I'm not sure if I should post here or technical, but if this should be in technical, let me know.
Background: see www.car4play.com/forum/post/index.htm?t=29041
I've now had the car 9 months, and it now has 93,000 miles on it, almost 10,000 of which are mine.
In general, it's been great. In cold weather, it takes a couple of attempts to start it.
It also has a tendency, especially if one is just driving along in 5th gear at about 50 mph for the engine to judder a bit, and the gear stick to shake. Putting my foot down on the accelerator makes the judder go away.
On 15th March, I set off to go into town - about a mile - and just as I got there, the engine warning light went on. No obvious problems. I had a few short runs that day, and each time the warning light was on. The following day, I did a 20 mile run in the evening, and then a 20 mile run home - again with the engine warning light on. No problems. On the morning of the 17th, the warning light didn't come on, and it was fine for the next few days.
On the 27th, the engine warning light came on again at the end of a 50 mile journey. Also there on the drive home. On the 28th, gone.
Took car in to the garage to get it checked out on 1st April. They plugged it in to look at the fault codes, and told me that they were glitches, and everything seemed fine.
On the 2nd April - yesterday - we set off on the long journey down from the Highlands to Keswick for a short break. Driving down the A9, there was a beep, the engine warning light went on, and the car lost power. We pulled in to a layby, stopped the car. Then started it again and it drove normally for several miles - then suddenly lost power again. The car had some power, but just didn't respond much when one pressed the accelerator. We pulled off again, stopped the engine, restarted, and drove to Bruar, where we called the RAC. They sent a breakdown lorry from Blair Atholl Garage, and they guys plugged it in to look at the fault codes and said it was to do with the fuel system. Possibly just a clogged fuel filter, possibly the fuel injection. They suggested that we drive to Blair Atholl Garage, and they would follow, and see what happened. Nothing happened, so we discussed it with them at the garage, and then decided we would keep going, and see if we could get to Perth, and if so to keep going.
In the event, we had driven about 25 miles when we got the bleep, the light went on, and the car lost power. At that point we were 15 miles from my mother's house, and she is always glad to see us, so we pulled off, stopped the car, and drove to her house.
Obviously, first thing Monday morning, we get it checked out. In the meantime, any thoughts?