Motoring Discussion > French Speed Camera Miscellaneous
Thread Author: mikeyb Replies: 19

 French Speed Camera - mikeyb
In France on Monday and got flashed by a speed camera. Think I was doing around 80 kph in a 70

It was a rental so may take a while to filter through to me, but anyone know what I can expect the fine to be?
 French Speed Camera - PhilW
 French Speed Camera - Armel Coussine
>> anyone know what I can expect the fine to be?

40,000 euros probably, and serve you right, risking the Lives of Others with Reckless Selfish SPEEDING...

Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Thu 18 Dec 14 at 19:17
 French Speed Camera - Zero
>> In France on Monday and got flashed by a speed camera. Think I was doing
>> around 80 kph in a 70

It will be sent to you at your home address. You don't have to pay it.

The cheeky burger who I bought my house from 15 years ago keeps getting them in France and they arrive here at my place.

>> It was a rental so may take a while to filter through to me, but
>> anyone know what I can expect the fine to be?

40 euros ish.,... Up to you if you pay it or not for peace of mind.
 French Speed Camera - mikeyb
Ahh 40 euros is OK - will probably pay as I go back most months
 French Speed Camera - Stroudie
Last September I thought I was flashed on a fast downhill bend just North of Doullens South West of St Omer driving our camper van (3 litre Ducato)-It's quite swift.
Spent a few days worrying about getting a letter on return home-Nothing happened.
 French Speed Camera - mikeyb
Think my problem will be that its a hire car, so no doubt they will pass on my details (and probably charge me for the privilege)

In your case it was probably to difficult to track a UK registered vehicle
 French Speed Camera - Zero
>> Think my problem will be that its a hire car,

Your problem will be actually paying it as its a euro fine . Hopefully credit card will be an option.
 French Speed Camera - Runfer D'Hills
Yeah they take Visa, well the Italians do anyway :-(
 French Speed Camera - Alastairw
Send cash. 4000 one cent coins will take them a while to count...
 French Speed Camera - No FM2R
>>4000 one cent coins will take them a while to count...

Like the apocryphal stories of people paying their electricity bills in coppers.

Trouble is, they only have to accept legal tender, and 4000 coins isn't.
 French Speed Camera - Zero

>> Trouble is, they only have to accept legal tender, and 4000 coins isn't.
 French Speed Camera - CGNorwich
Most likely outcome is that the French authorities will obtain the driver's name and address from the hire car company. There is normally a clause in the hiire agreement to authorise the hire company so to do.

The French authorities will probably not issue a ticket because of the inability to enforce such a Fine on someone domiciled outside Frqnce. The hire company will however most likely make an administrative charge to cover the cost of supplying the driver's name and address to the authorities. Typically around £20. This will be charged to the hirers creedit card.

Last edited by: CGNorwich on Thu 18 Dec 14 at 22:46
 French Speed Camera - Zero

>> The French authorities will probably not issue a ticket because of the inability to enforce
>> such a Fine on someone domiciled outside Frqnce.

They do and will. As i said I get them regularly for the previous occupants of the house.
 French Speed Camera - CGNorwich

>> They do and will. As i said I get them regularly for the previous occupants
>> of the house.

You could well be well be right. I can only advise from my experience about 3 years ago. I received a charge from Herz but no ticket followed. They may well have changed their methods.
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 19 Dec 14 at 10:19
 French Speed Camera - Bromptonaut
May or may not be relevant here but there's a trade in UK debt collectors buying foreign penalties and attemping their enforcement. They'd have to go all way the county court to get me but not everyone will have time etc to do so. If they buy the debt by the hundreds it only needs few to keel for profit to be made.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 19 Dec 14 at 10:14
 French Speed Camera - Mike Hannon
The fine is normally 90 euros or 135 if you don't pay within a deadline.
If it was your car you could forget it but if it was a car rented from a French outlet they will pursue it through the hire firm.
 French Speed Camera - PhilW
See link in first answer to OP

"Speeding by less than 20 km/h (12 mph)

Fine (0) : 68 euros
License points loss : 1 point
License suspension : none

if however the speed limit is lower than 50 km/h (31 mph)
Fine (1) : 135 euros
License points loss : 1 point
License suspension : none"

"0) The fine is 68 euros, however if paid in less than 15 days it is 45 euros, and if paid in more than 45 days it is 180 euros. The maximum possible being 450 euros (if it goes into trial)."

I presume this is correct??
 French Speed Camera - Mike Hannon
Last time I was flashed I was doing - they said - 53kph in a 50kph limit. Fine 90 euros, with majoration to 135 euros if not paid within the deadline. Or 135 euros, reduced to 90, if you want it that way. One penalty point, which couldn't be enforced because I have a UK licence with a bona fide address.
Please don't start debating the licence issue - French expat forums are full of it but the regulations are clear.
Last edited by: Mike Hannon on Sat 20 Dec 14 at 12:15
 French Speed Camera - wokingham
It may be that the "Charge" made by Hertz was an administration fee for passing on your details to the police. I understand that does occur and then a fine appears, or in some cases, does not. The charge for this admin is currently €35.
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