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Last Updated: Thursday, 22 February 2007, 21:02 GMT
M80 reopened after lorry unstuck
The incident affected the northbound carriageway

The rear end of a tipper truck which became jammed under an overhead motorway sign has been removed.

The incident on the M80 resulted in all three lanes of the northbound carriageway being closed off.

The truck driver and the male elderly driver of a Vauxhall Corsa behind it both escaped injury.

Cranes were used to remove the gantry and the rear section of the truck and police confirmed that the M80 had now fully reopened to traffic.

Thursday's incident between junction four, Haggs, and junction five, Bankhead on Thursday morning, caused major delays.

Motorway incident (Pic sent by Alan Hutchison)
The elderly driver of the Corsa escaped injury

The road is the main route between Glasgow and Stirling and also provides a major link to Fife, via the Kincardine Bridge.

Central Scotland Police said both the overhead gantry and the trailer were removed.

Motorists were thanked for their patience.


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