Motoring Discussion > why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Injection Doc Replies: 40

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Injection Doc
This may be a dumb question, but not having driven HGV's for a few years now I have to ask why is it we see so many Foreign HGV's parked on the hard shoulder for their rest period or overnight stop. It would seem it has become second nature especially on the M25 for them to park up behind the barriers of the bridge pillars and kip down for the night and in fact on Saturday I saw 3 parked up together with the curtains around in the cab ? Am I missing something these days ?
I have also noticed the slip roads in and out of cacketts tend to be an extended parking area at night but they are still parked on a motorway hard shoulder !
is this one law for one and one for another ?
my mate got done just for stopping to take a leak !on the M25 , it was 5 mins, and as he said if he didnt stop he was so desperate and didnt have a bottle with him he would of been weaving all over the place. He couldnt sweet talk his way out of it and got 3 points and a fine
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - movilogo
Interesting. I saw lots of foreign trucks on hard shoulder and wondered why so many of them break down!

I didn't realize they are just having a rest stop!!

Off topic:

Does stopping on hard shoulder, say for a nap, attract point on license? Few years back a Motorway Cops type show on TV showed only fine and no point.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Zero
I have seen the old bill moving those truckers spread around the slips at Clackets. The problem, appears to be that there is so many of them doing it, and you can't nick them ( you cant give a Latvian driver points on his license).
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Perky Penguin
No mechanism, will, or incentive to try and give points and get a fine off a non-English speaking, no-cash-on-him driver from Croatia?
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - John H
Mechanism is there, but UK has decided it is not cost effective.

see this report from last week:

04 Mar 2011

This week 25 EU states agreed a pact to make it easier to track down and prosecute drivers breaking the law in another country for fines.

Britain and Ireland were the only countries not to sign – although Ireland is expected to join after its post-election disruption.

Under the Cross Border Enforcement Directive, foreign drivers would have been prosecuted for offences committed on British roads, the Daily Mirror reported.

The directive allows EU states to share information on millions of motorists though an electronic database.

But Mike Penning, the road safety minister, said: "This directive would have imposed significant costs on the UK without actually allowing us to effectively pursue foreign drivers for offences. It is therefore not in the UK's best interests to opt in at this stage."

Last edited by: John H on Mon 7 Mar 11 at 09:56
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Dave
I guess part of the problem is there just isn't enough room for them to park anywhere else. They have to stop and take the required breaks, but there just isn't the places at the services - they're full up especially at night. It's not like they can just pull off and find a quiet little turning somewhere to park up and spend the night.

The other problem is security. On the motorway (and the services) their load is secure, but elsewhere I believe there is a big problem with theft of loads.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - dermot
15 more HGV parked on M20 hard-shoulder this morning +a very nice BMW !!
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - FotheringtonTomas
>> This week 25 EU states agreed a pact to make it easier to track down
>> and prosecute drivers breaking the law in another country for fines.

We should not need the "EU" to be able to find foreign drivers. We should be able to do this here, ourselves.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Old Navy
>> We should not need the "EU" to be able to find foreign drivers. We should
>> be able to do this here, ourselves.

Can't be too difficult, this was an island last time I checked.

Still with the number of illegals in the country border control is obviously beyond our capabilities, good job we are not part of mainland Europe.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Injection Doc
well PP thats fine but if I park up on the hard shoulder for a snoozy then I will iether get moved on or be fined ! more than likley both !!!! cause I'm English
Now if as an English driver, you break the rules abroad fines ensue !
This is the bit the agravates me, why one rule for one and one for another ! there is no way this should be acceptable ! end of! so No mechansim, why not arrest them, stick them in a cell untill a fines been paid ! send a clear message.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - BobbyG
Agreed ID, so in this spirit of challenging every other law in the country, lets get a good lawyer onto this.

Is the offence breaking the law, or does the law only apply to GB drivers, in which case it is victimisation , etc etc!

I bet if I went and parked up on the hard shoulder on the Paris Peripherique they wouldn't be slow in moving me on!
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Bromptonaut
Not sure it needs a lawyer Bobby; the law is clear. What might crack it is some press reporting (and as its an EU/foreigners issue I'm sure Iffy's organ or the Express would oblige) or MPs taking an interest.

Failing that the hard shoulder is a very dangerous place and there will be a nasty accident sooner rather than later.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - CGNorwich
"Now if as an English driver, you break the rules abroad fines ensue !"

But they don't - get flashed by a French Speed camera and nothing will come of it if you live in the UK.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Perky Penguin
Well you get a bill from Germany, I have tried it! Mind you I was in a German registered hire car so perhaps it was bound to happen!
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Zero

>> mechansim, why not arrest them, stick them in a cell untill a fines been paid

Its not an arrestable offence.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - BiggerBadderDave
I got caught for being 18 kph over a few weeks ago on a dual carriageway. I played the dumb tourist card and got off light with an on-the-spot fine which was about £20. Can't complain.

Got breathalized though, because I was wearing a t-shirt in -7.

Bunch of pansies.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Perky Penguin
ID - I'm not saying it is right! I am saying that is the way the so-called system seems to so-called work. Go for the easily traceable punters and ignore the foreigners!
Last edited by: Perky Penguin on Mon 7 Mar 11 at 11:08
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Injection Doc
I like BobbyG's
"Is the offence breaking the law, or does the law only apply to GB drivers, in which case it is victimisation , etc etc!"
If Girls paying less than Boys on insurance can be won in the European courts for sexist then I'm sure we need someone to appeal this ruling on foreign motorists !
Why cant it made an imprisnoable offence ? If they commit an offence, cant pay on the spot then lock them up till its paid and while were at it lets make any offence a minimum of £1000.00 !!!!!!!!!!!! especially chucking rubbish out the window !
for this offence in the states its $1000.00.
I seen several loory driver chucking their entire Mc donalds rubbish and packaging out the n/s window on the M25 when they are in a left hooker

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Zero

>> Why cant it made an imprisnoable offence ? If they commit an offence, cant pay
>> on the spot then lock them up till its paid

On the spot fines would need to change the whole way traffic policing works in the UK.

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Old Navy
>> On the spot fines would need to change the whole way traffic policing works in
>> the UK.
Change is not always a bad thing.

I am sure the police would say they are too busy, can't count, can't be trusted with cash, and would need extra pay to impliment it.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 7 Mar 11 at 11:56
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Dwight Van Driver
Technically unless specialy authorised by Supt of Police parking on hardshoulder is an offence against Motorway Regs. Such authorisations often used to park up on M20(?) during ferry strikers etc

Legislation was brough in couple years ago to deal with Johnny Foreigner with on the spot fines:

The Road Safety (Financial Penalty Deposit) (Appropriate Amount) Order 2009

Part 3A of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 was inserted by section 11 of the Road Safety Act 2006. It provides that, when a constable or vehicle examiner believes a specified offence has been committed relating to a motor vehicle, the constable or vehicle examiner may impose a financial penalty deposit on a person without a satisfactory UK address who has been given notice of likely proceedings or a fixed penalty notice (in Scotland, a conditional offer) in respect of an offence.

The appropriate amount in this case being:

Wrongful use of special road £30, but £60 if committed otherwise than by unlawfully stopping or allowing the vehicle to remain at rest on a part of a special road on which vehicles are in certain circumstances permitted to remain at rest .

Pity the Johnny Foreigner one minute Ok the next £60 (No points for this offence)

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Pat
That may well be the case DVD, but in practice it doesn't happen with foreign lorries parking on the hard shoulder.

VOSA are now equipped to immobilise foreign lorries if they are not able to pay a deposit of up to £900 if found with any infringements, and are unable to pay the fine by the chip and pin machine they carry.

This has been a huge success and levelled the playing field for UK hauliers a lot, however the police do not carry these machines and seem to still fight shy of taking any action against an EU Haulage company.

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Fullchat
Following on from DVDs post.

The Graduated Fixed Penalty Scheme allows Authorised Police Officers also to take 'Deposits' from drivers with an address that is deemed unsuitable or cannot be corroborated.

Arrangements are in place to take deposits or immobilise the vehicle until the deposit is taken. Driver records are created for foreign drivers even though they do not have to hold a GB licence.

Strangely enough the deposits align with the Fixed Penalty fines.

Easy peasy.

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Pat
>>Arrangements are in place to take deposits or immobilise the vehicle until the deposit is taken<<

Is there any explanation why the Police seem reluctant to use this arrangement and leave it to VOSA to implement?

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Fullchat
Not that I am aware of.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - dermot
Today about 15 artics parked on the hard-shoulder slip road to the M20 junct.8 Leeds Castle London bound .This now happens regular .
Is this a new unofficial service area .No police giving tickets! I wonder who is going to pay to clear the mess and damage to the verge and surrounding area? Nearly all foreign reg.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 7 May 15 at 21:19
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Dave_
If there's been an accident causing long tailbacks, it's quite common to see HGVs of all nationalities waiting out their breaks on the hard shoulder. The repercussions of exceeding your driving hours can be far worse than the cost of a ticket for parking on the motorway, so stopping illegally is the lesser of two evils.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Pat
There is no need whatsoever to 'stop illegally'. It is perfectly acceptable to both the police and VOSA to carry on to the next available parking place and do a print out (or write on the back of an analogue tachograph chart).

The explanation should include the reason for the delay, the time and the road number so it is checkable.

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - jc2
Why not just wake them up every half hour?
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Boxsterboy
I've often wondered about this. The anti-clock M25 where it passes over the M3 is a popular spot for foreign trucks to stop-over on the hard shoulder.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - TheManWithNoName
I'd ather a driver stopped for a nap doing no real harm than have some dog tired Latviaslavomanian run into the back of my car.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Pat
That's fine until there's an accident ahead of them and the emergency services need to get to you along the hard shoulder....which should be kept clear for that purpose.

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - neiltoo
>> which should be kept clear for that purpose.
unless it's a new improved "smart motorway"

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Pat
Improved, my ar*e:)

 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Dave_
>> >> unless it's a new improved "smart motorway"

>> Improved, my ar*e:)

Au contraire, the lack of traffic using the hard shoulder when it's open means more road for me ;)
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - bathtub tom
>> >> >> unless it's a new improved "smart motorway"
>> >> Improved, my ar*e:)
>> Au contraire, the lack of traffic using the hard shoulder when it's open means more
>> road for me ;)

Don't go telling everyone, it'll spoil it for the rest of us that use it!
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Old Navy
>> Don't go telling everyone, it'll spoil it for the rest of us that use it!

A bit like inactive bus lanes, you only have to read the signs.
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - WillDeBeest
...and know what day it is - can be risky when life is one endless weekend.
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Tue 12 May 15 at 08:41
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Zero
>> can be risky when life is one endless
>> weekend.
>> };---)

Actually? its not a real risk. The weekend is that really busy time, when everywhere is crowded - wont catch me going out in that.

I made the mistake of going out in a bank holiday - sheer murder.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 12 May 15 at 08:54
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - bathtub tom
>> I made the mistake of going out in a bank holiday - sheer murder.

I've found travelling on a bank holiday weekend, Friday afternoon can be very relaxing. We count the broken down cars on the hard shoulder - I'm tempting providence here.

Whatever you do, don't return on the Monday!
 why can foreign HGV's park on the motorway - Zero
>> I've often wondered about this. The anti-clock M25 where it passes over the M3 is
>> a popular spot for foreign trucks to stop-over on the hard shoulder.

Thats the permanent 24 hour traffic jam,
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