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Last Updated: Monday, 8 August 2005, 08:40 GMT 09:40 UK
Singer Harvey hopes to walk again
Brian Harvey
Harvey blamed jacket potatoes for the accident in May
Troubled singer Brian Harvey says he hopes to walk again as he explained how he came to be crushed under his own car in a freak accident.

The former East 17 star is recovering at home with a metal brace holding his shattered pelvis in place.

He told GMTV doctors say he could eventually make a full recovery.

Harvey said the accident occurred when he opened his car door to be sick, only to be tossed from his seat and pulled under the wheels as the car shot back.

"I had just been stuffing my face with a load of jacket potatoes and I felt sick, so I opened my car door to be sick." the singer explained.

"Instead of putting my foot on the brake, I put it on the accelerator and it flew back. I must have hit four or five parked cars."


The singer suffered severe stomach, lung and leg injuries in the crash in Walthamstow, east London, on 31 May and was in a coma for several weeks.

"My stomach was pushed into my lungs, which collapsed, and I was told the heel of one of my feet was found up round the back of my head."

But while he admitted he had tried to commit suicide twice before the accident, he denied this had been another attempt to kill himself.

"If you were going to commit suicide you wouldn't do it like this," he said.

Harvey, who turned 31 on Monday, is recovering at the Hastings home of his girlfriend, model Emma B.

He says he hopes to be walking again by Christmas after an intense period of physiotherapy.

Singer Harvey is out of hospital
20 Jul 05 |  Entertainment
Harvey: Accident 'not sinister'
21 Jun 05 |  Entertainment
Singer Harvey 'in good spirits'
16 Jun 05 |  Entertainment
Singer Harvey 'crushed under car'
31 May 05 |  Entertainment


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