Non-motoring > Legal Name Fraud Posters Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 3

 Legal Name Fraud Posters - zippy
Have you seen these posters?

On my travels I have seen dozens of them over the last couple of months.

I first thought that they were a Govt. poster to remind people to use the correct name when claiming benefits etc. but apparently they have nothing to do with the Govt.

The BBC article points to a totally nonsense website.

My theory, especially with regards the timing of their appearance and the potential hundreds of thousands of pounds cost of putting them up is that they are there to stop the billboards being used to advertise other things - I wonder what that could be!

Tin foil hat time!

 Legal Name Fraud Posters - sooty123
I saw that article, i can't say i followed the legal argument in the slightest. Sounds like some sort of nut job outfit. I can't I've seen the posters anywhere.
 Legal Name Fraud Posters - Armel Coussine

>> Tin foil hat time!

>> ;-)

Heh heh... and don't forget the Tai Ch'i lessons.
 Legal Name Fraud Posters - zippy
I bet the posters start disappearing after the 23rd!
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