Motoring Discussion > Classic car of the year shortlist Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 14

 Classic car of the year shortlist - Dog
Some nice cars here, I wouldn't mind giving a home to almost any one of them.
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Fenlander
If I could be given any of them but was responsible for maintenance I'd stay sensible and go for the BMW 2002. Be a bit tempted by the Alvis 12/50 Tourer though.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 7 Oct 11 at 10:06
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Mike Hannon
Looks like a pretty random selection to me. Personally I would never, ever, go for any car with chromed wire wheels - the first mark of a tasteless owner.
I guess it would have to be the Armstrong Siddeley Star Sapphire - for too long it has been ignored by the classic fraternity yet some say its engineering is better than RR.
I knew a guy years ago who collected them. He was an artist called Dick Willis IIRC, who lived in a lovely old house in West Somerset called Greenham Barton and he drove one while other derelict ones were dotted around his grounds. I was on a commission if I spotted one that he could add to his collection. He did metal sculptures and I offended him once by (deliberately) confusing one of his masterworks with a rusting Hillman Minx that was also lying around.
Before everyone falls asleep - I knew another guy who had a Star Sapphire. The first name in the logbook was Sir Frank Whittle...
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Meldrew
I'd go for the Triumph Roadster; lovely looking car.
 Classic car of the year shortlist - apm
Some lovely cars. I'd have to go for the Interceptor, although I'd be so tempted by the RS1800.
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Zero
in reverse order it would be

3 The MG. If it was the ZB it would be no 1
2 The capri Always loved the mk1
1 The BMW 2002 pity its not the Ti
 Classic car of the year shortlist - R.P.
Plenty of RWD fun there Zeddo - find it hard to disagree - The first BMW I clapped eyes on was a 2002 - amongst all the grey crap it was like something from another planet..
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Meldrew
A colleague of mine had one of the early 2002 tii s with the Kugelfischer mechanical fuel injection - went well! ISTR that a lot of 2002s were given very chavvish paint jobs - Lemon Yellow and that lurid dayglo green that used to be used for nylon socks!
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Armel Coussine
Star Sapphire was a very superior motor. Classy, solid and exceptionally quick. I never liked the looks that much, but I must say they have aged very well.

Bristol 401 was one of the best-looking cars of all time and a classy rapid car in its day.

That TR2 looks a bit sporting too.

Of course the real pick of the bunch is the Lancia, which is also the oldest by quite a margin. You'd need a lot of money if you wanted to actually use it though.

EDIT: TR3 then. Thank you Perro.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Fri 7 Oct 11 at 17:30
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Dog
If I had to pick just one, for practical reasons I think I'd go for the TR3, although the Bristol comes very close,

I tuned plenty of 2002's over the years, carbed and Kugelfischered, never did anything for me really and I prefered my 73 Sebring red Dolomite Sprint with full length Webasto roof :)
 Classic car of the year shortlist - PhilW
Ah, memories! Neighbour a few doors down the road had a Magnette in the mid sixties - light and dark green two-tone. As a youth who'd just passed his test I lusted after it and when chatting to him said I would l would love it if he ever sold it. He said he would give me first refusal. A few years later, on return home from college for a holiday, he had a different car (Morris Oxford??) and had sold the Magnette - I never quite forgave him!
In my first year at work, (annual salary £888!) I had a colleague who "collected" Austin Healeys and restored them/did them up. One day he said he had a 3000 which had just bought but didn't have room for it and it needed a repair to the fabric roof, would I like it for £200?
I couldn't find the money - have regretted it ever since! £200!!! Sounds daft now but seemed a heck of a lot of money to me then as I was struggling to pay off a £250 overdraft (too much beer as a student!!)
My Mum always wanted a BMW 2002. Why?? because her initials were BMW!!
I'll take the Austin Healey!........or the Magnette!
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Ted

Just to be different, then, I'll have the Lancia.

When I joined the Manchester City Police in 1963, the official car of the Chief Constable, John McKay, was a Star Sapphire in black. He had a police driver whose only job was to chauffeur him about in it.

I saw it years later in a back street looking very neglected and down at heel....sad.

 Classic car of the year shortlist - Cliff Pope
>> I'd go for the Triumph Roadster; lovely looking car.

I had one once. It was my second ever car, aged 17, cost £45. I ran it for 10 years and then sold it for £750. Now worth about £20,000 I think, or was at its peak.
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Avant
It would be nostalgia for me: my first car was an Austin A50 - much-loved and never let me down despite being 14 years old and costing £65 - so I'd go for the A105.
 Classic car of the year shortlist - Fullchat
The Capri looks very tidy, particularly underneath.
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