Fifi the failthful Zero black labrador that is.
The Lancer is a hot car, the first I have had in some time with no reflective screen or tinted windows. Its fine in the front with the aircon doing its bit, but further back in the cargo hold, the black lab is getting really hot.
With a 7 hour journey to be done on Saturday and possible sunshine all the way something had to be done.
So today I bought some black stick-on sunshades. Thet are rather like the tinting film you get, and stick to the windows under their own steam. About 10 quid in total and they really block the sun, real pigs to stick on and look really untidy from the outside, but they do the biz just dandy. Two across the rear screen - I can still see out, and one in each rear 3/4 window.
With the aid of a 12v inverter a 5 inch mains desk fan has been fixed to the top of the rear seats to move the cooler air in first class back to economy.
So hopefully 7 hours will see a cool hound at the end of it.
If this works, I will have the rear screen and 2/4 sides tinted.
Why dont you carry some water and an aerosol spray to keep the dog damp. The fan blown air and consequent evaporation will cool the poor mutt much more effectively!
>> Why dont you carry some water and an aerosol spray to keep the dog damp.
>> The fan blown air and consequent evaporation will cool the poor mutt much more effectively!
you have clearly never smelt a labrador gently steaming in the sun,
>>>you have clearly never smelt a labrador gently steaming in the sun, <<<
One of the reasons that I will never have a dog! I thought dog owners became immune to the smell. Houses and cars become unsaleable to other people! Although selling in the winter with heating turned off may just be possible!
Reminds me of a car that had been flooded with sewage laden water. Despite deep cleaning it was never useable when the sun came out. I always wonder who bought the bargain at auction in January!
>>One of the reasons that I will never have a dog!<<
My Doberman used to stink, as did my Cocker but, my Ridgeback is quite sweet (smelling)
Some dogs smell more than others of course, like some people :O
>> I thought dog owners became immune to the smell.
You can wash them, you know. Sometimes you *have* to, if the animal's rolled in something, and you let it indoors.
>>You can wash them, you know. <<
My 10 year old Ridgeback hasn't had a wash in, well - 10 years as it appens,
I asked the Vet about it and he said tis ok (as he held his hooter)
Good idea Mr. Zed ... you could have done a better job of it though with a bit of patience and some soapy water in a spray bottle + a squeegee,
Might I suggest a brief stop every 2 hours to stretch his (and your) legz.
>> Good idea Mr. Zed ... you could have done a better job of it though
>> with a bit of patience and some soapy water in a spray bottle + a
>> squeegee,
AKA fitting proper tinting film. If i was fitting proper tinting film that what i would have done, but these are stick on squares designed to be reused
>> The Lancer is a hot car, the first I have had in some time with no reflective screen or tinted windows.
My Mazda6 is the same - I wonder if it's a Japanese idea not to use heat reflective or tinted windows? On a bright day you can certainly feel the sun.
Have to take the cat to the cattery tomorrow 3 miles distant. It will cry all the way and empty its bladder and bowels on the way there as it always does. I will as usual commence my holiday with all windows open for the first 5 miles trying to clear the ghastly smell.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 16:11
>> Have to take the cat to the cattery tomorrow 3 miles distant. It will cry
>> all the way and empty its bladder and bowels on the way there as it
>> always does.
If it was mine, it would be on a one way journey......
If it was mine, it would be on a one way journey......
Believe me I'm tempted. To add insult to injury the cattery fees cost more than a night's hotel and 14 days car parking at Gatwick
Washing dogs, especially using shampoos, can actually harm a dog's coat and skin. Detergents will break own the waterproofing oils in its hair - current dog has never had a bath but gets regular soakings in the rain and the occasional swim to freshen him up a bit. He smells a bit more than my last house dog (a cocker bitch) but I think that's a more a man thing as far as he's concerned.
Last edited by: Pugugly on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 18:26
If you wash a lab with any form of detergent, you tend to break down its waterproofing and kill its boyancy (they are very waterprof and very boyant dogs)
Fifi, the faithful Zero hound, gets a swim once a week, summer or winter, and a brush when its changing coat and was only washed twice. Once when she enjoyed a roll in fox poo, and once when she got fleas*
*made friends with a hedghog, and all the hedgehogs squatters transferred to premises new.
>> Fifi, the faithful Zero hound, gets a swim once a week>>
I once worked near a police dog unit kennels. Their dog cleaning routine was to tell the dog to sit and then turn a small fire hose on them, it didn't seem to bother the dogs.
I sold one of our Malinois to Northants police. If you aimed a firehose at that, it would have eaten the hose, after snacking on your wrist.
>> it would have eaten the hose, after snacking on your wrist.
Their dogs were well trained.
believe me, they are not. Many a copper had bite marks. They were stunned at how well trained this Mali was, and how brave it was.
They didnt have to lift this one over a gate to get it to chase crims.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 19:28
>> Washing dogs, especially
Humph, PU. *That's* why you use the proper stuff and technique. Buy "The Doglopaedia" (Ringpress, ISBN10 1860540740) if you haven't already got one.
...Washing dogs, especially...
The Blue Peter presenters used to wash Patch, or it might have been Petra.
dogs were not designed to be washed, all nature provided them with was a lake or river. Thats good enough
They weren't designed to hang around on the couch indoors all day, either, or eat "dog food", or be bred into silly little things, or foul huge slobbery beasts emitting mountains all over the pavement.
So, of course they can be washed, and ought to be, in many cases.
The only time any of my dogs have been bathed in anything other than water was when they had "visitors" !
Should have bought a Cee'd, decent climate control and privacy glass. :-)
I have children in my car as a last resort, animals, never!
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 16:14
You need privacy glass in a C'eed in case you meet anyone you know :-)
I am confident enough to not care what anyone else thinks.
It's difficult to reach the controls from the back seat anyway. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 16:40
its ok, no-one will see you - we all close our eyes in horror when we see a ceed
One advantage is I don't have to leave a smelly dog in it to stop it being stolen.:-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 16:53
Your lab will be OK as long as the temperature isn't unbearably high and there's water available. Windows cracked open when going along will be OK, your aircon will do a lot, even in the back. The problems come when cretins leave their animals/children in a car with closed windows in direct anbd blazing hot sunshine.
Last edited by: FotheringtonTomas on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 17:11
Hi Z. Great e-mail addy by the way. Very thoughtful of you!!
Your Malinois might be a bit lively, but I've seen Police Lab's so terrifying it took some believing, being a follower of the breed and all that. I had a short stocky bitch that would have you over if you upset her.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 30 Jun 10 at 21:39
Not seen any mail from you tho M, is yours still acting up?
>> Not seen any mail from you tho M, is yours still acting up?
Don't No!
ok lets do this a step at a time.
did you send me an email to my hotmail address?
>> ok lets do this a step at a time.
>> did you send me an email to my hotmail address?
thats why I didnt get it then.
Perhaps YOU have a problem with your Hotmail
no, I can get into my hotmail, and I can see there is no email there you haven sent.
go back to you beer Martin
>> go back to you beer Martin
Obviously if you quaff ale, take wenches, enjoy a bout of quarterstaff with your brothers and gralloch red deer behind your back with your bare hands, then having two or three reeking snarling hounds piled in your car or sitting room would be just the thing.
However I much prefer scented pomeranians with bows in their hair being led about Knightsbridge by what an uncouth friend from Cheshire used to call 'rich 'ores'. As for these big wet soppy, no doubt excellent, retrievers and spaniels and so on, what on earth do people have against hosing them down from time to time? People don't mind doing it when the beast has rolled in badger or fox excrement. Is the dog product substantively preferable then? I remain to be convinced.
My Iraqi friend tells a racist story about a Kurd found weeping beside the river over the body of his cat. Having washed the animal, the silly fellow has then wrung it out.
>> My Iraqi friend tells a racist story about a Kurd found weeping beside the river
>> over the body of his cat. Having washed the animal, the silly fellow has then
>> wrung it out.
What a backward nation - no tumble-driers!
Ok, test this morning. Its now only 3.0c warmer in the boot than the front. Most of that 3.0c is probably hot dog breath.