Motoring Discussion > What price customer loyalty? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 5

 What price customer loyalty? - Iffy
Seems my hopes MoreThan would not try to rip me off for the car insurance renewal were mis-placed.

The GoCompare online new customer quote was £474, but the renewal in the post was £603.

A call to the call centre brought a reduction to £525.

Mohammed was, I think genuinely, apologetic, but would budge no further.

So that's me off to esure for £420.

There were three or four cheaper than that, but they were charging more interest on the instalment plan, so that's another thing to look out for if you pay monthly.

 What price customer loyalty? - Zero
I find that if you assume your insurance company is going to shaft you royally on renewal, you are not upset when they do, and overjoyed when they dont.
 What price customer loyalty? - Londoner
>> There were three or four cheaper than that, but they were charging more interest on
>> the instalment plan, so that's another thing to look out for if you pay monthly.
I'm lucky enough to be able to pay for things up front (that, and an old-fashioned working class upbringing). However, I recognise that some people don't have the readies and car insurance is getting to be a big bill these days.

I noticed the rates that some of these sharks charge for monthly payments - often more than 20%. Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay it by credit card then pay off the debt as soon as you can? Or am I missing something? (I don't know much about credit cards - the card that I occasionally use is a debit card)
 What price customer loyalty? - mikeyb
Londoner - you are right in as much as if you can afford to pay it off quicker than the 12 months then as long as your credit card rate is fair you may well be better off.

In the case of people like Rattle who face 4 figure insurance premiums then its a big chunk of cash to find in one hit. In that case it may be worth getting a new credit card with a decent interest free period
 What price customer loyalty? - Londoner
>> In the case of people like Rattle who face 4 figure insurance premiums then its
>> a big chunk of cash to find in one hit. In that case it may
>> be worth getting a new credit card with a decent interest free period
Good idea! I remember now . . . I often get email invites to switch cards and pay 0% interest for "n" months.
 What price customer loyalty? - Iffy
...Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay it by credit card then pay off the debt as soon as you can? Or am I missing something?...

I could have paid the premium up front, but the interest on this plan is next-to-nothing.

I've paid £85 deposit, so I'm only borrowing about £335.

It may be irrational, but in the back of my mind I think they've not insured my car for September, October, etc, yet, so why should I pay them in advance?

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