Motoring Discussion > Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 11

 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - bathtub tom
My daughter's moved house and hasn't got a key for the garage door. It would appear to be a Euro lock barrel, which needs a key to remove it, so it looks like I've got to replace the whole lock mechanism. Anyone got any experience please?

She's some distance away and I'm trying to save myself a journey to have a close look at it by ordering a new one and just changing it. I know the door can be opened from the inside, but is it just a case of unbolting the old lock mechanism and replacing it with a new one and barrel?
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - John Boy
Is this the one?
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - bathtub tom
Like I said:
"It hasn't got a key for the garage door. It would appear to be a Euro lock barrel, which needs a key to remove it, so it looks like I've got to replace the whole lock mechanism."
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - henry k
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - spamcan61
Being in the same situation a while back I replaced the lock from the inside face of the garage door (I'm assuming she can access the inside of the garage....)

There are a few different types, eBay as ever will return plenty of sellers for "Hormann garage door lock"

Video on Hormann lock replacement here:-

Sometimes I wonder how we fixed stuff before eBay and Youtube :-)

 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - Auristocrat
Hormann own Garador - so it may be worth looking at the Garador locks, etc.
Our Hormann garage door is identical (apart from the label) to our neighbour's Garador door.
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - No FM2R
Can she not message or email you a photograph?
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - bathtub tom
>> Can she not message or email you a photograph?

Yes, but let's get real, do you think her photo of a garage door would give much information?
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - No FM2R
>>do you think her photo of a garage door would give much information?

I have no idea, but I guess it would be more than none. Difficult to see what you would have to lose.

I think a photograph probably competes well with an internet discussion amongst people who have never seen the door.

No skin off my nose either way.
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - bathtub tom
Sorry, didn't wish to denigrate you, but I was referring to my daughter who bought a house without realising she didn't have a key to the garage.

I'm talking here about someone who's never replaced a worn tyre in twenty-odd years, due to one never reaching that state because of damage. I could regale you with numerous stories of her ineptitude, but I won't. I'd guess I'd get a picture of the wrong side of the garage door!
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - No FM2R
Ah, I see. Well, good luck then. Probably best to retain a copy of the key for the new lock. Just in case.
 Replacing Hormann 2000 series garage door lock - bathtub tom
A postscript to this thread.

I fitted a new lock assembly & barrel and all is well.

After a few days I found the old lock assembly in my boot and was about to bin it when I noticed some tiny torx screws, took them out and I was able to separate the lock halves and remove the barrel. It took some fiddling with arms and pivots to re-assemble, but I've now got a perfectly serviceable lock assembly for a Hormann garage door. All it needs is a new eurolock barrel, which is simply fitted.

Anybody want one?
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