Motoring Discussion > You could get a bus through there Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 6

 You could get a bus through there - VxFan
Or maybe not!

The roof of a double decker bus carrying language students from Thailand was sliced off while going under a railway bridge in Bournemouth.

 You could get a bus through there - WillDeBeest
Crikey, it's a long enough journey in an A380.
 You could get a bus through there - Slidingpillar
I've never understood that event, height restrictions are prominently signed and while I don't know whether one is legally compelled to do this, the only tall vehicle I've driven had a height sign giving the height at the top of the windscreen.

Has to be said though, a colleague of mine crashed the afore mentioned vehicle trying to get it in an underground car park - which we all knew it would not fit there.
 You could get a bus through there - spamcan61
Saw that in the local rag; I understand bridge bashes happen now and again, but why the heck did the driver not stop immediately when the graunching sound started? The whole darned bus has gone under the bridge and not stopped for 100 feet or so the the looks of it.
 You could get a bus through there - tyrednemotional run a fleet of (single-deck) coaches. I wouldn't be surprised if the driver normally drove one of those, had been issued with the double-decker for once, and was "switched off", having used the particular route in a single decker many times.
 You could get a bus through there - Pat
I think you're right Tyred.

Early on in my driving career I hit a barn roof overhang with the top corner of my tipper trailer in a farm yard.

I hadn't seen it so I didn't think it was me.

I heard the noise and thought....

Whatever's that?

It's getting worse.

It can't be me?

Can it?

It must be me.......and hit the brakes!

You can travel a long way in the time it takes that train of thought to go through your mind and I bet this driver's thoughts ran along the same lines.

No excuse, but from one who's never been perfect I can understand how it happened.

 You could get a bus through there - Westpig
I tried to park a Land Rover in my barn... having forgotten it had a great big metal rack thing on the roof.

Took out the gutter and split the roof.

If you are not used to driving a higher than normal vehicle you forget.

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