Motoring Discussion > header not needed Legal Questions
Thread Author: Bellboy Replies: 4

 header not needed - Bellboy
 header not needed - Tooslow
Is this one of those bunch of thieves that passes out hire cars at extortionate rates after yours has been bumped, while ensuring that your repair takes as long as possible in order to up the the total hire cost?

In which case do we cheer because people have wised up or do we go "boo" because it's just a standard "let's go bust and avoid all our bills" tactic where they'll be open again next week under a new name?

Cynical? Moi?

 header not needed - mikeyb
I used another one of those accident management companies a few years back. Not con artists at all - daily cost of the car was pretty much in line with what any of the big hire companies would have charged had I just walked in. They were a also very keen that my car was fixed quickly and that I returned their car on the day repairs were completed to keep the bill down
 header not needed - swiss tony
I have in another life worked for a subsidiary of Drive-Assist, and have met Steven Binch on many occasions.
He always came over as a fair, and honest guy, and I dare say he is gutted at having to lay people off like that.
 header not needed - smokie
Personally I like to see headers so that I can readily spot the ones I'm interested in, and just as readily ignore those I'm not (even though I have to skim most as part of the job!).

So please, BB, start using them a bit.
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