Anyone know how to turn subtitles off on Sky?

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The missus (no, you wouldn't want me to) is partially deaf, so she has the subtitles on permanently. She's also lost the remote control to the sky box. Obviously I'll kill her when she's made my dinner. I've managed to get ITV on the telly, but the whole World Cup will be ruined by bloody subtitles covering half the screen. Any idea how to turn the f***ing things off without a remote?

You could try a reset by turning it off at the plug, leaving it for a minute then switching back on?
It's in the options menu marra

Gan to subtitles then off then press green for save

Haven't got a green button. This is f***ing ridiculous. In the meantime, I've managed to delete Eastenders from series link. That'll cause ructions when she is allowed to use the telly.
Haven't got a green button. This is f***ing ridiculous. In the meantime, I've managed to delete Eastenders from series link. That'll cause ructions when she is allowed to use the telly.

Do you have Freeview independent of Sky?

If so, you could watch on that and control the subtitles, if switched on, from the telly remote.
There's a little button on the left of the remote about halfway up called 'text'
On the right hand side opposite that there's another button with the word rubbed out otherwise I'd tell you what it was. :)
Press that.
Scroll down one.
Press left.
Press select.
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