britain Ruled the World - R.P.
Cracking programme - thanks Zero - understated sporting heroes...James Whitham cancer story - amazing...."eee 'ad some chemo me hair fell out, but it was ok" brill.
Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 4 Jul 12 at 21:59
 Sneaky programming. - Roger.
It really annoys me when TV schedulers put on repeats of programmes without clearly labelling them as such.
This is particularly irritating if it is a repeat of a popular series, which itself is ongoing.
Obviously an airing of, say "Dad's Army", must be a repeat but "Lewis" for example, is still being produced and it is not uncommon to run repeats of old episodes immediately prior to a new series.
Even worse, is the practice of slipping old episodes of a show into a new series, thus padding out a series with minimal expense.
I don't mind repeats: many are worth looking at again, but I just wish the programmers would be honest and label them thus, so we know what to expect.
 Sneaky programming. - Duncan
>> It really annoys me when TV schedulers put on repeats of programmes without clearly labelling them as such.

The Torygraph shows an 'R'in its listings magazines alongside any progs which are repeats.
Last edited by: Duncan on Thu 5 Jul 12 at 07:34
 Sneaky programming. - Dog
As does the Radio Times, just hover your mousey over said prog:{"sd":"05-07-2012 08:00:00"}
 Sneaky programming. - Focusless
Usually says R on the EPG as well IIRC.
 Sneaky programming. - Webmaster
>> It really annoys me when........

very few people take notice of the "please note" message at the start of this (and a few other) threads and tag their new subject for discussion onto the last one instead of the first one in the thread ....... Grrrr ;)

EDIT - now moved. A process that can lead to the post disappearing altogether because I have to first move it somewhere else, then move it back again and tag it to the first post of the thread.
Last edited by: Webmaster on Thu 5 Jul 12 at 08:59
 Sneaky programming. - Pat
When I get wound up I ask myself 'Does it really matter?', 'Is the world going to end?'

If the answer to those two are no, then I leave it as it is:)

We always find the posts anyway and WE like an untidy forum!

People Power.

 Sneaky programming. - Focusless
>> We always find the posts anyway and WE like an untidy forum!

Speak for yourself :)
 Johnny Rotten on Question Time tonight - Focusless
...according to The Sun:

End of civilisation as we know it etc. :)
 The Motorbike Show - now, ITV4 (freeview 24) - Focusless
Just found it, no idea if it's any good.
 Wallander tonight - CGNorwich
Kenneth Branagh stars in the first of a new three parter tonight. If half as good as the previous series it should be well worth watching.
 Wallander tonight - Focusless
Thanks CGN - BBC1 9pm.
 Wallander tonight - Zero
I like Wallander, it makes our weather look really rather benign.
 Wallander tonight - Duncan
Enjoyable enough with Kenneth Branagh, but not a patch on the Swedish language version with Krister Henriksson playing Wallender.

Hard work though, reading all those monochrome subtitles and deciding who said what and to whom?
 Wallander tonight - Zero
I much preferred the swedish version too.
 Wallander tonight - CGNorwich
Best of the recent Scandinavian noir in my opinion was the "The Bridge". Last night's Wallander was very watchable though. It's good to see and actor of his quality on the TV.
 Wallander tonight - Focusless
Going to have to watch it on iPlayer - Mrs F refuses to watch any 2 hour long 'dramas'. Instead we watched 'The Nation's Favourite Number 1 Single' on ITV (numbers 60-40), which was actually pretty good - usual sort of thing, interviews with those involved and comments from other music makers, but very watchable.
 Wallander tonight - R.P.
Agreed Focus - lazy television but cracking entertainment all the same - really enjoyed it, especially the guy from the Animals...
 Wallander tonight - Duncan
>> Going to have to watch it on iPlayer - Mrs F refuses to watch any 2 hour long 'dramas'.

Couldn't you watch it in the morning room?

Failing that, this being the twentyfirst century, you could go downstairs and watch it with the staff!
 Wallander tonight - Focusless
Main TV is 37" (and HD), kitchen TV is only 19. iPlayer is on the main TV so better to wait :)
 Wallander tonight - Focusless
>> Going to have to watch it on iPlayer

Just watched it - excellent! I think his girlfriend's got her work cut out... :)
 Wallander tonight - rtj70
We thought the Bridge was very good. Borgen series 1 and 2 has been good too. Borgen 2 is on later this year on the BBC.

So far we can look forward to Borgen 3, The Bridge 2* and the Killing 3.

* It was obvious to me watching The Bridge that providing it was popular there would be a second series. And the lead male investigator would probably end up in charge.
 Wallander tonight - Iffy
I've recorded something from last night about two people driving across Siberia.

World's Worst Roads or somesuch, did anyone see it?

 Wallander tonight - Focusless
I didn't, but I guess it's this, available on iPlayer:
 Wallander tonight - Focusless
Just noticed that the drivers are 'Mock the week' regulars Andy Parsons and Ed Byrne - will try to catch it later.
 Ethnic Cleansing in Sweden ? - borasport
Have all the Saabs been buried in an unmarked grave ? Not a single one to be seen in last nights Walander.

A ropy old Peugeot, even a Morris Minor, but not a single Saab as far as I could see
 How to Go Faster and Influence People - Number_Cruncher
Currently available via the BBC Iplayer

How to Go Faster and Influence People: The Gordon Murray F1 Story

Very watchable. In my opinion, his new car is the right way forward in terms of modern vehicle design.

I've been running this problem - a small car for 3 adults - as a design challenge for the final year students. I found the program rather interesting as it allowed me to compare their answers with Gordon Murray's.

The problem with the T25 car and the publicity around it is now I'll need to dream up a new design challenge for the students, or I'll just get rehashed T25s as their answers!
 Timeshift: The Men Who Built the Liners - Manatee
Ace 2009 documentary just finished on BBC4, catch it on iPlayer if possible.

Although I was 18 at the time, I'd long forgotten the details of the work-in but remembered shop steward Jimmy Reid, a phenomenal orator.

A real glimpse into a past industrial age.

I do like a good documentary. The best use there is for television.
 Operation crossbow - Zero
BB2 Now, Operation crossbow - The allied WW2 photo reconnaissance efforts
Last edited by: Webmaster on Mon 16 Jul 12 at 22:46
 Operation crossbow - CGNorwich
God that was dreary. Went to sleep, woke up in time for QI though.

 Operation crossbow - Manatee
I found it fascinating. And important.

I was a bit surprised though. It wasn't in the schedules, or at least not the one I was looking at. My wife further confused me by telling me that Operation Mincemeat was on BBC2, so I was a bit puzzled for the first few minutes until somebody mentioned Crossbow.
 The Big O - Roger.
Seen last Friday and still on BBC iPlayer:-

Now that's what I call music!
 The Big O - helicopter
I watched the documentary and his concert as well Roger...seen it before and well worth watching again.

The big 'O' had many tragedies and misforthunes in his life , losing his children in a house fire amongst them and wore those dark glasses because he had a squinty eye and his hair long because he had jug ears but what a singer..effortless power in his voice without seeming to move his lips or open his mouth.

I remember a mate and I being knocked out when we firsy heard him in around 1963 listening to Pretty Woman on the headphones in the acoustic booth of a record shop in Newcastle ....

... I must dig out my CD of his greatest hits....
 The Big O - Focusless
Didn't see the whole thing. Great singer and some great tunes, but didn't you find the black and white filming with wobbly audience shots a bit pretentious? And did all the star guests really add anything?

Sorry, not enough sunshine :)
 The Big O - devonite
I hate these "Tribute" programs whereby they show 10 seconds of the deceased`s work, then some"Star" spends the next 60 seconds talking about it! If you ere doing a 30 minute "Tribute" then lets see at least 25 minutes of their work they are being remembered for!
 The Big O - Focusless
Not sure if you saw it dev but it did feature Roy singing all(?) of his hits, but featuring others such as Bruce Springsteen in the backing band. So I know what you mean, but this wasn't one of those programmes.
 The Big O - devonite
Sadly I missed it (doing chores!) but You-Tube has some good clips of his work, I may have a "Roy" night shortly after the Hostess has repaired to bed! (head-phones tho`) ;-)
 The Big O - Pat
...and I was shocked to realise I remembered every word of every one of them.

Must be getting old:)

How did I ger from Roy Orbison to being a heavy metal fan?

 The Big O - R.P.
Arguably the best ever version of Crying....
 The Big O - Focusless
Roy Orbison channel on youtube:
 The Big O - Pat
...and here was me thinking you really had a heart RP, when I clicked on that link.:(!

 The Big O - R.P.
I love the big O Pat !
 The Big O - Runfer D'Hills
Don't we all?...
 The Big O - Armel Coussine
>> Don't we all?...

Eeeeeh... only up to a point. Fine overbearing voice though, and a large body of work.

I am very picky and very snooty and very arrogant about music. Deep Purple mentioned in another thread, a member having gone before his time poor fellow... I remembered the name but without enthusiasm. Played a link and remembered why: boring white-boy rock with a metronomic beat, no proper rhythm at all.

But that's just me. Fine for pogoing or whatever they call it I'm sure.

 Jumbo strip down. - mikeyb
Fascinating program on BBC 2 called engineering giants. This weeks was the strip down (D check) of a BA 747.

Its repeated on BBC 2 at 23:20 on Thursday

another poster who ignored the "please note" message at the start of the thread - sigh!
Last edited by: Webmaster on Tue 17 Jul 12 at 20:54
 Jumbo strip down. - R.P.
I meant to flag this - got it recorded to watch.
 Jumbo strip down. - rtj70
19 days left to watch it on iPlayer. Or download it and keep it - depends on how you grab the iPlayer content.
 Operation Mincemeat - Manatee
On BBC2 now
 To be seen on TV - Vol 3 - smokie
Didn't want to start a separate thread for this, but Sky are giving all subscribers free Sky Sports this weekend.

Virgin are following suit.

6am Friday to 6am Monday apparently.

Good thing, as the German Grand Prix was only highlights on the Beeb.

 To be seen on TV - Vol 3 - Manatee
>>Sky are giving all subscribers free Sky Sports this weekend.

That'll please their best customers who already pay for it!
 To be seen on TV - Vol 3 - Duncan
>> Sky are giving all subscribers free Sky Sports this weekend.

Brings a new definition to the meaning of the word 'free'.
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