Naming and Shaming Policy

    Last week my (brand X) car's handbrake failed. I rang X and waited 10 minutes on the phone. I found the experience very stressful.
  1. Judgment-heavy:
    X are a useless company. The handbrake failed on my car and they are the worst company in terms of being contactable (I waited 10 minutes on the phone trying to get through).
  2. Abusive
    X are a bunch of complete losers. The handbrake failed on my car and it is easier to get through to a deaf person than their company. I was waiting so long on the phone I thought they were relocating their call centre to India as I rang.
  • In replying to posts of this nature, it would be helpful if forum members could lean towards constructive replies as opposed to criticism of the original poster or a doubting of the experience described. Asking questions is fine, but repeated and aggressive asking may be snipped.
  • This policy, as with all others, will be under continual review and may change at any time, with a view to ensuring that the site remains a pleasant place to post and read.

    We hope that this policy will allow a degree of naming and shaming and strike the appropriate balance.

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