Lawnmowers and golf buggies need insurance, rules EU

The EU directive will require vehicles used in all situations to be covered by motor insurance
The EU directive will require vehicles used in all situations to be covered by motor insurance

Hundreds of thousands of people may have to insure lawnmowers, golf buggies and mobility scooters for the first time under European regulations.

Full motor insurance will be required for all vehicles, including those that never leave private land, to comply with a new EU directive, it has emerged.

Ministers fear that the rule change may apply to self-propelled petrol lawnmowers — in addition to ride-on mowers — because Europe’s definition of “motor vehicles” is so vague.

The move prompted a furious response from the Department for Transport, which is locked in talks with the EU to minimise the effect of the directive.

The Conservatives described the ruling as “bonkers” and said that it would intensify support for an EU referendum.

Robert Goodwill, the roads minister,