Non-motoring > The dancing Diesel engine Miscellaneous
Thread Author: diddy1234 Replies: 16

 The dancing Diesel engine - diddy1234
Lets dance !

Looks very dangerous.
Imagine if it toppled over.
 The dancing Diesel engine - Bigtee
That will be me soon as i attempt to start my Lister D after it's re build on the floor.!
 The dancing Diesel engine - Bellboy
mint video
loved it
want one
 The dancing Diesel engine - Duncan
On the other hand.....

A proper engine (sorry about the music at the beginning)
 The dancing Diesel engine - Cliff Pope

Note the meticulous H & S Risk Assessment.

 The dancing Diesel engine - DP
I drive past the steam engine at Kempton every day, and note that they still run open days every so often.

I must go at some point. It looks fantastic.
 The dancing Diesel engine - devonite
Those clowns are just asking to get deaded!! - look at the flywheel sawing into the gas cannister!
 The dancing Diesel engine - Bellboy
>> Those clowns are just asking to get deaded!! - look at the flywheel sawing into
>> the gas cannister!
>>>>>>> that ones compressed air to get it going
 The dancing Diesel engine - Cliff Pope
I noticed that. I decided it wasn't actually touching the pipe, it was just the camera angle. So nothing to worry about there.
I loved the clouds of environmentally-damaging smoke, and the bloke nearly falling over the odd gas cylinder that just happened to be lying around.

I did once do something similar, but with a much smaller Stuart-Turner boat engine. I had it well supported, I thought, on blocks, but it still fell over, but fortunately stalled because the petrol ran out of the carburettor.
 The dancing Diesel engine - Bellboy
i once built a central heating system for my workshop out of a fiesta engine and gearbox attached to lots of car radiators ,the engine and box were put in a cage of dexion i built complete with starter circuit etc
i ran it up and unfortunately because there were no driveshafts in the gearbox the diff dropped exploded and sent oil and shrapnell on the floor
i gave up after that and found a car to put the donkey in
 The dancing Diesel engine - Mapmaker
>> >> the gas cannister!
>> >>
>> >>>>>>> that ones compressed air to get it going

That's propane, it's a hot bulb engine.
 The dancing Diesel engine - Bellboy
propane is near the cat
 The dancing Diesel engine - Cliff Pope
The big cylinder lying on the ground with the yellow pipe going into the engine is compressed air for starting. You can see the man bracing his foot on it, then pulling the big lever on the tap at the engine end of the hose. He gives it a quick pull, the engine turns, then he closes the tap again.

If it were propane the cylinder wouldn't be on its side, because that would give an erratic supply of gas or liquid depending on how full it was. I think the gas supply is at the back, upright.
 The dancing Diesel engine - IJWS14
>> The big cylinder lying on the ground with the yellow pipe going into the engine
>> is compressed air for starting. You can see the man bracing his foot on it,
>> then pulling the big lever on the tap at the engine end of the hose.
>> He gives it a quick pull, the engine turns, then he closes the tap again.
>> If it were propane the cylinder wouldn't be on its side, because that would give
>> an erratic supply of gas or liquid depending on how full it was. I think
>> the gas supply is at the back, upright.

It is red so it should be propane - if they put compressed air in a propane cyllinder they really are idiots.

 The dancing Diesel engine - Cliff Pope
He operates two different valves at the back of the engine, and there are two pipes - the thick yellow one and a smaller one fed from the back.
When he starts it he twiddles the little valve underneath the projecting manifold, then gives a shot from the big lever valve. As soon as it fires he moves the big valve back again, and the engine keeps running.
At the end, he shuts it down by turning the small valve, not the big one.

It seems pretty clear to me that the big valve (red tank lying on ground) must be compressed air, for starting, and the small valve controls the gas in, presumably fed from one of the upright cylinders in the background.

 The dancing Diesel engine - Bellboy
It is red so it should be propane - if they put compressed air in a propane cyllinder they really are idiots.
>>>>>>they make god fire burners if you gas axe the top off
no one round here has died doing that for years now
and they do indeed make good compressed air cylinders because of the thickness of the cylinder walls and the approved welds
he who dares.........
 The dancing Diesel engine - Mapmaker
I agree that the one on its side is compressed air, and the one at the back is the propane. Sorry, didn't read the thread carefully enough - along with not watching the video carefully enough.
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