Non-motoring > I'm so ashamed Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 80

 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase

ONE out of ten. I'm going back to primary school and starting again.

 I'm so ashamed - madf
3 out of 10..

I'm not telling SWMBO!
 I'm so ashamed - Pat
Well, I got five and I hate history.

 I'm so ashamed - sooty123
>> Well, I got five and I hate history.

Now, what did it ever do to you?
 I'm so ashamed - sooty123
I got 4/10, I think you'd need to be a chaser to get 10/10!
 I'm so ashamed - Pat
It kept me in a classroom with beautiful views of the world outside where I had to sit with my itchy feet just waiting to get outside in the great outdoors where the world was real, and actually happening now.

If it happened before 1946 then I don't really want to know about it. I can't do anything about it.......and it's boring.

BUT, give me an Atlas and I can travel all over the world in my mind!

 I'm so ashamed - sooty123
> can't do anything about it.......

You can't do anything about anything that happened in the past, even if it was after 1946 ;-)

Pity you find it boring, you can learn quite alot from the past, but we aren't all the same.
 I'm so ashamed - Pat
I can't explain why I find it boring.....I love museums but they, to me, are real.

Perhaps it was the teacher who didn't put it over in a way that sparked my interest.

More likely it was overall resentment have having to be enclosed when I could have been outdoors doing biology and learning about nature and how it evolves.

Feeling things, touching things, doing's good we're not all the same!

Having said that we're off to Ieper again this year to explore the museums in greater detail and 'do' the Menin Gate again!

......they do good food there though so that may well have something to do with it.

 I'm so ashamed - Mapmaker
By rights you should have managed three by just guessing. Cranmer and Howard Carter were free giveaways.

I therefore managed five.
 I'm so ashamed - Haywain
Four for me - two I knew + two lucky guesses
 I'm so ashamed - WillDeBeest
Another five, although only three I actually knew (MM's two, plus the last Roman emperor.) Got my others by eliminating the 'sound your horn and rev your engine' answer and guessing one of the other two.

But then it concluded by telling me I ought to subscribe to its magazine (just what I need: another periodical I don't have time to read!) so the questions were never going to be easy, were they?
 I'm so ashamed - neiltoo
six for me.
 I'm so ashamed - Zero
I got five - a good five I knew or confidently worked out.

Tried to guess the others and failed on all of them
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
I came across the quiz via their Twitter feed - a good way of reading interesting articles in various magazines as you fancy without having to take out a whole subscription. Had a very enjoyable time acquainting myself with the to me unknown Langston Hughes in the New Yorker via that method recently, for example. That way I don't have to proactively "tweet" much but get the advantages of interesting stuff thrown at me.

As to the quiz - got the Howard Carter. My brain has never in my life been able to hold a fact straight or retain a memory, much to my downfall. Not even for a few minutes, never mind long term. It's the way I'm wired I suppose, to my chagrin.

As for guessing, I've always had the amazing ability to perform significantly under chance in those kind of situations. It's the kind of opposite of being psychic I think.

 I'm so ashamed - Cliff Pope
Wrong on Mazzini - I guessed Cavour.
 I'm so ashamed - Armel Coussine
>> As for guessing, I've always had the amazing ability to perform significantly under chance in those kind of situations. It's the kind of opposite of being psychic I think.

I'm an ignorant moron too Crankers. I got two, both more or less guesses. I have some feeling for historical periods but the names don't take systematic root in what's left of my brain (which starts to deteriorate when one is about 18). Herself would have done much better, and so would her sister who read history at university. Unfortunately I was allowed to drop history as a subject after O level. Regretted it ever since.
 I'm so ashamed - VxFan
6 out of 10.

But I didn't know the answer to any of them. It was purely lucky guesses.
 I'm so ashamed - Kevin
> Unfortunately I was allowed to drop history as a subject after O level.

I dropped history after O levels.

Couldn't see any future in it.
 I'm so ashamed - Zero
>> > Unfortunately I was allowed to drop history as a subject after O level.
>> I dropped history after O levels.
>> Couldn't see any future in it.

I gave up Geography, couldn't see where it was heading.
 I'm so ashamed - Robin O'Reliant
>> I gave up Geography, couldn't see where it was heading.
I gave up maths, I was told it was an essential subject but I couldn't count on it.
Last edited by: Robin O'Reliant on Wed 18 Feb 15 at 20:43
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
I gave up P.E.

Pointless exercise.
 I'm so ashamed - CGNorwich
"But then it concluded by telling me I ought to subscribe to its magazine "

Subscribe to their podcast instead. It's free and has some interesting articles.
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
Isn't that a different magazine?
 I'm so ashamed - Robin O'Reliant
Five, some guesses, some educated guesses.
 I'm so ashamed - Roger.
5 here.
 I'm so ashamed - Bromptonaut
Three of which one was a guess and one an informed guess.
 I'm so ashamed - No FM2R
4. And two of those were guesses. Which is a shame since I've always liked history.

As for travelling around the world, I have two good friends both of whom did their first international travel in their 60s. They are not connected but both repeatedly say how much they love travelling and how much they wish they'd started years ago.
 I'm so ashamed - Mike H
5 out of 10, but most were guesses (educated or otherwise). History isn't of great interest to me I'm afraid.
 I'm so ashamed - Fullchat
7/10 :) Pure guess work though.
 I'm so ashamed - Alastairw
5 for me too. Should have been 6 if I'd looked at the map more carefully.
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
Oh well, I'm always the class dunce. Just call me Scotus.
 I'm so ashamed - Ted
Six here. But then you'd expect Mancunians to be brainy.
 I'm so ashamed - Runfer D'Hills
Think you might need a new battery for the hearing aid Ted, they actually say they you'd expect Manchester to be rainy.

 I'm so ashamed - Duncan
>> Six here. But then you'd expect Mancunians to be brainy.

Only if you're from Salford.
 I'm so ashamed - Clk Sec
Four here, and I got another couple nearly right.
 I'm so ashamed - Focusless
Well I'm not ashamed, because I got the same as the honourable Crankcase :)

Only knew the pyramids one and didn't trying cheating guessing.
 I'm so ashamed - Manatee
I only got Cranmer and Carter, guessed the rest and got them all wrong.
 I'm so ashamed - MD
>> Six here. But then you'd expect Mancunians to be brainy.
'ere, you can cut that out. Yer a Devon Boy!!

6 by the way. 4 I knew and 2 I took an edumacated flyer at.
 I'm so ashamed - Skip
8/10 of which 7 were guesses !!!!
 I'm so ashamed - BiggerBadderDave
Born in Ancoats. Got two.
 I'm so ashamed - swiss tony
Hmmm... history never was my best subject.

Oh well, maybe I'll do better next time.

You Scored: 9 / 10
An excellent score. Congratulations.
 I'm so ashamed - legacylad
Two were complete guesses, although the other two I definitely knew.
So I got 30% correct
Bring on the maths test....
 I'm so ashamed - Ted

Devon born...Honorary Manc these last 68.5 yrs, Martin. It hasn't rained for days here, Runfy..probably the same with you...not far away.

In fact, working outside in shirt sleeve order today. Guess what I was doing........

Getting the tailgate open on the Note from inside the car by undoing the bolts on the catch. Like a ruddy contortionist !

This was to ready the thing for it's next tailgate catch ! Yes, you heard it here first............

The sixth one that this 2006 car has needed ! Off to the dealers tomorrow to order one, another £100 or so....bottoms !
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
>> Bring on the maths test....

Ask, and...

I'm not posting my score.

(Edit - because that's a rubbish quiz, so don't waste your time.)
Last edited by: Crankcase on Thu 19 Feb 15 at 08:01
 I'm so ashamed - madf

8 out of 10
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 19 Feb 15 at 10:18
 I'm so ashamed - Clk Sec

>> 8 out of 10

Much to my surprise, I also got 8 out of ten. And only 2 were guesses.

Last edited by: Clk Sec on Thu 19 Feb 15 at 11:04
 I'm so ashamed - bathtub tom
I don't see how they get the answer to number six:

Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 30.
Another 1000.
Now add 20.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 10.

Right answer: 4100
 I'm so ashamed - Focusless
>> I don't see how they get the answer to number six:

Are you working in hex bt? :)
 I'm so ashamed - smokie
Yeah that's the one i got wrong. That, and the last one. This always came to 5000 for me, even when they told me the answer was 4100. I had to go through it a few times before I got there. I think there must be a mental trick in it.
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
That one seemed to be just a case of adding the 1000 four times, then the other numbers, job done.

Perhaps it's the way you look at it. In a shop the other day the sales assistant had to add up three prices for me, each ending in .95

He reached for his calculator as the till wasn't playing ball and looked at me strangely when I said " it's 20 pounds, 20 pounds, 10 pounds and just take away the 15p, surely?". I'm sure he was making it difficult for himself.
 I'm so ashamed - Armel Coussine
>> looked at me strangely when I said " it's 20 pounds, 20 pounds, 10 pounds and just take away the 15p, surely?". I'm sure he was making it difficult for himself.

We learned all those arithmetical rule-of-thumb shortcuts because we were raised before the generalization of cheap sophisticated calculators.

The young have had calculators since primary school and resort to them for everything, even simple stuff. As a result they don't have proper awareness of orders of magnitude etc. So that when, e.g., the decimal point is in the wrong place in the 'answer' - it can easily happen as we all know - they may not notice it, while we probably will.
 I'm so ashamed - MD
6/10. Weren't the last 2 q.'s the same?
 I'm so ashamed - Cliff Pope
>> 6/10. Weren't the last 2 q.'s the same?

At that point I began to wonder whether I had missed some subtlety, and perhaps it wasn't a maths test at all, but an experiment in subliminal perception, like that video of a performer that has a bear walking across the stage, which no one notices.
 I'm so ashamed - MD
Been Drinking again Clifford? :-0)
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
To save Cliff the wear on his thumbs, he means this, Martin.

 I'm so ashamed - MD
I have to say that I too, missed Bruin. Funny.
 I'm so ashamed - Ambo
4/10 and I won the 6th. Form History prize.
 I'm so ashamed - helicopter
Five for history , eight for maths.....
 I'm so ashamed - Zero
I got five out of ten for history and 1 out of ten for maths, giving me a total of 7 out of 30.
 I'm so ashamed - bathtub tom
OK. So having, publicly, failed the maths test so spectacularly, I also bombed the grammar:
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
I had an encounter with the grammar quiz and we had a bit of a set to over the Oxford comma question.
 I'm so ashamed - Clk Sec
>> I had an encounter with the grammar quiz

Came adrift on Q7. Well, it is a bit early in the day.
 I'm so ashamed - rtj70
I only got 4 out of 10 for the history one. I got 9 out of 10 for maths. Hands up how many people really knew the history answers apart from the easy ones (2?).
 I'm so ashamed - Mapmaker
Question 10????!!
Last edited by: Mapmaker on Fri 20 Feb 15 at 19:05
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
I'm delighted to say that this month I have improved. Three out of ten. At this rate I'll be a genius by the year 3000.

 I'm so ashamed - No FM2R
3/10 and one of those was a complete guess.
 I'm so ashamed - Zero
5/10 - would have been 6 - I knew the Indian tribes from memory but got waylaid by the other choices and was one tribe out.

Anyone who watched "The Borgias" knew the pope one surely!
 I'm so ashamed - Dog
3/10 4 me 2, and I'm normally good at hystry.
 I'm so ashamed - NortonES2
4. Going downhill after previous history "high" of 6.
Last edited by: NortonES2 on Wed 18 Mar 15 at 15:05
 I'm so ashamed - NortonES2
8 for maths. Better.
 I'm so ashamed - Crankcase
Slipping ever further into the cloying pit of ignorance, this months' score for me was an exciting 3.

 I'm so ashamed - Duncan
A not good enough 4.

Many of my answers were simply guesswork.
 I'm so ashamed - No FM2R

At least I actually knew it, it was about Chile.
 I'm so ashamed - sooty123
3 for me, I knew the one about von clauswitz. The others were guesses. Some pretty obsecure questions.
 I'm so ashamed - Clk Sec
I scored 3. What a duffer!
 I'm so ashamed - Zero
A rather self satisfying smug seven. All of the correct answers known or worked out. Including the one about Chile!
 I'm so ashamed - Clk Sec
I've always thought that you're a clever, knowledgeable chap. Now you've confirmed it.
 I'm so ashamed - neiltoo
6 but I cheated on Chile!

 I'm so ashamed - Dog
4 and I too cheated on chilli.
 I'm so ashamed - Ted

History Today ? These guys may help.....
 I'm so ashamed - Pat
8 much to my surprise and good guesswork.

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