Motoring Discussion > Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: DP Replies: 17

 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - DP
Has anyone else noticed that people seem to be driving slower on motorways, or is it a peculiarity of the M3?

I did my usual 4a-1 run this morning in light traffic conditions, and stuck to my usual 65-70 mph as I always do on the commute. Through the whole stretch, I was overtaken by just four other cars, and I would say the fastest of these was barely doing 80 mph. It was raining lightly, but this doesn't normally stop people doing 90+.

A freakish one-off, or are fuel prices really starting to bite?

 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Cliff Pope
Fuel prices will never bite, whatever level they rise to. People are so addicted to cars that the higher the costs, the faster they will drive under the mad delusion that they must rush on with their lives, not a second must be lost.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Stuu
I drive pretty economically anyway, but when I wanted to reduce my fuel bills, I actually made a real effort to reduce how many miles I did and managed to shave off 5k a year. Thats where the real savings come from if you can do it.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - L'escargot
I'm not changing my driving behaviour because of petrol prices However, we've certainly had to cut back on using our oil fired central heating because the oil price has doubled in the last couple of months. By comparison, petrol price rises are insignificant.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Crankcase
Same problem here L'es. How have you done that - just run it at a lower temperature or for a shorter time and wear another jumper?

Worked out it cost me an amortized £120 a month in oil last year and it could do with being a whole lot less.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - L'escargot
We run it for a shorter time and wear more clothes. Our standing order is currently £108 per month but it's bound to go up significantly at the end of the accounting period.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Notdoctorchris
I've noticed that everyone is driving slower on all sorts of roads here in the North-East. I suspect that it's due to mid-winter somnolence, however, rather than fuel costs.
I've personally cut my fuel costs dramatically by making local journeys by bicycle and rationalising longer trips, ie by saving up trips then doing several tasks at once.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - tyro
L'escargot is, of course, right. The price of fuel oil has risen far more than petrol prices. It is also a lot easier to cut back on heating than it is to cut back on road fuel.

That said, I did make a self conscious decision to slow down and drive more economically during one of the fuel crises of a few years ago - and I have pretty much kept to it. I reckon it saves me about £200 to £250 a year. But it is easier for me to save money by cutting back on heating.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Old Navy
The price increase puts about a couple pounds on a 50L fill. Most people seem to take an age deciding how to spend that much on sweets and snacks while I am waiting to pay for my diesel.

Will it make a difference - No Way.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Pat
It will never make a difference to those who can afford it.

 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - diddy1234
I have also noticed people tend to be driving slower lately.

Maybe it is also the fact that most people have the after Christmas financial stress of paying back on the cards etc

Slightly off thread, I filled up yesterday and it cost me £57 for a full tank full.
When I got the car in 2009 it cost me around £45 for the same amount.

What a joke, still no worries of a fuel strike this year as we have all been gradually run down by government incompetence and iron fist ruling.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Iffy
The only time I noticed general slower driving was during the last fuel protest.

It was noticeably more relaxing driving to work, and my journey time was barely affected.

Something similar happens in snow, but we don't want to mention that word, do we?

 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Snakey
I have also noticed slower speeds on the motorways in the North East. And also a lot less tailgating from our BMW/Audi friends!

I assumed it was down to dark morning/tiredness/watching for potholes!
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Londoner
>> ....And also a lot less tailgating from our BMW/Audi friends!
*Groan* Play another record, mate!
Still trotting out that old cliche?

I usually get tailgated by young bloods in hot hatches - hardly ever Audis and BMs.
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - madf
Well as I drove home along a 30 mph limit in snow this am, passed two cars which had come together side by side.. one on verge and one on pavement. Judging by the grass verge, more than 30mph.

I still am passed (as a pedestrian) on zebra crossings by cretins doing 40plus - whilst I am on the crossing and nearly half way across).. - 30 limit.

So idiots are idiots whatever the price of fuel. Frontal lobotomies or car crushing (with them inside?) might help...

Last edited by: madf on Fri 7 Jan 11 at 13:20
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Boxsterboy
I've noticed people driving slower too. But the real savings can be made by slip-streaming large trucks (at a safe distance, natch)
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - Stuartli
I've not noticed any change in driving habits and, to be frank, I've not changed them either.

We are only here once....:-)
 Change in driving behaviour due to fuel prices? - legacylad
Not me, but taking the IAM Skills for Life course has helped me enormously. 35+ years of bad habits. I now enjoy my driving more than ever, although living in rural N yorks helps.
My 50 mile twice weekly commute is so much cheaper by rail...only £3.90 return with my DalesRail card. and I can have a few pints after work if I am working late and have to wait for the next train.
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