Motoring Discussion > A1 to M1 link Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 17

 A1 to M1 link - bathtub tom
The dual carriageway from the Black cat roundabout on the A1 to J13 M1 was completed after Christmas (sorry for the late heads up).

A useful link if not too many of you use it.
 A1 to M1 link - Dave_
I drove up the newly opened section in the snow two days after it opened, and have been on it a couple of times since. It's still a bit of a mish-mash at the M1 end, looks like the funding wasn't enough to design and implement a proper interchange there.

Nonetheless it's something I have waited for eagerly, having endured the 40mph-limited assault-course alongside the new road construction for three years.

EDIT: News story here
Last edited by: Dave_TD {P} on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 23:17
 A1 to M1 link - Bromptonaut
>> It's still a bit of a mish-mash at the M1 end, looks like the funding wasn't enough to >>design and implement a proper interchange there.

So they've learned nothing from the failure to properly integrate the A14 at Catthorpe???
 A1 to M1 link - Zero
Nor fixed the black cat roundabout.

There was a multiple accident there last week that shut the link for ages.
 A1 to M1 link - Perky Penguin
I sometimes need to drive from the Black Cat to the M25/Heathrow. Would the A 428 improvements make it a better bet than the Hatfield tunnel, in member's opinion?
 A1 to M1 link - Pat
Absolutely definitely YES, we're all using it now and will continue to do so even after the Hatfield tunnel saga is complete.

 A1 to M1 link - Perky Penguin
Thanks pda - as a man who lets the train take the strain I don't go down that way by car more than 4 times a year. Your input is appreciated. CP - thank you too - typo by me in the road number!
Last edited by: Perky Penguin (p) on Tue 18 Jan 11 at 12:28
 A1 to M1 link - FocalPoint
The drawback with going south on the M1 from the A421 (surely it's the A421, not the A428?) is the roadworks and the accompanying speed restrictions - and there miles of them.

However, the M1 lands you on the M25 much further west than the A1 does, so this route is a good idea for Heath Row.
 A1 to M1 link - Zero
yes the M1 roadworks make the A1 south the better option currently.

I always cut off the A1 to go on the A414 and join the M25 further west nr the M1 junction.
 A1 to M1 link - Pat
I've always gone that way Z, I can't see the point of going down to South Mimms and turning right.

In the rush hour though, the queue on the A1 starts at 6.45am at Baldock so it makes the Bedford and the M1 quicker.

 A1 to M1 link - Zero
I Dont go to south Mimms and turn right. I go A414 round Colney hatch and come out next to the M1 Junction

But your right about Baldock in the morning rush hour.
 A1 to M1 link - FocalPoint
I thought about posting something along these lines, as it's all local to me and I know these roads.

The problems with the A414 route (the old North Orbital) as a link between the A1 and the M25 are several. Firstly, it means you still have to negotiate the Hatfield Tunnel before turning onto the A414 at the University of Hertfordshire. Secondly, you have the very busy London Colney roundabout, an intersection of five major roads, where minor shunts are frequent, largely owing to poor lane discipline. Thirdly, you have another busy roundabout (again, an intersection of five busy roads) at what used to be the beginning of the M10 (now de-classified and part of the A414).

Potentially, therefore, you have three hold-ups, depending on the time of day. There are ways around these, but you need a lot of local knowledge.

I'm not saying this route is out of the question - just trying to put it into context. At off-peak times it can be very useful. Even going east-west at in the evening rush it's usually OK.
 A1 to M1 link - Perky Penguin
Thanks for that CP. I haven't tried Black Cat to M1 for 2 years, when it was under construction and it wasn't good! I agree with your views on the 414, and the roundabouts! I am going down tomorrow just after lunch; I'll have a look at the traffic sites and pick a route. If there is a hold up on my planned route my TT will offer me an alternative. I'll report back
 A1 to M1 link - -
Good road and a pigs ear of a junction at either end, as with the A14 once everyone knows about it the queues complete with queue jumping and prangs will be legion.

Brompton's quite right, you'd have thought the A14/M6/M1 mess would have proved beyond doubt that leaving major trunk routes with a local traffic type junction only leads to chaos.
 A1 to M1 link - Perky Penguin
Went down late morning today. When I got to the Black Cat satnav said the new Bedford bypass was 7 minutes longer than the A1 route. I tride the new bypass and, as it was not busy, found no problems with the roundabouts at either end. Miles of 50 limit on the M1 between MK and Luton and the usual slow but steady traffic on the M25. Over all no problems but I might think differently at a different time of day or day of the week. Also, despite having got an "Updated" map 6 weeks ago I spend most of the time around Bedford being told I was in a large field!
 A1 to M1 link - Zero

>> got an "Updated" map 6 weeks ago I spend most of the time around Bedford
>> being told I was in a large field!

6 weeks ago it wasnt open. Should have got a map update this week.
 A1 to M1 link - Perky Penguin
I only get 4 a year and I don't suppose it will be on the next one either!
 A1 to M1 link - Zero
or the one after.
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