Page last updated at 12:35 GMT, Monday, 8 March 2010

Crime gang's Audi 4x4 now police patrol car

AS7 Audi Quattro TDI SiLine
The car will be used by Strathclyde Police's Gangs Task Force

A £40,000 car which once belonged to criminals in Glasgow is now being used by the police in the fight against serious crime.

The black Q7 was seized by officers from Strathclyde police during an operation against a criminal gang in the north of the city.

The 4x4 car has now been emblazoned with the force's livery and will be used by the Gangs Task Force.

This is the first time Strathclyde Police has used a confiscated vehicle.

Assistant Chief Constable John Neilson said: "I would say to the criminals that what you have this week; your houses, your cars - you might not have next week.

"The hard working, law abiding citizens need to know that we are hurting those involved in serious and organised crime where it matters - their pockets.

"These criminals are fast realising that they are not above the law. They may think that they are getting away with it, but we are determined to make a long-term impact in this area."

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