Martin Shapland and Alastair Stewart
Martin has spoken out (Picture: Rex – Martin Shapland)

The man on the receiving end of the tweet that saw Alastair Stewart step down from ITV has claimed that multiple offensive tweets were actually sent.

Stewart, 67, announced last night that he is stepping down from ITV News after 40 years following a ‘misjudgement’ on social media.

ITN stated the move was due to ‘errors of judgement in Alastair’s use of social media’ and ‘breached’ their editorial guidelines.

A tweet sent on 13 January 2020 to Martin Shapland then began to circulate, which read: ‘“But man, proud man, Dress’d in a little brief authority, Most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d – His glassy essence – like an angry ape”.’

Mr Shapland, who happens to be black, tweeted: ‘Just an @ITV newsreader referring to me as an ape with the cover of Shakespeare. Measure for measure, Alistair is a disgrace.’

Alastair Stewart quit ITV Picture: caminthewild

Shapland issued a statement reading: ‘In so far as Mr Stewart caused hurt and upset, intentionally or otherwise, in an exchange earlier this month, there is wider context. There was not a single post as has been widely reported, but several posts written by Mr Stewart, which have all now been deleted.

‘I understand that Mr Stewart has acknowledged the words he used were misjudged and has expressed regret at what happened. I thank him for that.

‘No one is perfect. We are all human and we all need to learn from our experiences and mistakes and try to be better people in the wake of them. An apology and commitment to be more careful about language was all that I would have asked.

‘It is regrettable that he has decided to stand down and I take no pleasure in that. He has evidently gone through an ITN and ITV process and I respect his choice.

‘Civil and political discourse has become far too vicious in the last five years. I would ask that we try to treat each other with a little more respect, kindness and understanding. In that spirit I consider this matter closed and I wish Mr Stewart the best in his future endeavours.’

He then pointed out a thread from columnist Kate Maltby, who tweeted: ‘Most of the tweets have now been deleted, so people now commentating think it’s *just* ‘the ape thing’. As I recall, AS went on a rant about Martin’s education level, dismissed the possibility he could have a degree, really picked on him by quote-tweeting & encouraging a pile-on.’

Martin wrote: ‘I want to draw particular reference to a post Alastair Stewart made after his quoting of Shakespeare’s measure for measure, which provides some background as to why I found his intent ambiguous – either he knew it would cause offence, or was trying to do so.’

In response to a tweet reading: ‘Careful! You will be accused by the poorly educated “Shakespeare is irrelevant” brigade of being racist’, Stewart tweeted a halo emoji.
Shapland continued: ‘Much of the context of the discussion was lost after tweets were deleted and I won’t go into detail here.

‘I do, however, want to clarify that I don’t know how ITN, ITV and Mr Stewart came to a conclusion or what background there was beyond any exchange I had with him.

‘My personal view is that a private apology would have been more than sufficient to draw a line under this. I am not, in saying that, second guessing the decision arrived at.

‘I have taken the step of removing all of my twitter posts. I have been on the receiving end of a torrent of abuse, and, by the same token, condemn any similar behaviour toward figures like Ranvir Singh, who I understand has faced similar comments.’

He attached a number of screengrabs of the abuse he had received, including tweets in which he was referred to as a ‘n****r ape’, before tweeting: ‘As I state above, our civil and political discourse has become far too vicious. I consider the matter to be closed, accept Mr Stewart’s expression of regret and wish him the best for the future.’

Shapland has deleted all of his tweets.

Following Stewart’s decision to stand down, he was defended by a number of colleagues, including Ranvir Singh, who said: ‘I’ve sat with him for years and he has only ever been gracious and encouraging to me. He was proud of what I’ve achieved and other black talent in the newsroom, and he sees black talent and he wants them to have more work.

‘I can only tell you from my experience that he is a gent and he has done nothing other than encourage me.’

Laurence Fox also defended Stewart, saying he was a victim of the ‘war on language’.

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