Well I might as well have my cyclist rant for the day.
Travelling along a single track road quite slowly due to the amount of walkers. Confronted with cyclist coming towards me at quite a lick downhill.
As a motorcyclist I appreciate its me on 4 wheels that going to take to the verge as 2 wheels cant handle verges, pot holes or gravel at the edge of the road.
Issue was that it was not an appropriate place to actually commit to the verge.
Cyclist still barelling in with no reduction in speed. As I saw a suitable spot I'm moving off the road but this doesn't seem to be quick enough and he then commits to a lot of arm gesticulation and shouting. Pratt!!
I'm all for encouraging more consideration, which I always give, but there's a sense of arrogance and entitlement which is getting worse.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Sat 14 May 22 at 16:49